Just to give it a try: disable Game Mode
Sure. Why not? In the game Remothered it worked too and it was a fine horror game in single player.
No, cannot see a point here. It may be annoying for you, maybe you are not able to ignore the effects, but that is the whole point of having perks on the game: to have an effect on the gameplay. You talk about bad players, yet you do not define what bad players are, especially interesting that would be when we think about…
Then why are you telling people that is hard? Why has there to be a lie somewhere to make a point? Still, where is the problem? Do you need any more indication that the killer is right around you? Or why should there be even a greater cooldown between Pyramid heads attacks? There is even a video proving you wrong and I can…
Now we take a step back and read this again and take a deep breath. We are now down to complain that some players were able to outsmart others by doing something that is hard to do? I mean, one could say they are playing good and use their tools smartly, but why bother, I guess. And because the others cannot always avoid…
Trying to be a clown, are we? You deny there be behavior one or the other side could find frustrating? Instead you speculate about what I feel during a match and give me advices built on your baseless assumptions? Moreover, you use terms so blank that they are almost entirely defined by the subjective feelings of every…
You do realize that we have two sides of a medal, right? Somehow people have to win and it will frustrate the one or the other, some will find this and that cheap. Especially amusing when it comes to such fiction like "camping" and "tunneling", whose alleged definitions are not only nonsensical, they are also as diverse as…
Oh really? To call for a nerf of the Spirit is a thing now? Has she got a buff recently? Or what changed that people demand a nerf of her over one of Billy? (I would not agree with both)
This ... is actually quite good! Let him scream "WHAAZUUUP" at every successful hit. That would make this concept and the reality more consistent.
You guys got it all wrong. It is not directly from the franchise Scream, it was from Scary Movie. Now, let us give him something dope ...
At least for me, I found another game well more interesting, it is the other one from the other developer team. And sure, in Dead by Daylight I also started to play survivor to see how life is on the sunny side of life.
Oh yes, that one time a survivor jumped over a pallet and started to t-bag just to get downed by a hatch. Sometimes some people are trying hard. But I do not think that a screenshot will ever prove how they behaved in game.
This will be solved in the upcoming patch. And yes, the developers could reduce the hotboxes of the killers; would be amazing to see how this fares in loops and how people scream then.
Want to talk about the skill required to play survivors? All it takes is experience to estimate when to move and where, but you have just one gameplay to learn. This discussion would of course be nonsense like I deem this thread since you are suggesting that killers should be cumbersome to play, ignoring everything else of…
Bye. Wrong place in the forum. Blackmailing by threatening to leave is, well, a pitiful argument. Here what doctor says:
This is strongly advised as it gets abused at times for a ridiculous duration and for the slightest reasons. The funny thing is that this is already implemented on the DbD-inspired game on phone and it works. There it reveals the survivor as crows circle around the head of a survivor who did not interact with the pendents…
Well, the perk part of the game ruins every serious attempt at balancing the game anyway. One has to account for too many variables and combinations. And the statement that they do not want to create killers as strong as possible, viable at higher ranks against try-hards, also seem to be an excuse when they do not do a…
It is not much information. His point is that the game gets harder with less players on the survivor side. He does not like it, it is too severe for him. Now, to give it seemingly some meaning he incorporates some mathematics to calculate percentages. That way, he does not have to phrase it, preventing it from appearing…
I disagree, simply because your statements are not true. Until now, I never saw anything on the killer side without a counter. I regularly see people trying to do the stuff people taught them (probably with videos on YouTube) and many fail at that. Should you have played all your hours beneath a rock, as it seems, I can…
Here is so much wrong with the thread ... Look, one has to learn how to play a game, especially a competitive game, played online and against other players. As you confuse so many things, I assume you are not playing for long, so, if that is too much for you, well, you cannot be helped.
I think the developers wanted to make the perk more attractive: they succeeded. This perk has limited use, as you know, the game has to be in the end phase and survivors must be in range of the killer, requiring them to mess up first. Now, this perk gives the killer another chance to score a few kills if the survivors get…
Thanks for all the advises, although they were obvious. It saddens to see how quick people get upset if they do not get catered for enough. This perk is situational and people complain too that it works while the killer carries them, because they also want to relate it to the reverse bear traps for no reason. Sometimes I…
Sad to hear you are facing problems. Right, you. And this game is not all about you. You play against other you and you have to respect the other you as they respect you. The problem on the killer side is that they all got fancy powers -- on paper. But in virtual life the powers are no longer as fancy as on paper; nurse…
Okay. Sad to hear.
Milestones on the whole progress bar of generators would be nice idea that survivors can no longer run to one generator, tap a bit on it and hide again from the killer, and this again and again. It would force them to stay on the generator and work on it until another milestone is reached.
The only approach that works would be to change the whole game mechanic and remove hooks altogether, and to give the killer the option to kill a survivor after he downed them three times. As long as hooks are in the game, camping is a possible way to behave, in the same way as permanently evading the killer and hiding on…
I see no sense here. If I do not complete an action why should I not get punished for aborting the action? If I do not wait until the animation is done for other things, like rescuing or kicking, I also have to start all over again.
You do realize that the same applies to the aura-reading abilities of the survivors, no? There are way too many places to hide for survivors compared to the time pressure on the killer, so, these are things to give more options on the table for both sides.