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  • It's not like that, seriously. I'm currently a rank 2 killer and almost always get 4ks (which doesn't actually mean much, you can just slug the hell out of them and get those results). However, there are definitely issues. Ruin is garbage now, nobody uses it. Maps like Mother's Dwelling, for instance, take you a great…
  • Keys are pretty much BS. Like survivors play bad -> killer kills 3 of them -> yeah, you can't do gens, so have a totally luck-based mechanic -> killer somehow finds it first -> but has to patrol both exit gates and the hatch, which is well... likely not gonna work. However, most of the times, it's used to escape with…
  • Survivors can't escape without doing generators, just like killers can't win without killing. Both can pretty much win without rushing/tunneling. Gen rushing is a way to get gens done and nothing else, just like tunneling. Get people out of the game, ASAP.
  • Definitely. She's definitely annoying to play though. Having to wait for your blinks to come back while survivors outrun you feels really bad.
  • Yeah, have been maining her after the nerf. And she still has tons of bugs... sometimes, you just can't use your second blink, you don't see your blink charging, you can't blink past some objects (you basically can't blink through entire Sanctum of Wrath) and these are not recent. Since release, the devs just bothered to…
  • I'd recommend that too. Also, try to learn some looping and basics of survivors. There are plenty good youtubers on that. For instance, PainReliever, Otzdarva, OhTofu.
  • This is all. Check "loopable" on Urban Dictionary, and maybe you'll find Hillbilly there.
  • When there is only one gen remaining and I know it's gonna be done soon, I usually look for one survivor to chase down and hook. By the time I hook them, exit gates are powered. I patrol the area; if I find somebody, I try to down them, keeping the hooked guy as a priority. If I am able do down anybody other than the…
  • When I perform good but I am not rewarded because of bugs. For instance, when I get a perfect blink as Nurse on a Gen, start the grab animation and Dedicated Servers steal it from me. Or when I lunge for a hit and for whatever reason it actually hits a random wall.
  • First of all, if we, players, want the best for this game, we should stop looking at things as "survivor-sided" or "killer-sided". The game needs both sides to exist, so we'd better try to find what brings the most fun to both sides, without excluding one or another. I understand what you said though, SOME people say that,…
  • I don't think that's true. I've never seen high rank survivors complain about Billy. He's the definition of loopable. I don't think he deserves changing.
  • Nowadays, one little mistake as Killer costs all 5 generators against non-dumb survivors. There's absolutely nothing any killer can do against 4 survivors that split up, do gens and play optimally. Many killers are aware of that and want to at least try to secure one kill in the late game. It's a bet tho, most of the times…
  • It's like me. That issue often happens to me. It's likely because of the Dedicated Servers delay combined with the timing of the Dead Hard (almost perfectly timed with the swing).
  • What's your usual ping?
  • I do not main Freddy, but I consider myself a killer main. In my opinion, Freddy isn't overpowered, his strength is what should all killers should have, since they should be 4 times as strong as survivors. However, I do admit that he needs some changes. Just like old Ruin, his Dream World doesn't need anything to be…