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  • No, hatch is fine. As most people have said, it doesn't count as a win for the survivor, but it gives them a reason to keep playing. *Especially* in solo queue. Getting teamed with a new player who dies at 4 gens or a player that suicides on hook after first down should not punish me by putting me in a completely…
  • Lobby backfilling is wrecking the MMR system? How so? I have never heard of that before.
  • I've been saying that this feature should be added for a while, but it should be basekit and not require a perk slot. It should just be a built-in "press ___ to die" prompt when you're slugged and on death hook. Dying this way can also give the final survivor a chance by spawning hatch without eating a penalty, since so…
  • Maybe using a BNP should consume the entirety of the toolbox instantly, similar to how syringes consume the medkit? That way, you get the 25% quickly added to the gen, but can't continue to repair faster from the toolbox after? Idk, just brainstorming. But I feel like none of the people posting about "nerf SB" or…
  • Agree with a lot of points, but definitely not #1. I've never understood the "dont nerf Nurse/Blight, but buff every other killer to their level" argument. People making this statement always seem to have high MMR 4-SWFs as their reference point when saying that, but solo queue exists and so do casual/unskilled survivors.…
  • I think fun should be the primary concern for killer powers *on both sides*, but add-ons and perks should prioritize balance. I enjoy playing against scratched mirror Mikey for the jumpscares or Huntress for the thrill of dodging hatches. The killers are fun, even if there are perks or add-ons that can really sour the…
  • Yeah, I like the sound of that idea. Survivor main stamp of approval 😉
  • Would the gates still require like 20 seconds to open as well? Because it seems like this is just making you have to do the standard opening process twice if you don't have a brand-new part. That being said, I'd be okay with this so long as the repairs had something more intriguing than holding one button to repair with…
  • I suggested that the survivor's hook timer should slow based upon the number of remaining gens if the killer stays within, say, 12 meters of the hooked survivor. The amount could be 1 / (number of gens remaining - 1). For example, if a killer face-camps at 5 gens, then the survivor on hook's timer will decrease to 1 / (5 -…
  • Yeah, the fact that there is a tome for the next month or so that encourages people to play as Dull Merchant has me considering an extended break from the game. Genuinely don't think that I've ever had a fun or exhilarating match against a Skull Merchant - win or lose, they've just been a pain.
  • At the very least, if there is only one survivor left standing and you're slugged in the ground, there should be a "press ___ to die" option after 30 seconds or so. That way, you can leave with earned BP, you don't have to spend minutes on the ground unable to play, and the hatch can spawn. The match is likely over at that…
  • I've said this before in the similar thread yesterday, but I'm 100% down for removing hook suicide as a mechanic so long as survivors are given more information in the pre-game lobby regarding what killer they're about to go in against. This game has too many design elements specific to one killer, such as Plague's vomit…
  • Definitely agree. I'd much rather spend 10 min in queue for a fun match rather than have a 1 minute queue followed by a waste a waste of 40 minutes because i got my 3rd or 4th 3-gen Skull Merchant in a row.
  • Out of curiosity, what would this solve? It delays the first hook, but a slugged survivor still needs to be picked up and can be camped. As a survivor main, I dont want the pace of the match to be a train wreck of mandatory slugging.
  • Accessibility is absolutely related to hook suicide. This game intentionally plays into phobias for horror elements (e.g., puking Plague) and mechanics that are specific to one killer (e.g., Clown's screen distortion). It's not fair to say that if someone has issues playing against just 1 out of 30 killers, then they…
  • Strange that we have had such opposite experiences. I mostly play soloQ or with one friend + two randoms, and most matches have been either a 4k or a 3k + one survivor getting hatch. Either way, the killers have been winning. Nerfing dead hard and self-healing mean that survivors are much less self-sufficient and need to…
  • I would agree that hook suicides should be removed, but only if survivors are given more information to consent to the match that they're about to go into, such as knowing what killer they have in their lobby. I know that everyone is going to jump on me for that statement, but here is an example: I cannot play against…
  • I agree that prestige levels should he hidden, and I also think that player names should also be hidden until the post-game lobby on the off-chance that survivors are streamers that the killer can snipe from having their info shown ahead of the match. Especially given that killers enjoy this anonymity until post-game while…
  • There are definitely interesting things they could do. They could make it so that a toolbox can be used to disarm Trapper's traps without making noise (not full sabotage like before), or toolboxes can use charges to repair locker locks when Dredge breaks them. Medkits can use charges to slow Plague's infection build-up,…
  • For the past several weeks, I have had killers tunnel directly off-hook in at least 40% of my survivor matches. I play mostly on the survivor side, so maybe I just play more survivor matches which would naturally lead to me seeing more instances of it. Either way, the BT and Haste do not stop it. Not unhooking in the…
  • >> Why would I go after the person who just unhooked? 3 hits to down again versus 2 hits to down is simple math. Yes, that is the point. This will incentivize tunneling. Basekit BT only provides endurance for 7 seconds or so, so the killer can simply wait that out and then immediately re-down the survivor. DH used to be an…
  • They said that you're competing with other survivors now for getting unhooks to activate the perk, so there's a good chance you'll never get it activated in the first place. And I agree that this will encourage tunneling, especially for the first person hooked in a match. That person cannot use DH in their first chase. If…
  • As I said in the original post, im aware this is basically FTP lmao. Adding as base kit would mean survivors don't need to reserve a perk slot to combat tunneling, and this system has FTP in the unhook animation so you don't need to take an extra second or two trying to give the health state if a tunneling killer is…
  • I really like the idea of having a 40K cap, but with no cap on each individual category. Especially in the current tunnel meta, where the tunneled survivor probably has no chance to earn any altruism or objective points and the non-tunneled survivors dont earn as many chase points based purely on the choice of the killer.…
  • I really like Astral Alliance, Boon: Silent Ground, and Escapist. Actually, I'm shocked that Escapist isn't already a thing.
  • Personally, I feel like there should be a "press active ability button to die" option when you're on death hook and then put into the dying state / slugged for more than X seconds. Just let that survivor go next without losing their BP and hitting them with a DC penalty.
  • I LOVE the idea, but agree that having 3 tripwires per survivor running the perk would be way too powerful.
  • I play probably 70% survivor and 30% killer. I dont mind dying in a match as a survivor, especially if it's due to a great stealth kill from a Ghostface / Myers, a long throw from a Huntress, or other fun and skillful killer plays. My issue with the game, though, is that the killers have become very unfun to play against.…