This logic makes no sense to me. "It's older and therefore has less value". What? Some of my favorite Nea cosmetics are old as dirt.
I had it happen recently where I dropped the pallet on a killer who walked into it while carrying a survivor. We all heard the pallet hit sound, but the killer just kept walking. On the topic of timing the pallet saves tho, I don't think the killer should have i-frames for the entire duration of the pick-up animation. When…
Even if some people would use it randomly or for a specific match they just didn't have fun in, thousands of votes would eventually show cases that are more common where people have fun or don't have fun. IMO it should be a simple upvote or downvote tho. Seems excessive to have a multi-choice grading system. Like what's…
I feel like "DBD is survivor sided at high MMR" is just something people are parroting without it actually being the case. Sure, it may be true for the top few loopers and content creators who no-life the game. But it's such a rare edge-case that it's not applicable to normal play, even in high MMRs, unless it's high MMR…
If it's not "sided" in any direction then why do I win a vast majority of my killer matches besides the ones where I feel so bad that I turn friendly? And no, it's not low MMR, I get tryhards with meta builds too. Even SWFs lose most of the time, since most of them are casuals who just play for fun with each other, so they…
I agree, they can't force everyone to try to win - and neither should they. Gaming should be about having fun. But I feel like the game tends to add a ton of unnecessary time-wasting activities on the survivor's side, which makes it far too common for survivors to only care about completing their side mission instead of…
I have no complaints about The Unknown's ability to create husks and teleport. Only his arcing AoE shot. It's way too easy to hit with for people who know how to arc a grenade. The AoE is huge, hits through walls, and it doesn't even matter if you aim well enough to get a direct hit, since the AoE circle fills the…
I explained it further in the original post. To clarify - If 3 survivors are trying to win (do generators, loop, rescue, all while playing well), but the 4th survivor is goofing off and prioritizing challenges, or is just messing around, then good luck winning. Meanwhile, the killer is a single person - if they tryhard to…
Change that out for an image of a killer. Since that's the side this is coming from.
The problem with balancing aim-based killers across platforms is that if you balance them to the point where they're decent on console, they'll become brain-dead overpowered on PC due to how much easier it is to aim. Realistically, console players simply won't be good at aim-based killers. That's why there's such a variety…
Get better at not getting caught first? Most or my games (9/10), whether it's with friends or solo queueing, I get caught last. The only time I die is if we all die, with rare exceptions of me messing up. So no, it's not RNG whether you pip up or down. It's a game that you could learn to play better instead of blaming the…
Yeah because that's what it looked like on *their* client. That's not any different from a survivor seeing in their game client that they completed a vault, ran 10 feet and then suddenly got damaged anyways. That's what hit verification is for, to verify on the server's side which player is correct in what they see on…
It's not just RNG, if you're better at the game you can reach higher. It's meant to be an achievement to reach rank 1, not just a grind of how much you play.
idk, I've often felt like the devs prioritize the killer's hit recognition while Survivors have to deal with feeling "wow that hit was bullshit". Like, they implemented hit validation at one point, but immediately removed it after Killers complained about their hits feeling like they should have landed but didn't. Even tho…
talking to you is pointless, as you either didn't read my original message or you draw conclusions that aren't there. I said the huntress was at the top of the basement stairs when the hit occurred, meaning that the unhook happened with the huntress NOT being in the basement, but she was close enough to the killer shack to…
You had an entire rant about unhooking right in front of the killer. I said no such thing. Either you're trying to respond to someone else or you just filled in 90% gaps that didn't exist.
what are you rambling on about? Running across the entire map from the speed boost after getting hit? And nice wall of text based 100% on assumptions. there's no point in responding when you've already made up scenarios in your head beforehand.
What about 2 killers + 3 survivors 😎
May I suggest "Identity V"? It's similar to DBD, but with a more cartoonish, almost Tim Burton-ish art style.
I was agreeing with you until the final sentence. It's perfectly fine to dislike a mechanic and feel like it's flawed. But then you had to end with "if you don't agree then you're wrong"... Nah mate, you have a subjective view on flashlight mechanics, and hate when you get blinded, and that's perfectly fine. That doesn't…
There is no way you could get blinded if you were facing straight towards the wall, you must have picked up the survivor at an angle on accident. that's not a flaw in the mechanic itself, but rather user error. 100% fair to want to bring lightborn to not have to deal with having to perfectly align yourself when you pick up…
getting blinded by a flashlight isn't a "game mechanic flaw" tho, it's just something you don't personally enjoy. There's a difference there.. (it's perfectly valid tho, I also run perks to counter things I dont like, but it's different when perks are needed to counter a flaw in how the game functions)
The developers need to look at more than winrate. If that's all they look at (which i doubt), then this game is doomed
why are you being so hostile? It just tells me further that you get easily offended and cry for no reason. I know from my own experience, that I crouch repeatedly a lot while playing this game, my friends crouch repeatedly a lot in this game, and neither of us rarely mean it as an insult to the killer. 90% of the time when…
listen, don't take crouching so personal. Survivors literally spam their crouch button as a way to communicate. • See another survivor at the start of the match? Crouch repeatedly to say hi! • Another survivor gets on your generator? get off the generator and repeatedly crouch! If a survivor repeatedly crouches before…
"is this some sort of protest?" No, it's "I've had 5 ######### matches in a row, and this is looking to be yet another ######### match, so i don't wanna waste more time in here". Since there's 4 survivors on the team, you see a lot of throwing because there's 3 individual survivors that could potentially be sick of the game and…
"if it wasn't DH, then what exactly changed?" Literally everything. Go read the patch notes. For example: • Cooldown time after a successful hit has been reduced to 2.7 seconds (was 3 seconds) • Duration of the Survivor speed boost when hit has been reduced to 1.8 seconds (was 2 seconds) The developers are mesesing with…
imagine if we said this about other perks during endgame collapse... "NOED is a guaranteed down during endgame..." "Rancor is a free kill during endgame..."
i've never relied on crutch perks, i usually run build combos I find fun, even if they're not optimal. Since the update, even bad killers get easy wins unless i bring try-hard perk combos, and even then that only works against bad killers, any killer with an average or above skill level can't lose now
uh-huh, and i'm not claiming there aren't people who enjoy it. Does not change the fact that this OP started a topic just about winning matches, and a lot of people care about fun more than just winning. Saying "iron will was meta despite it only helping with stealth" is an over-simplification. By that phrasing, you could…
The issue with this topic is that you only care about winning the match, and suggesting to do so by avoiding an entire game mechanic (chasing). At that point, you're playing Gen Mechanic Simulator. If you have fun doing that just to win, then good for you. But the rest of us want to play the entirety of Dead By Daylight…
A quick explanation to this phenomenon is that a lot of people can only see things from their own perspective. So some solo queue players will exclaim that "solo queue needs to be buffed! why did they nerf solo queue so hard??" While, the game has gotten boring and miserable for most people playing survivor now. (by the…
We don't need specific buffs for solo queues. We need the game to simply not be miserable for survivors.
that's way back and at that time the devs didn't disable maps the same way they do now, and they didn't push fixes very fast, let alone complete map reworks which were required for fixes to that. The issues with unbreakable hex and boon totems happened within months of each other, at which time the devs had the means to…
well it's no surprise if the devs make the game miserable for survivors while making improvements for killers. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but the developers love coddling and hand holding the killer side. further proof of this: • Much more effort going into buffing/reworking killers. If survivors ever get…
Lol what the hell happened to this thread? Her 3D model legit looks glitchy: This is what i mean when I said it looks like they scaled up joints in her 3D rig without adjusting the base mesh
Killers: Thanks BHVR! Survivors: Thanks, BHVR....
Old self-care was already terrible and a waste of time to use, so there was no reason to nerf it
"But what about the enjoyment of xxx..?" Listen, there's a big difference between someone directly causing grief to another person, and someone simply not enjoying a situation. You could not enjoy a situation for a multitude of reasons, and if that reason is simply that you're losing in a game, then there's nobody to…
I have to admit that the game mechanic that's meant to stop the timer when you're being chased can be a bit wonky. They could definitely work on fixing it so the timer pauses during those times when you know Piggy is creeping up on you but the game doesn't recognize it as a chase. Like, it's meant to pause in a chase…
thanks! That is a pretty weird change
I loved reading "it requires 0 skill", while remembering all the times I watched survivors dead hard into walls just before I smacked them :')
you're right, I care about the enjoyment of everyone in games I play and not just my own, and you're entitled to disagree with that way of thinking 👌
Lol who would have thought? BHVR attempting to nerf a perk and accidentally buffing it 💪
i have given you plenty of comparisons between trying to secure a kill with good behavior, and trying to do it with poor behavior. I can only explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you. I never said I'm annoyed by getting face camped. I absolutely love it. Because I know I'll get away (as I explained earlier why…
that's weird, i'm looking at the wiki right now and they phrase the perk like this: Whenever the Killer is within 36 metres of your location and has direct line-of-sight to you, Spine Chill activates: • Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking by…
Playing ANY game involving other people, whether it's a video game, or a board game on family game night, and you act in a way that intentionally annoys the other participants due to your own behavior... that's the definition of poor sportsmanship. It's easy for people like you to forget that everyone involved in a game is…
(Edit: The description of the perk on the DBD wiki is false, so the following message is based on false information. Ignore it) --------------------- Reading that description, it's a nerf to old spine-chill. Old spine chill, the icon simply lit up if the killer was within the radius and looking towards your general…
🤪 I give up with you. Clearly you don't understand the difference between good and bad sportsmanship. If you think two different methods are the same just because they share the same goal, then i don't know what to tell you. If your goal is to become a millionaire, and you get a choice between earning it, or robbing a…