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  • ALMOST dead perk. A perk that uses a slot but only is a buff for other perks is a waste. Sure, with a hag and all Hex perks (or more then just ruin), it would be ideal to have Hex:TotH in your build. But not as useful as just pressuring them and building the score.
  • This perk may be used as just a protector for other Hex perks. Mainly if you go with a build of more then one (if not all) Hex perks, people use this. My point of this isn't to say that it is useless, but that it is only really used in pair with another perk. There is no other perk that 100% requires another perk to be a…
  • So we aren't even going to talk about bigger issue in the same sense. Killer dcing is an issue but at the same time, survivors do the same but in every game. As a killer, there has not been one game that a survivor/survivors don't DC. The big solution to both of these problems is timeout period that most other games…
  • Issue: High GPU usage, 100%. No lag/FPS drop, just high cost on good computer. Issue would be with lower comps. * Processor: i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Cores * Ram: 32GB DDR4 @2400 * Hard Drive(s): Samsung 850 Evo 250G(SSD) for OS, WD Blue 3TB(HDD) for steam, WD Blue 1TB(HDD) for everything else * Graphics Card:…
  • Oh, I can compare them, and I did. They both are the only ones that give the broken status. Comparing them is inevitable lol
  • I agree that Killers should not see broken status at all.
  • I dont think there is another perk out there that gives everyone a sight into your hand except this perk. There are others that have events that then reveal what perk is being used like Hex: Ruin where you have to work on a gen to find out the killer is running on it. But yes, start healthy, if you get hurt you cant be…
  • That would still be in the perk where you can not be healed. Ridding of the part of the perk that gives no pools of blood and reduction of groaning would even out the killer knowing from the start that you can not be allowed to sit in dying state long enough to recover. That is the whole idea of this rework is to make it…
  • I was thinking this as a possibility too. Where instead of it just notifying when a survivor is touching any of the dulls, it would make all dulls look like hexes. That would be a good mind game.
  • These are 3 Rituals that have the same amount of hits after using abilities. Stated by many killers, Nurse and Hag abilities are easy to utilize for a kill, let alone to tap to get the daily done, lol. So why would the Wraith have his 4 times surprise attack be reduced points when completed. I think that since the change…
  • I think that there are some but not 90%.
  • All of these, you get something out of it. These are more for item hunters and all of them could be used by themselves. Pharmacy has added speed. Ace in the Hole has a chance of good adds but you do not really need another to make it useful since it is doing what is intended. And Plunderers is for those who don't know…
  • I do understand this one. It is based off of buffing auras and you do not get auras (that can be affected by killer perks) unless you have another perk to walk hand in hand with. I would not know how to fix this either. That would probably be a good one to rework all together tbh.
  • Love this idea. There are other benefits that some are not thinking or talking about. One being that with SWF being the unpopular (because just face it, it is the minority here lol) it would free up those pesky survivors that are only toxic and bold with their friends and place them with others that are less familiar with…