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  • On paper yes, WGLF cuts the BP grind in half and DH is the best exhaustion perk hands down. Unfortunately its probably not easy for a new player, with no idea of how the game works, to recognise that by just reading what David's perks do. He doesnt seem beginner friendly. DH also has a learning curve to it, there's a lot…
  • You could make it so that if you reach a rank color with a killer the others progress a rank tier as well. That way you dont stomp rank 20s with your less played killers. Lets say you reach red with Billy, than all your other killers come down to green or maybe even purple. I think it would be a fair system for both sides.
  • She's a solid and balanced killer. Her biggest weakness is that she becomes an M1 killer against survivors who dont cleanse. It all comes down to how quickly you can end chases. I would recommend trying out Play With Your Food on her, besides Wraith she makes the best use out of that perk. 5-15% extra MS on her is insane.…
  • Im gonna say no on this one. It feels too much like a poor bandaid on the gen times and ruin problem. The whole concept of ruin is just not fun for either role. Ruin is a crutch perk on any killer that isnt Nurse or Spirit. It feels awful to be doing everything perfectly on lower tier killers but then have 3 gens pop in no…
  • I think this would make the strong killers stronger, and the weak killers even weaker. A lot of killers are add-on and perk dependant because their base power either doesnt apply map pressure or it doesnt help them in chases. Top killers like nurse and spirit wouldnt have much of a problem. For the survivor side, you're…
  • That's good to hear. I understand that there's a lot of things that are being worked and some issues have higher priorities than others. Its also not easy dealing with us players asking and complaining about everything 24/7. We really just want this game to succeed, be good and fun.
  • The worst part is posts about this topic never get any traction, even though its a detrimental issue in the game. I made an idea post a while back where I suggested only having level 1 versions of the perk pop up on the BW and be able to spend BP on the obtained ones to level them up. I remember before Legion came out the…
  • Thats a bummer. All dlc was on sale on ps4 last week so I pulled the trigger on everything I was missing and its frustrating that I cant use the characters yet because of this issue. I got Plague to 50 and still no ruin, pgtw, thana or monitor. While I cant even bother with the other killers I bought because they're still…