I just see a red rank surv with one day playing... X. X
This happened first time with the dedicated servers and here we go again. U can grow at 3 days of penalty... 1 DC 5 mins, second 12...a friend have 5 hours just to lost conecction and killers dc, it's crazy. Servers just bring more lag to the match and new bugs cause we cannot have servers with no optimize game. Still…
I remember time when red ranks was skills players. Now u had survs who only repair repair repair repair repair and drop every pallet on the map. And killer who camps, tunnel, slug.... Cause every surv repair repair repair cause every killer camp camp camp. Is a circle of mistakes on the game. I play both sides and agree,…
Is with people are going to play with you. I'm only have a perk for me, the other ones are for avoid camp and tunnel and help mates
Solo is a problem with the actual matchmaking. U are probably at red rank and your mates are too, but they have 1 week playing, and just hide, repair and get down in a 5 seconds Chace. Is impossible do nothing cause u had to sae them or repair, and if you are with the killer they are going to hide if they hear the terror…
Well, if the killer is not camping the boxes you just have to run to all, u have enough time if the killer don't combine his two add ons. The problem here is the other survs want to Gen rush even if you die,like all things in this game, Noone cares about the other players. But traps are okay, just bad luck if the trap kill…
Anyone play for fun?? I'm tired of see killer who want just kills if they have to facecamp they will do it and don't give a chance to that person to play. And I see survivors just repearing like bots to scape. DC to give the friend the hatch sucks yes, but the rank don't give you anything, the blood points u can gain more…
No, better if u use it you die!
Nop, you are wrong new strike is nice, I think need a little rework cause sometimes toxic killers just wait the minute and you are done when they tunnel u. May should been activate and turn off if u heal yourself or start repair
In all games the time is 5 mins, I have 30 mins if my connection get lose. I don't know how it works now, but the last time I have 4 hours penalty cause the killer DC twice and my connection lost twice. Put penalty only 5 mins every time, no add more time each one
Noed should be by time, I mean, yes is easy to clean totems but sometimes the killer just slugg or hook the surv next to the hex and u can't do anything. If noed works again by limit time the killer is force to move and search survs. I personally always break all totems at first but lot of people just ruuuush and noed comes
Even if you do gens u have time to do two gens, later catch other surv and camp him. U repair 5 gens and he gets 2 kills, only played two survs and the killer, the others survs don't enjoy the game. Campers still buying a game to stay 10 mins in front of a hook. I don't know, u can kill everyone if you dnt camp
That's the problem with the game and the comunmity. Two sides differents playing the same game and in a continue battle, been toxic, playing dirty.... Lot of survivors rushing, forget the mates, and tbagging and insulting the killers. Killers camping, tunneling tbagging and saying "no" with the face and don't let them…
Y es una pena que un killer debe llevar perks contra el gen rush, así como un survivor debe armarse contra el campeo, tuneleo, sluggeo etc... Llevamos perks para evitar el abuso del otro bando, no para hacer una estrategia.
Pd: los rangos Me da risa la gente sufriendo por los rangos, mira, en xbox el rango rojo está lleno de killers ultra tóxicos y survivors que están ahí por pulsar un botón, reparan y cuando oyen el radio de terror se esconden en una esquina. Corren recto y no se acercan al gancho más que con una armadura medieval y una…
El juego está agonizando, siguen sacando skins y cada bug que arreglan meten otro, eso demuestra que el equipo que hay detrás escucha poco y es bastante dejado, tienen 50 programadores y tienen bugs como que quites un totem y caigas en el vacío. La comunidad es toxica El juego está demasiado desiquilibrado Hay bugs que…
El juego necesita igual una acción adicional para los survivors, algo más que hacer que solo reparar, que sea esencial para poder reparar o no. Cuando estuvo el evento de halloween con las pústulas no había tanto gen rush xk la gente quería las pústulas. Podrías añadir algo adicional, o incluso tener que rellenar los…