No offense, but people who can't hear sounds aren't the best demographic to judge sound design on.
The time from pressing the "attack" button to the tail hitting someone is around 0.7 seconds. For the Nemesis tentacle it's 0.8 seconds, but if he pre-charges it while coming around a corner then it's 0.4 seconds or less. Xeno cannot do that, if the tail hits anything at all then the attack stops immediately.
Yeah but I haven't learned how to play against Xeno yet so it's basically Deathslinger + Huntress combined on steroids, literally the same Killer but better, no disadvantages compared to those Killers whatsoever, having a lower charge time and cooldown = basically Nurse level power. Please nerf it into the ground and make…
You were saying?
You were saying?
Here is the spectrogram of a clip of a video, with 0 being the moment the tail whip button was pressed, and the end being the moment before it hits. You see that bump in the middle? That actually isn't me screaming the battle roar I make before every kill, that's the audio cue the tail makes before preparing to swing.…
People learn more about how to counter the KIller over time so you need multiple slices of time and to compare the winrate between them. It could take weeks.
Streamers were super tilted about Nemesis saying he was strictly superior to Pyramid Head. What's your point?
Why is everyone going, "wow there's no reason to play Deathslinger, Xeno can do the same thing except without any reload", when Deathslinger has a range of 18m and Xeno has a range of 4.8m, and Deathslinger has a much higher viewpoint and causes deep wound? The two aren't even remotely comparable.
You pretend like you're going to drop the pallet, she draws the hatchet, then you just keep running and she has to cancel. Even if you never drop the pallet at all, she's a 110% Killer, and it will be grueling for her to catch up.
It's pitiful compared to the strength S-tier Killers have, which you seem to be trying to make Xenomorph out to be. Why are you using the animation and sound cues of Pyramid Head, a Killer who has double the range and hits multiple Survivors in an AoE through walls, as a comparison instead of Nemesis, a Killer who has the…
It doesn't activate upon leaving the Terror Radius either.
Using number of DCs as a basis for a system of data collection is like using strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a basis for a system of government.
First reasonable criticism of Xenomorph I've seen. I've had a few occasions while playing as and against him where a Survivor was trying to pick up a turret at the very start of the match and it broke in their hands as the Xenomorph came out of the tunnel at the same time.
The tail has travel time. It's around 0.7s from hitting the tail attack button to the Survivor getting injured. Nemesis is around 0.8s, or 0.4s if he's pre-charged his whip, which can can do when initiating it while coming around a corner, which Xeno cannot do without hitting the corner 4/5 times.
LITERALLY worse than Nurse and Blight combined, 4ks every game against pro level players, trust me bro I went against it 8 times in low MMR.
So you want him to be nerfed to the ground. The slightly lower charge time, slightly faster cooldown movespeed, and aimable vertical hitbox are the only things Xeno has over killers like Demo and Nemesis. Demo and Nemesis can break pallets. Demo, Nemesis (in tier 3), and Pyramid Head have longer range. Nemesis' attack…
It doesn't reveal people inside your Terror Radius, they specifically have to be farther than that as you move through them in order for them to be scream. If you activate it while someone is actually nearby then it does nothing, unlike Doctor's power which does exactly the opposite. Go through the effort to read a perk's…
It makes Survivors scream upon entering the Terror Radius. If they're outside of the Terror Radius when the Killer is picking up then that person isn't getting saved. And if you are inside their Terror Radius when they activate it, they won't see you.
I tried to have a cheeseburger last night too but it was literally RUINED by the existence of Made For This in my life. I could not enjoy that cheeseburger because Made For This is a thing. BHVR ruined my cheeseburger, leaving this game forever, GOODBYE.
It's literally activated by opening a locker, of course it's going to help you find people in lockers.
When Xeno uses the tail whip, it curls upward and moves back slightly and makes a sound. I went through frame-by-frame and from hitting the button to the Survivor getting injured took around 0.7 seconds. For Nemesis, it takes 0.8 seconds including the charge time and 0.4 seconds excluding it. Nemesis can start his attack…
It has a pitiful 4.8m range, stops the moment it hits an obstacle, and no additional utility. Pyramid Head can go through walls and hit multiple Survivors at a range of 8-10.5m. Nemesis can break pallets and get 6m range, and the attack doesn't stop when it hits something so you can strafe around objects mid-swing. When…
The flame turrets provide a 41m motion tracker with beeping rate indicating distance, that works while Xeno is in tunnels. When you hear beeping that is rapidly speeding up, you don't sit there staring at the turret for 10 seconds while fuming about how it won't instantly kill the Xenomorph and uninstall his game, you do…
Yeah but they are A tier and Xeno is S-tier, you can't 4k every game at top MMR with Blight and Nurse!!! /s
It's been a big counter to Killer with range since forever.
Hear that guys? Unrelenting is the most overpowered perk in the game.
Literally any Killer in the game can just stand on the stairs to block the way. Also any Killer in the game can run Territorial Imperative to get an early warning. Huntress can sit at the bottom of the stairs with an Iridescent Head. Deathslinger can sit with Iridescent Coin and Insidious. Clown can do the same with…
i haven’t seen a single person in any of my games escape against there xenomorph since it came out no matter how good they are. That is most definitely a skill issue, I've seen multiple people escape every game. Xenomorph has nowhere near the skill ceiling or level of lethality required to consistently 4k against skilled…
The hit cooldown is also 3 seconds.
I've seen Plague wipe out entire teams in the first minute of the match with the starting fountain and Discordance or Lethal Pursuer. And she can bring two apples for two more starting fountains. 0.375s for the minimum charge isn't that long, and Xeno does have a 0.2s windup. Also she can hold the vomit in her mouth while…
They did the opposite. Everyone complained about him being too weak instead, making post after post whining about how they couldn't get any wins.
So you're saying Xeno should have to be exactly 4.8m away to hit anything with its tail? It's a melee attack. That's like complaining about "I was holding my gun up in the way how did he knife me" in an FPS. Nemesis' tentacle does the same thing despite it "just being the side of a tentacle lightly touching me on the…
If you are winning every match with them then you're just playing against bad Survivors.
Everything you described sounds really pathetic and weak compared to Plague with her power. 1.5s cooldown and 0.375-1.5s charge time, only a tiny slowdown when charging, firing, and recovering, AoE ranged ability that can shoot up and over high walls, she can just aim in the general direction of your team and shake her…
Nemesis has his view locked vertically and the tentacle goes out at a set height. Xeno has its view locked horizontally but has complete vertical freedom of movement, which lets it snipe the greasy scalps of Survivors over obstacles.
So Legion except you can only hit one person with no deep wound.
Xeno has the camera locked horizontally when using the tail so yeah just move side to side a lot.
All the posts on the SBMM said, "without getting too mathematical", but what about us folks that want to hear about some juicy math?