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  • It seems like there's a lot of people getting both results. I've seen a lot of people happy with the way matches are going and a lot of people saying matches have been very one sided and boring. I'm not too sure what to make of that.
  • Thats all I'm saying. I feel like whether its pips or mmr its the same idea, I don't really care. I just want a visible rank to work towards and be proud of.
  • I haven't spammed the forum. I have made 3 discussions and 1 poll in the span of 3 days. Sorry for trying to make sure my opinion gets out there and not just thrown to the bottom of the well. if you don't like it, ignore it. I don't know what else to tell you haha because I'm gonna do what I feel is right whether you have…
  • I have recently noticed a lot of people that vouch for the new system being good is because they are getting into matches and doing amazing every time leading them to believe that's a good thing. If you do amazing every match then the system is not working well. It's supposed to balance you with players your skill level,…
  • We don't want it. We don't need it. I was happy with the normal ranking system and it seems like so were most people. Stop trying to change something that people are happy with. PLEASE
  • I know. I have made multiple posts in the feedback section. I put this one in general because it wasn't a feedback post. I was trying to speak to the people about supporting the posts in the feedback section about the new sbmm system.
  • I will make as many as I need to. We only have so much time to give our feedback and with the forums flowing with conversations about other subjects, I want to make sure the feedback about the new system gets attention.
  • I hate sbmm. go back to the normal pip system
  • sbmm is terrible. I love the pip system.
  • I hate sbmm so much please go back to normal :(
  • @Dino7281 I made a poll because not everyone is gonna see that other one. Just more opportunity to see stats. So far it's 8 bad, 5 good. I would like to hear your reasoning on why sbmm is good. I'm sure you saw some of the reasons I don't like it but personally I don't think that it changes much in gameplay. Whether its…
  • In my opinion as a high rank skilled player you should be quite universal even when trying new killers. It should only take a match or 2 to get in the swing of things. If you're not a high rank skilled player than you should have no worries about rank and just try new characters and learn the game for a while.
  • Games with ranked aren't perfect. no matter what you will always be able to find loop holes like deranking yourself to verse lower players or whatever it is but I don't see an easy way to fix that and the sbmm wont fix that so I don't see its purpose. Whether this sbmm system exists or not, I feel that the same problems…
  • I forgot to add, I play survivor and killer equally so I do not speak with bias. Currently I am rank 4 survivor and rank 5 killer, if that makes any difference.