The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • It's like? Why even play? How could that be satisfying to cheat? Boggles my mind. I wonder if they actually ban people for that? I have reported a few people for very toxic/racist language. Not sure if it does any good.
  • This is what I thought! I can't think of what it was, unless it was some sort of haxxor.
  • THis was at the beginning and towards the end. I just couldn't fathom it? I mean dewd was bookin. Even after I hit bloodlust, he wasn't even looping me just full out running across the map?
  • How many times can they use that? Doesn't it have a cooldown? Cause my god, I wasted a few minutes on him. He was my last one that I hadn't hooked yet. My own fault for tunneling, but it doesn't seem right that I couldn't catch him?
  • Yeah, I been watching some Twitch streams and there are players with like 100's of those cakes and party streamers! GOT O MIGHTY!
  • I had a very horrible "Flashlight" game...this Kate kept me occupied for over two minutes with the darn flashlight. I was FUMING mad. It was a good strategy cause I was so tilted I tunneled her. I finally got her down, but all the gens were done and her team kept her up. I was pissed. I mean, she was pro with that…
  • Whoa! Thank you for this! So the build "City of Bones" I would love to see the lobby chat after that match! You should call that "City of Salt." I am going to try all of these! I am missing some of the perks, but will have them all in due time. Thanks!
  • LOL! It is more embarrassing than anything. I don't know if that makes sense? When I see behavior like that it is just embarrassing. LOL! You sure are right! There is no deficit on jagaloons and jerkwaters!
  • Yeah, I had a team of four dwights who were all dressed the same...I couldn't keep track of who was who. Ended up killing two of them...they flamed I was tunneling..LOL!
  • LOL! It is frustrating!
  • I love it! "Survivor Propaganda!" Yeah, I am still learning how to take advantage of the altruism in this game.
  • LOL! Noice!
  • I usually use one if I have a bunch of bad matches in a row. Get that little confidence back. It really is a vicious cycle...LOL!
    in Mori Comment by GuineaGamer July 2019
  • Yep. I have my chat communication turned off on xbox. Not just for this game, but any game in general. People get very salty and think a message will do harm. LOL
  • Oh sweet! I ddnt even think of running whispers on her. I just unlocked it on my Leatherface and it is amazing! Helps immensely with my tracking.
  • Yeah, bubba has max BBQ so that helps me farm points. I just got rank 3 whispers too! it helps out a TON. I see a huge difference in my tracking ability with that perk. I enjoy bubba, I haven't even utilized his good addons yet. I just been using the crappy grey ones while I farm. I been getting people disconnecting from…
  • Oh man! LOL! That hook save was clutch. He popped his saw too early. Yeah, that was for real camping. Just sitting in front of hook waiting. I have chased people near the hook before, right after I have hooked someone. Hey, it's a free hit or possible down! Def wouldn't face camp...unless the person was being a troll. I…
  • so M&A is pretty solid then? I mean they could potentially hear me off in the distance, but maybe not so much with generator noise and such?
  • So far! There are a few jagaloons in the after chat. Pretty toxic folks. But, for the most part nice.
  • That does make sense. I guess it wouldn't be much fun to get camped and singled out. I think it depends is all.
  • I camped today. Just one guy. He kept running around me and flashlighting my face. It was SOOOOO annoying. So I tunneled him down and camped him. I like BBQ and chili because you get the points by going after all four. I seem to get better the more that I chase people. Some of these survivors are hella good. I do hate…
  • Ahhh! Ok cool! Good to know mang! I don't have much in the way of perks unlocked for her to use. What should I use in place of M&A? Maybe spirit fury? I am having an issue with tracking in phase. I am a horrible tracker in general. Lose people all the time. I really appreciate the info!
  • Awesome! Thank you for that! I get looped like crazy. I am not the greatest at that yet. This community is sooo cool! I am hoping a Bloodpoint event happens soon so I can just grind the heck out of the Meta perks. I know we just had one which I missed completely. Sad day.
  • Yeah, I got all the DLC's awhile ago when they were on sale. I just picked up Plague and Ghostface as well. Although I haven't played them much yet.
  • I been playing leatherface to rush BBQ. It is VERY difficult right now to progress. LOL! I have the worst luck with lobbies. I am not great at tracking either. Question: Does "I'm all ears" proc with the spirit while she is phasing? If that makes sense. Like can you see the outline while in the phase realm?
  • Yeah, that was my plan. Bubba first then the hagatha. So BBQ chili and Ruin, what should on focus on after those two?
  • Noice! Thanks mang!
  • LOL! It seems about the same today actually. Still getting jacked up lobbies. I am still learning, so It is actually good i'm getting stomped. The community has been really cool. LOL! Most feel bad for me, especially a group of friends.
  • I just learned that "Save the Best for Last" procs with frenzy that is nifty! Does the Blindness hex as well I wonder?
  • OH man. Legion is by far my favorite killer! I am a 90's kid! SOO MUCH ANGST!! I never used his exploits or anything cause frankly, I stopped playing right after he dropped for a bit. I just came back and it seems his whole playstyle is different. What perks would be good on him now? I was thinking maybe…
  • Matchmaking is fine on xbox, never have that many issues. Every game I played on PC so far has been redonkulous!
  • Absolutely! It seems lame to camp someone on the hook. Waste of time. Yeah, the matchmaking has been ridiculous! I play on xbox and thought that PC would be cooler.
  • Sweet! Thanks for the tips! It is making me be more aware of map control on PC and making sure I don't let them get generators all over the map.
  • NOICE! Thanks mang!
  • I was just in a match with a level 4 survivor...rank reset my ass. The rest of them were 16s so I guess that is something. The level 4 got the hatch. I ddn't camp. I just locked off the gens correctly and the chips fell.
  • "These hoes ain't loyal" Abraham Lincoln
  • Believe this is still an issue. I got the game and haven't been able to play much, I have to go into steam settings and change my stupid location and it still sometimes won't work. Frustrating. I bought it on xbox and never have an issue getting a game.