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  • It would still be very boring to use and probably never be used. My change would make it really appealing to try it with different perks and find new builds
  • Running overcharge with ruin or jolt could be a very nice combo and adds new gameplay. I’d love to run that
  • I said make it work with regression perks, have it apply when a gen regresses with jolt for example. Or whenever the gen regresses with ruin. It will automatically apply overcharge to it and give you the skillcheck
  • You should read it correctly before commenting, I wrote „Successful Basic Attack cooldown decreased by 25%“ which works like save the best for last Just without tokens and Without loosing any
  • my changes are actually how noed was im early stages of its life, so it’s not too far fetched. But yeah these addon nerfes for nemesis are weird, they would make sense if they would part of it basekit and therefore nerf the addons
  • im Killer main with over 4K hrs and I always disliked noed, it always felt undeserved getting kills because of that perk. I want to work for it, which shows my skill but noed can just used by anyone. And when I played survivor and the killer did absolutely poorly because he was maybe lower mmr he still got 1/2 kills…
  • I dont get your point, i literally just said that no one uses overcharge bc the skill check is to easy since you want to build on the skillcheck. And then you continue explaining something that wasnt even part of the discussion. I never said i want to make skill checks harder, i only said skill checks are easy. And thats…
  • Complex? Whats complex about a speed buff for 2.5 seconds. The Effects are simple so i dont get why it would be complex
  • So that would be the same as saying "bringing dead hard is for people that arent able to loop". The basement is a big part of the game and gameplay, its a place which gives the killer for once the strengh and momentum instead of the survivors. Having a basement build is fine and good for the game since its not always the…
  • But its not enough for players wanting to use it. People dont use it right now because the skillcheck is easy to hit. Thats why i gave it a new effect which makes this perk way better. And it will actually make people want to use it.
  • thats the point of it. Make it more attracting to players. It definetly wont break the game. For beginners it will be fun to use and they get the missed swing cooldown. And more expierienced players will use it in builds, but it 100% wont be a meta perk. The point is making it more used and interesting
  • Yes i definetly agree. Gen Progression of Survivors is really fast and if theyre really good 30% pop wouldnt be much of a hinderance for them
  • so you mean 5% by default and using pop its the usual 25%
  • i definetly agree with most of what youre saying, but i dont really do with the first part. You need to consider how fast the progression of 1 Survivor is compaired to regression. If the killer walks to the gen which he wants to use pop on, he will waster lets say 25 seconds. Then he finally kicks the gen, which also takes…
  • he definetly isnt the worst killer, but the things i mentioned will balance his overall ability. On high rank he will have a hard time with his current state. And with my changes he will have a better time on the high rank. While not dominating low rank, since like i said, low ranks are bad players and both sides dont know…
  • why would a nerfed pop help avoid a camp. If its nerfed the killer wont bother leaving for a gen which is far away with pop that lasts maybe 15 seconds when the gen is 20 seconds away. In my other discussions i said adding 200% regression speed when kicking a gen with overcharge would make the killer leave to get that 200%…
  • It would be very easy to address that, they just need to incentivize people not to camp by giving them rewards for doing certain things. Like BBQ and Chili incentivizes to hook multiple people. I mentioned it in my other Discussions
  • The unhooked person could still dodge the blade with dead hard or hop in a locker with ds, and since youre then still locked in main event you cant vault windows, destroy pallets or open lockers, survivors can play around that quite a lot. So its definetly not uncounterable. And by the time you got the unhooked person, the…
  • Theyd just have to prioritze the games health and focus on that each update. Just like when they were reworking all maps, during that time we didnt get any new maps. So they just need to rework 2 Killers per update which would contain the update of usual chapter release and the mid chapter. If they would do it like that we…
  • yeah thats right but that wouldnt be as strong as maybe bubba, since bubba can down the healthy unhooker and the person getting saved, even through borrowed. And with trickster having 3 main event blades, it will be the unhooker down. And at best the hooked person if theres no borrowed. And as far as removing blades, its…
  • yeah thats what im trying to achieve with all my suggetions. But i think all of the playerbase can agree that Hooks will be way more healthy
  • With that new main event you still won’t be dead. You’ll still be able do wiggle and the killer will miss the blades, and take it from me as a trickster main, it gets really hard to hit when the Survivors start to wiggle. And you can still use tiles where killer won’t be able throw over and since he’s stuck in main event…
  • Thats the problem, 2 Kills don’t show you the story of the game. It could’ve been the most boring game ever with camping and slugging which resulted in 2 Kills. But with hooks you actually see that the killer went for many hooks and didn’t 1 hook everyone or camp
  • Exactly 1. this game should be fun for both sides and 2. noed should not be needed to fit the balance
  • That does not do enough to stop killers camping the basement though. Especially With the hooks always spawning in the basement it will make the killer camp the basement more since the hooks are only there which is the completely wrong way. With the survivors screaming if they’re nearby it will incentivize the killer to get…
  • still no one will use it. Why would the killer bother going cross map to leave a hooked survivor just to kick a gen to get regression of 1/4 of the progression of 1 survivor. He’d rather just camp the person on the hook. And that’s what I want to avoid as much as possible. With 200% regression it will be more incentivizing…
  • Still you have to swing and get through the penalty of that and the animation itself. And at a loop you can still play around that as survivor. Trapper has a yellow addon which gives him 5% for 5 seconds after setting a trap. If he uses a setting speed addon it will be around the same time as swinging and missing. So I…
  • Hindered can be anything from 3% to 20%. It can be adjusted how bhvr would want it, it’s just a suggestion. I would add 5% which wouldn’t be gamebreaking. And you need to consider that there’s fixated. So if someone uses it in his build he’s immune. Since fixated is 15% I believe
  • You need to consider that this is only 2.5% which obviously could be adjusted. And with demo making noise when swinging it’s not really that bad. And there’s still the penalty for missing a hit, it’s only decreased by 25% and I doubt killers will be running around swinging all game just to get 5% movement speed when the…
  • My changes won’t change the fact that it’s a learning perk. Scratch marks will be visible longer which obliviously helps newer players, so it won’t change at that part. The hindered effect won’t affect new players since both sides won’t really notice it since they’re new. But experienced players will notice it and will…
  • That’s not really changing anything though
  • Yea exactly that’s what I want to avoid with these changes
  • Yeah sorry, forgot to mention „highlighted“. Bit of a „brain out of order“ moment.
  • Killers don’t get rewarded enough for playing in a fun way i.e prioritizing kills over hooks which will make them want to get the kill by any means through camping. And that’s not fun for the survivors, if they just get 1 Hooked and then it’s over. That’s why i would reward killers for playing nice and fair.