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  • Says the guy who’s running jolt, and pain res+DMS lol. But no, survivors aren’t allowed to have fun and bring their own fun into the game!! lmfao
  • Lack of attention? How is the casual player supposed to know? Lol it’s very easy to not know/miss it. Especially if you’re not looking at the bloodpoints you get at the end of the game. Plus the event automatically gives you more bloodpoints so with a bloody party streamer you could do a match and get like 31k and then the…
  • “Which is what you don’t seem to grasp” yet you don’t even know the definition of “on demand” lmfao. Just because lockers never get destroyed doesn’t mean head on is always on demand. “On demand” means whenever required, and head on is simply just not able to activate whenever required. 1st off, you have to wait 3 seconds…
  • I love how he’s trying to say that you’re “bad” and the perk itself isn’t that good at all lmfao (“you’d problem benefit more with learning how to use them before demanding more”) like we can’t just test it out for 1 game and see that it’s not a good exhaustion perk at all?? There is no situation where you can’t tell me…
  • It’s not really “on demand” when it takes 3 seconds to activate. Basically not able to use it at all in a chase unless you have quick and quiet but that’s still pretty rare. It’s more of a troll perk than anything. And the distance you make is weak So you pre drop 1 pallet and don’t pre drop the next pallet you run to? I’d…
  • But you’re using up the pallet either way.. head on requires you to be in the locker for 3 seconds to activate it, let alone be near a locker. Smash hit doesn’t require anything you wouldn’t normally be doing
  • Facts forget about head on but honestly I never understood why it was an exhaustion in the 1st place. Should have a cool down of like 40 seconds or something. Or at least grant the survivor 1 - 2 seconds of a speed burst for the 1 second loss of the 3 seconds that the killer is stunned because you’re mid animation and then…
  • I could be wrong but I don’t think the devs ever said “they’re nerfing it because it was used as a 3rd health state”. They DID in fact say that they’re nerfing it so people couldn’t “dead hard for distance” anymore though, which is what they did. with that said, I don’t get why people think DH is extremely different than…
  • Nobody said it’s supposed to be an anti tunneling perk. But the perk is supposed to double the duration of the the speed burst you get, and you do get the speed burst when you get hit with endurance. That’s why it does make sense for it to be changed
  • Exactly lol if they limited themselves to not partnering with creators because “they already have a character that’s similar” they would be losing out on tons of licenses. After all, most popular/well known horror films are just some random guy with a mask scaring a group of people and going around trying to strangle them…
  • Actually no where did I specify that it was just a chapter, and honestly at first I had the name of the thread something like “new upcoming chapter or at least a skin??!!” But I changed the name. This thread was more of showing people and the devs that he’s trying to contact them. Also if he was added as a killer, just…
  • theres definitely better things to add out there first but the problem is these companies/creators don’t get involved with bhvr right away. Sometimes it can take months or years to obtain a license, or even not be obtainable at all. whereas this creator is literally asking to get involved with bhvr. If they can get other…
  • haha that would be pretty funny if it was that lol
  • he already was against the idea of it so not much changes. But anyway, I was being nice I was just being a little sarcastic. If people can’t handle a little sarcasm then idk what to tell them. These people should realize that there can be multiple types of the same kind of things in a game yet they can operate differently.…
  • I honestly don’t care about you disagreeing with me it’s the fact you acted like a child while doing it and then lied about what I’ve done and blamed me for your doings when all I was doing is helping somebody spread his message who clearly has a passion for his work and for his work to be incorporated into dbd (he might…
  • ikr who would even want 2 of the same type of killers in the game?? I don’t understand those people who ask for that guy who is dressed up in black with a mask on and goes around popping up out of thin air and stabbing people with his knife! I never liked that Scream guy anyway! We already have that guy who is dressed up…
  • I enjoyed the movies also, while they might not be the most fitting or popular enough for dbd, the devs can certainly come up with a fullfilling way to integrate him through dbds “lore and entity” like they did with other killers. In my opinion, I couldn’t care less about what killer is in the game, I just want more people…
  • He never said immersed stated it as a fact. He said “your opinion doesn’t make it fact” He said “to each their own” immersed doesn’t like it but sickdeathfiend does. Does that mean it shouldn’t be added? Don’t like it, don’t buy the DLC lmfao. Simple maths
  • I’ve been spamming?? Where?? Lmfaoo I made 1 post about it and I commented on 1 other persons post who claims the game is “dying” with the picture to show that the game is actually growing and more and more big companies are wanting to be included in the game. Plus that comment also had a long paragraph and didn’t even…
  • Exactly lmfao and I would even say some that some other licensed killers aren’t really too much “horror” genre either, just popular series
  • Try working hard on something and then being ignored because you’re not “profitable enough” or ignored because you’re “a nobody”. I’d be pissed too. Who cares if you’re not interested in it lmfao the more licenses/characters in this game, the more people it attracts, and the longer this game that you play is supported with…
  • Have you not played dbd for like the past 6 months? Plus sinking hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours is just not worth it
  • Can’t just “make the switch” when you have 3k hours on console, every dlc, everybody leveled, tons of skins purchased, etc. at that point you’re stuck on console
  • The incentive is there to “balance it out” dude. There could be 1 million killers playing and they still have incentives because there isn’t 4 million survivors playing (a 1:4 ratio) but that doesn’t mean 1 million killers isn’t a lot of killers. So that’s why you get paired up fast as survivor. Since when do you get…
  • Definitely would be awesome. Take my money!
  • dude that IS the downside lmfaoo. Dead hard is easily out baited with its short activation and it’s definitely not “mindless”. All I see is you crying on here. Maybe just take a step back and go practice for a couple weeks. You seem quite new to the game and don’t really fully grasp the mechanics/reasons behind things.…
  • id love to see a “video” of this. You absolutely can’t do a gen in 55 seconds with just hyperfocus and stakeout
  • They say in the notes they’re coming at 2pm est time
  • I never understand people like you. It’s behaviors fault for it being in the game and shouldn’t be bannable
  • Pre nerf it didn’t really make that much of a difference how many people brought it. If 1 person brought it they could stop the timer up to like 5 times per hook stage. So it was a very good and reliable perk if just 1 person brought it. Now with the new nerf, only 1 person can pause the hook timer 1 single time (even if…
  • heres why: your first answer about all 4 being alive. If all 4 are alive and there’s 8 hooks then they’re all on death hook so this reference you’re making is pointless to this conversation on this thread. Any one of those survivors you down will be dead. If they’re all by each other make sure to down one and hit one or 2…
  • weird take, usually when people compare things they use the more common scenarios rather than the uncommon so I’m not sure why you did it oppositely
  • Because it’s pointless talking to somebody with an ego like yours. “Often I get comp players” no. You do not get the best of the best in like 70%+ of your games. Sorry to tell you that. “The survivors your versing are straight up tutorial AI if you’re getting a kill in endgame” yes because insulting me because I’m able to…
  • I think you’re giving about 80%+ of the community too much credit lmfao. A lot of the time I snowball in endgame and don’t camp or tunnel during it. It does not take about 20 seconds for the door to be opened a lot of the time. You’re acting like in every game the last gen is always the one completed right next to the door…
  • But the doors aren’t immediately 99’d a split second after the 5th gen is done are they?
  • the perks disable as soon as the 5th gen is completed not when the door is opened. So the killer does have stuff to do lmfao. You know how many kills I’ve gotten patrolling doors/catching people off guard? The game isn’t over for the survivor yet they get an easy death. Obviously you’re too much of a hypocrite to…
  • If the game isn’t over why are survivors perks disabled when the last gen is completed? Can’t have a one sided brain my dude it’s not over for either sides
  • Yup this is what I tried explaining to people when the perk was first buffed. It’s way to easy to just kick a gen and pretend to go away and then come back and kick it again repeatedly for some crazy value. I had a game where it was me and a Claudette last alive with only 1 gen left to do and the gens were on opposite…
  • I’m not saying it needs to be changed but I’m just saying it kinda puts the survivor in a lose-lose situation. Either tap the 99’d door and lose BT and get hit and hooked or tank the hit right when you get to the door and then open the door and try running out but the killer can easily still hit you before you make it out…
  • yeah my topic is about if a gate is 99’d and about conspicuous actions being put in the game to prevent you from using perks oppressively and in this case it’s not oppressive. That survivor is running for their life trying to fight for their own survival
  • So your logic is that I should lose my only chance of survival because I literally “tapped” a button? The whole point of a conspicuous action is to prevent you from using anti tunneling perks oppressively, and like I stated in the OP, it’s not oppressively it’s literally me running for my life for my survival. Seems like…
  • If the door was open I would have a “guaranteed” escape from bt anyway
  • Every time I see you on here you make the most absurd accusations about survivors. Just stop already dude. if you even read any of the comments from people yet alone just any of the comments on this thread alone you can obviously see people are not upset about not being able to “abuse” the perk lmfao
  • It’s a 30 second time stop which only works one time if somebody is hooked. So if bubba is camping at 5 gens in basement and 1 person bring reassurance then this perk is essentially as good the perk “kinship” and look how many people use that perk. This nerf makes it so that you have to literally have multiple people…
  • Wow so you mean it actually isn’t nerfed?? I tried this the other day with a friend and after so many tries of not being able to pull it off I ended up finally doing it and the killer just downed him within a second lol so i thought you guys nerfed it. Good to hear that a fun synergy will stay
  • dont you think if they did it solely because it was abusable they would’ve gave the hooked survivor an “opt out” button? Or made it some that there is a 10 second cooldown after reassurance ends where nobody at all can use reassurance on the survivor, even if you weren’t the one who used it 1st? Or made it so there’s a 2…
  • I mean.. they could’ve easily used a couple other different options rather than needing the perk to the ground. But alright big guy whatever you say
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