Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Had a game against a freddy a couple of weeks ago when I was in a 3 man SWF (casual players). Normally we just have a laugh no matter the result. This killer from the very start put so much pressure on us, we started actually trying to organise ourselves, it made no difference. He was insane, it was like he knew which gens…
  • I understand that this was done for the health of the game as the situation you stated was frustrating as hell but it cant be called a killer nerf, as much time as it took to find that last player, it was very rare that the fourth escaped during this time. Dont get me wrong, I prefer the new gameplay as it still feels…
  • Just a question about you saying survivors get nerfed every time and killers dont need skill for a 4k, which you've stated has been since 2016. In 2018, if there were 4 gens left and one survivor, that lone survivor would have to do a gen before the hatch would appear whilst being hunted. I think the hatch play now…
  • Hell yeah! I cant wait to jump back on as killer and see how it plays!
  • The way the new matchmaking will work is it will get a large amount of people into a group, match as many games as possible with close score numbers and the remaining games might be a bit unbalanced. To counter the unbalanced factor of the last few games, if you are matched with people with a higher score, you will gain…
  • Have the generator repair time and the map changes in the ptb affected the gameplay in the way the devs were hoping for or are you still looking at more changes in the future?
  • Hopefully in the next patch it can help killers create more pressure which will encourage less 'bad' behaviours such as Mori's' camping, tunneling etc.
  • 2 DCs wouldn't make you wait for 5 hours and I've played lots of matches in the last week or so and haven't been disconnected from the game once. Stop justifying ruining the game for other people.
  • There are skill gaps between players but I meant rank 1 survivors and killers. It's extremely rare that a rank 1 killer is going to be looped for that long without lots of safe pallets around. That's why I said matchmaking should be done at the top levels.
  • Slugging will probably not be as bad once the patch goes live, as for the title, the DC penalty is completely fair. DCing was a massive issue in the game before and the only people who get really frustrated about it are the people who want to DC all the time and ruin the game for four other people.
  • I agree that this game is extremely difficult to balance because either way they balance it, someone will always be unhappy. Where I disagree with you is a killer shouldn't chase one survivor for 4 gens as if that's the killers fault. Survivors shouldn't have the ability to run a killer for that long because the balance…
  • Firstly I'd like to say you were right in the first place, I just wanted to ask since you mentioned it that this lerk can be abused by jumping in a locker straight off a gen which is an abuse of the perks mechanics. Since you guys have already taken note of this, is it something you guys are looking at?
  • That's fair enough if the game isn't to your liking anymore. I wouldn't call the devs monkeys though, their just trying to balance a game that this community can never agree on what's right.
  • If it's not going to work then let everyone play the ptb as much as possible so the devs can get some data and see what needs changing. Moaning about these changes 24 hours into the ptb isn't going to change the devs position as there is no proof. As for a few of the 'there should be more pallets not less' comments. For…
  • My point before was you can play the game without looking at archives. Quite easily ignored.
  • That's fair enough if you were getting tired of the game beforehand. I hope you enjoy what you're moving onto next.
  • I dont understand why you would leave for something that has nothing to do with the gameplay of the game? If you've played 1000 hours then you must have enjoyed it before the archives was a thing? Why not treat it like it never happened and just dont spend auric cells on it?
  • Imo if you wanted to make it like a competative mode, everyone should start the same so if they wanted items then they need to search chests. I think the items could work like normal if done like this.
  • Love this concept, would probably have some flaws but the main game has flaws so why not have something like this too!
  • - Hex perks shouldn't alert survivors, they should learn about them like we used to - ranks should be visible again so people know what they are getting into - (got called stupid a lot for this one before) killers should lose their red stain as base, I like realistic games so a big light telling me where they are looking…
  • I agree, having a small-medium grind isn't a bad thing to make you work for it but through all the DLC, this is now a big grind.
  • I've found discordance is a great early game perk which can help chase off 2 survivors from a gen if you get lucky, it also really helps the snowball start rolling if you down someone and know theres another close by. Hope this helps improve your game.
  • Whether you can or cannot see the ranks, you seem more annoyed about the match making system, which in fairness isn't doing justice to either side right now. But with the extremely long queue times for survivors, I wouldn't want a way to dodge games and make that even longer.
  • I have a teammate who does this constantly, tries to hook tech/ loops around the hook you're on and seems to have no idea how detrimental this is to your team (I know hook teching is scummy, try telling him that!). I play killer more and trust me when I say, a survivor that does this is like my personal assistant, they are…
  • I agree, more so with hex perks, I preferred the game when it didnt tell you what was happening, you just kind of stumbled across it. Although I will say I enjoy the jumpier side to this game, I'm not interested in becoming the best, I just like the 'HOLY CRAP' parts of the game that it does so well! It does feel like all…
  • Survivors - Meg, Feng, Yui, Bill, Jake Killers - Pig, Deathslinger, Doctor, Nurse, Trapper
  • I agree that a fair amount of killer perks/powers can be negated by a SWF who are playing competatively. What will kill this game is punishing SWF, if people dont want to play with their friends on DBD they will find another game. I think the real solution to this is survivor base kit is improved so solo survivors are at…
  • This doesnt seem like a big enough nerf to moan about, I think some sort of balancing needs to happen but this is too small a nerf to matter in games to me
  • When I see a few toolboxes or flashlights, I take a mori with me, if their going to try and either make my objective harder (by flashlight saving) or cut some time off their objective, I'm going to save myself the worry of bothering with a second hook. It's like killer charity, I get to remove a few items for future…
  • I think they nailed the atmosphere in the new rework of the treatment theater, it looks great and shows they really stepped up their game.
  • Is the result honestly all you guys are focusing on? I could go on a massive rant about all the second chance perks survivors have but it's been said tons already. What does bother me is you watched someone play a game that was stressful rather than enjoyable and focused on nothing but the result. I loved playing killer…
  • I think I would be more towards the bottom left of the grid, not because i want over powered killers. I think the one thing Friday 13th game had over this one was survivors felt like they were actual survivors, not just 4 people to do an objective and leave. Jason in that game made you feel an adrenaline rush when you were…
  • The reasoning behind this 'silly' idea was the game is more fun from my point of view as a survivor when the killer hits you or appears with 0 warning. I would guess that the vast majority of people who buy this game new and play as survivor enjoy the 'oh God it's the killer, Please dont see me or I'm dead' type of…
  • That's kind of the point I was making, wouldn't you get more of an adrenaline rush if you didnt know which way the killer was chasing you when you lost sight of him? I think it would deter a lot of the toxicity from the survivors that are being complained about in these discussions.
  • I think if killers didn't have a red stain anymore and a shortened terror radius, it would make the game more jump scary again. Playing against a scratched mirror Myers is probably my favourite as a survivor because it actually gets your blood pumping. Putting in more blood and new music wouldn't change if the games scary…