Yes she should. This straight kills her.
As awesome as that would be, I think that'd end up breaking the engine. It wouldn't be able to handle all the perks switches at once
Agreed the current killer queue time is ridiculous.
Killer has received 150% day one and then it's been 50% since. This event is unfortunately not fun as everyone has their gripes and complaints mainly that people are playing normally. But that's the game and no ones happy
I feel like this is a reference to never running out of hatchets. However, a good huntress has also never run out of hatchets mid chase and picks their shots
I honestly think the Cenobite should be able to see his box as well and it should have a little less cool down once the hunt has ended.
He absolutely needs it. I think 4 would be perfect, though that also means they'd tweak the add ons so he can't get his level 3 stupid quick
Lightborn. Works on Flashbang, Blast Mine, and Flashlights. You can fake being blinded at pallets to get the drop on people
It already is chase oriented
Honestly it'd be nice to butcher exhaustion perks so people swap up their builds
This map has a tone of dead zones as a trial progresses. Q few more hooks would help that greatly
Right. I just enjoy the salt cause it makes me giggle
Cross platform chat box like overwatch does
Best 2ay to handle it is to run mad grit
Who said it was 16? I found one in every match. One person, boosting the entirely of their team with the hack is what I found.
Perhaps basekit Deer Stalker? Able to see the aura of downed survivors within 12 meters?
OK, I know this is bad, but I would LOVE for Victor to be thrown like a football at survivors. This would make him infinitely more useful and fun
I highly doubt it will prevent clowning. Even with the endgame collapse everyone will stay wait until the last second possible to leave. That has always been an unfortunate staple and this will not change that
I'm mainly curious on the thoughts of what could happen. Either way, I'm interested in how it will disrupt the current metas and builds. But there's always a price for obtaining something that'll shatter the way people play.
I think they do. Or at least, it counts as Downing survivors. I completed an archive challenge due to double dc
I'm sure something will be done about it when they punish survivors for griefing the killer repeatedly.
No they do not. Survivors are the ones that DC the most, as they seem to have the most issues with how a game is going. I had all 4 DC after they got downed by mad grit and not allowing a hook to just occur. The entitle ment gets old after a while
His add ons got buffed. Not very well, but
Like twice honestly. The buff is needed
Yea indeed there is one friend! Head on over to reddit for the most comprehensive version thus far. It's being tweaked everyday
Nerf her vase blink range and upgrade her base movement speed. Thats about all she needs
I play solo q survivor pretty much all the time. Like I've stated, in my experience someone's getting tunneled for the most part because they've been toxic. Or do something extremely stupid.
In my case, I'm actively searching for the other 2 survivors as I run by the survivor I put on the hook that is Smack dab in the middle of my 3 gen trap. Proxying doesn't usually happen on purpose. I just end up hooking the sucker in the middle of my my trap and still have a decent LOS as I'm checking my gens.
She already does screech after every teleport though. That's part of why people know it's her Right away and DC because they haven't figured out how to really play against her.
Yup you're Not the only one. Managed to play a single match this morning before the the game kept crashing then giving an initialization error.
The comment isn't wrong though. Many survivors are quitting on first hook for no other reason than being salty they got outplayed. It's kinda ridiculous, but funny
Like I said. It's HARDER to bully killers
I've always been decent. 3k on average. But I've notic3d more Rage quits against my general playstyle. bully SWFS are just annoying an no2 most are pisse drhey can't attempt to bully baby killers
I have been playing survivor with the current changes. And honestly? I've had more fun with it than the previous six months. I like learning how to adapt, how to alter what I can do to get even better. Haven't been camped or tunneled yet, but I'm also getting better at cutting chases short with diffrent tactics. I've seen…
I play solo and honestly? Haven't felt much of a difference in gameplay. Most of the killers people are complaining about aren't even in the rotation. We are seeing the older killers like Freddy make a comeback because they were made viable again. It's pretty awesome to see
Right? I'm wondering why killers WOULDN'T take the time to practice and get getter with someone they aren't good with. For example, I'm terrible with Blight, but now? I'm taking wvery match I can to practice with him and get better with his rush timing. There's no need to camp or tunnel at this point. The devs have given…
Killer queue times have always been much much longer though.....that's really nothing new. But it's entertaining watching so many people flip their lids about the changes because a power balance was shifted. And a lot of people are acting like killers didn't already run these perks in combination with each other. Only once…
Lightborn, Franklin's Demise, Iron maiden, and maybe add in mad grit for extra funny value
That was a threat back in the day? 1st I've ever heard of it. But as far as I'm aware you're totally safe from crap like that. I'm a console player and have never encountered something like that on all the time crossplay has been avalible. You should be fine
Honestly, it used to be worse. However, the RNG of a survivor Spawning next to a hex that is tucked away happens much more often than it should. About 75% of the time, (at least in my matches), 1-3 dull totems are gone within the first minute of the match, and the survivors aren't even running counterforce or small game.…
They'll never revert Freddy. Not unless the survivors get something amazing in return. But hey, it's not survivor sided right?
I think that the secondary effect could be basekit. However; it would be nice to have a mini Shattered Hope in base kit; like snuffing the same boon twice in a certain time frame should break it. That would be a welcome change.
Try running Mad grit. It helps with body blocking and every successful hit stops the wiggle timer by 4 seconds. On top of that, it allows you to swing without cooldown while carrying. Trust me. It helps
Huntress is another good one. You need adequate slowdown with viscous play. Another good killer is nemesis. His ability to hound and infect helps slow everything down to get that one
Thank you!
Endurance absolutely shouldn't stack. That would be horrible in every possible way.
Anything involving NOED with the endgsme collapse. Been going back through all the tomes and getting the done for the BP so I remeber later. Probably a couple involving ruin as well.
I think the majority of slug fests often come as a cumulative effort of several previous games. All it really takes after a few bad rounds is that one survivor who clicks that flashlight to be obnoxious and that switch is flipped. "Eff it! Time to screw their day up for that one" Think of it as a kinda toxic penalty. The…
1-2%. 5 would absolutely be overkill. 5 % would be like clown direct impact with a bottle with the flask of bleach add on
He really needs his ability to see people asleep outside of terror radius again. It would be amazing to have that back. That's all he needs and he is a balanced once more