Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Again, that’s why it would be a rework. Perhaps it could be a little less violent, for starters. Only because there are some queasy people out there. And also maybe the Hag could not jump around as much, but that’s what I think.
  • What I was thinking that could be done is the sound at 0:16 would be used when Micheal goes from Tier 3 back to Tier 2. It’s soft-tuned, so it could be symbolizing Micheal calming down.
  • Because it can make quiet type killers like Ghost Face (Myers included) even more stealthy. Combine that with Monitor & Abuse and you have a grand total of only an 8 meter terror radius.
  • Well then why don’t you give your two cents on what needs to be added, after all, I said my idea wouldn’t be a huge buff.
  • Thank you, for being the most considerate person on this post thus far. This quickly turned from a question to a fiasco, and at least there is somebody here who is the voice of reason. I’ll probably just delete this post somehow.
  • Yes that’s exactly what I said and I am correct in that statement. I don’t see as somebody telling another person to “Do your research!” and also telling me my ego got in the way isn’t respectful at all. Which is in a word, toxic.
  • Read what I said again because I never said he couldn’t share his opinion, and I never said that he couldn’t convey what he thinks. Please don’t pick away at what I am saying and be wrong at it at the same time.
  • Ok first of all I am no lady. Secondly, nobody is saying you don’t have the right convey what you think, but to do so in a respectful manner which you have not done. Lastly, it is subjective to say Lullaby is useless, as it can be quite devastating if used correctly. So if you’ll excuse me.
  • I didn’t ask for you to be toxic on my post.
  • The only thing I would recommend is change your perk idea from “Every time you grab a Survivor that isn’t in the dying state” to “Every time you perform an interrupt action on a Survivor” the perk idea is nice, but grabbing a healthy survivor is relatively hard to do, and would be too much of a work effort than it is a…
  • I don’t understand this. This would make STBFL, Remember Me and Dying Light useless. Having 4 obsessions would be unique, but a waste of a perk slot imo.
  • You can still run faster than you can walk. The counter to using this perk is using it to walk 20% faster versus using something actually beneficial to the match.
  • I just suggested on my forums that Mindbreaker should be buffed from 1/2/3 to 3/4/5. And that anytime a Survivor works on a generator, above or below 50%, they suffer from the exhaustion. Mindbreaker has potential, but was probably nerfed last second before it’s release.
  • I always imagined that the survivors would be around the campfire, but then a big wall of smoke would approach and embody the four of them. The survivors would not see anything for a while, but once the smoke passes, they find themselves in a completely different environment.
  • If they could buff blindness so that you can’t see people hooked, generators done and gates being powered then this perk would become viable. I think Oblivious and Blindness would be a great idea.
  • Here is the perk description; You look over your friends even in dire situations. Survivors within 8 meters of you are aware that you have this perk. Once out of range, this persists for 15 seconds. You may take a Survivors negative status effect if there is less than 20 seconds of the status effect. You additionally…
  • I understand why it might be considered a nerf, but at tier 3 it guarantees a minimum rare med kit with a chance of getting a ranger med kit. I’ve changed the description since but the perk makes it so you have a chance to get a really good med kit, and get basic ones afterwards.
  • I’m just referring to SWF, almost 100% of the times they will stay back to rescue their friends.
  • Unless if one of them is hooked, in which case not only are they on hit downed, but they can’t leave either.
  • Well I don’t see how this nerfs NOED, and as a matter of fact it might be considered a buff because of a time limit of finding the totem before End Game collapse runs out. Blood Warden has always been a situational perk. Sometimes you get no usage out of it, or it may work but bad timing, and there are also the rare cases…
  • One does not stop the exit gates from being powered, unless you mean kill the survivors before the five generators are done that is. I wish there was a killer perk that could actively regress exit gate progression, but that’s another topic for later.
  • Ok, a couple of things. This perk is in the PTB, which means that and literally anything else in the game are subject to change. And because it is in the PTB and not in the actual game yet we cannot judge this perk so soon. And my own opinion, this perk counters camping so I welcome that in open arms.
  • Well then good luck with that, because then with Wake Up everyone knows where the exit gate is, and you’ll have a hard time protecting just the single exit gate while the other survivors go to the next one, also knowing where it is. But your funeral I guess.
  • Great, then somebody can bring Leader and the exit gates can now be opened 58% faster as opposed to a maximum of 50% with Wake Up and Leader. And yes, meta does not necessarily mean OP, but then literally everyone will be using the 2 perks. The game needs diversity, not the same formula.
  • Then what do you suggest? Anything more than 25% would become meta
  • There is a solution to countering DS, and its quite a simple one too, don’t down the unhooked survivor. I know instinctively it makes sense to hit the person who is the most vulnerable, but there is actually a perfect perk that isn’t a hex perk, and it punishes SWF and altruism abroad, its called Make Your Choice.
  • Well I definitely like this idea but if you want your hex perk to be covered, then use Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. Otherwise Corrupt Intervention will become more of a meta perk then Ruin. And as a matter of fact Corrupt Intervention would probably have to become a hex perk too, if your idea were to be implemented.
  • You suggest instant-blinds, yet you’re saying it doesn’t have to be instant. I get the idea that because the killer is shifting their focus to their charging ability, it would theoretically leave them slightly vulnerable. But it would make a top-tier killer Huntress in the mid possibly low tier depending how smart the…
  • I think this perk would be really good with other obsession perks like Dying Light and by itself it is a good tracking perk. I also believe this perk would have really good synergy with my Play With Your Food perk rework and would promote you to higher speeds. But to come to think of it, one change I would recommend is if…
  • Well yes there would have to be licensing needed to be done, but if the Pig and Tapp can get new cosmetics (even though nobody asked for them) and now, with Dead by Daylight getting the arguably biggest licensed contract this game has seen, getting new cosmetics for Micheal (and maybe an older looking Laurie, maybe with…
  • Legion, at the time was very broken. His ability made looping essentially useless with no counter play whatsoever. Legion unfortunately was not given enough time and thought into his power, considering his ability is literally a mirror image of Borrowed Time, get hit, survive but with a time limit. His “rework” (if you can…
  • I think a more simpler thing they can do is to fix the protective hit effect, because currently you only get points for that if you, a healthy or injured survivor, get hit for a different injured survivor. And change it so that if you get hit rather than the other person (who would be healthy in this case), it would count…
  • Because unless you are playing in a SWF, getting healed by other people is not so easy as you think. Sure, you can run Bond so you can find other people, but that comes at the risk of the killer using Hex: Third Seal or some other perk/add-on that makes you suffer the blindness status effect. I’d much rather heal myself in…
  • I agree that Ruin is very annoying to deal with because of RNG, but the catch it that it is a Hex perk, and Hexes can be destroyed. Other than fixing totem spots Ruin is in the spot it needs to be. And also, there is a perk that allows you to see totems in the game, it’s called Detective’s Hunch. Perhaps buffing other…
  • Yea, that definitely solves the contradiction there of thinking hitting the Obsession with a basic attack would still preserve a token.