The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • No. xD I have the same issue on PC
  • I'd say you're right. It is hard to replace meta perks thats why they are meta perks (lol) but perhaps the devs could start changing the perks constantly to have new meta build? Idk its lots of work to think of new concepts as they publish DLCs all the time.
  • stop with that attitude. I remember old times where survivors were hella strong and the devs not listening to killers at all. I think we can agree that the game was survivor sided alot for a very long time. But lets face the truth: Its getting balanced and is solid at the moment. I agree that there are still some things…
  • Its a solid idea but always be careful about extra actions that might cause the game to dramatically slow down. Obviously it will slow everything down if you have for example 15 of those leaves first you would need to find em next to cleanse them and to hope to find a totem and cleanse it. The longer the games takes the…
  • I understand the fear about the perk but I am not sure if that will be really something everyone will use. Especially we don't know any detail yet that is officially confirmed. Lets wait and drink some tea. If your guess is right and they'll implement it that way it will be tested on the PTB anyway and perhaps changes will…
  • And these killers would be? Thats ridiclious. Freddy with his new rework, Wraiths rework before, nurse, billy, myers, even the other killers are decent if you meassure decent with the terms OP or one hitting abilities than you are clearly meassuring wrong. So the game has enough very well created killers.. decent as you…
  • Yep. Agree fully there is barely a game I finish without at least 3 stacks. I mostly finish my games with 4 stacks even in red ranks.
  • I can't stand opinions that are stated as facts. Go ahead champ and check for yourself. 2019 might be the highest peak but its fallen drastically. :/
  • Yes I agree and I don't like that black/white view of some people here. I agree that the games are always depending on your survivors and depending on how the killer plays but no one can tell me that all of their games they play end miserably. There is always a counter play for a killer play but people don't do that…
  • The game can be fun I agree fully! I have fun too otherwise I wouldn't play it. But currently I am facing lots of toxic killers and survivors that just DC/suicide or just afk. I can blame them and I do sometimes but many times its the killer that just plays tryhard like. Sweaty. I can't describe it better thh. To me and…
  • I agree. I would count it as stealth if you're in a very close range to the killer so that you can(!) be found. :) Just being in terror radius can be very tricky especially there are killer that have a huge terror radius. With perks it can even be enchanted so I would limit it to the real distance to the killer to avoid…
  • The whole game yes. But situational not. Situational it can save you and the game could reward you for being smart enough to have done that at that time you know?
  • Of course but that is limited aswell. There are 4 survivors and 5 totems if I recall it correctly. Stealth as playing stealth the whole game is boring af no one should do that but if you are in a situation that it could spare you death you should be awarded by actively avoiding the killer at that time. I don't know why…
  • Obviously but you can't deny that there are those possibilities. And sometimes it happens. Avoiding killers isn't that bad either. Especially if the killer is a god tier like nurse in the high ranks. This shouldn't be a wake up call for everyone to actively stealth but to encourage people to do that to as a sort of…
  • Most of the stuff you can buy with your shards. You don't need to buy the dlcs either if you wait enough. SO you can buy perks (RNG sucks sometimes) and cosmetics and most of the killers beside the license ones if you play very ..very....veerrryyy much xD but it is possible
  • Finally. Pretty late right?
  • His Power needs a change too. Like the double stun is unnessecary. As my writer above mentioned his addons range goes from being ridicliously strong to pathethicly weak so basically he is a doctor 2.0 but more worse in ability. Just refund him honestly until devs change something so you can buy them again
  • Its hopeless. Their playstyle is #########
  • Just request a refund on steam. It worked for me since I bought it yesterday
  • That killer can't be without top notch addons. Please devs buff him or change something
    in Legion Comment by Kuroyu December 2018
  • you are right but it happend often (and thats the reason) that I had braindead survivors so I mostly killed 4 people until I reached around rank 13 where they slowly started to gain brain. At around 12-11 they were annoying (yeah I know babykiller problems :D) as hell. Unfortunaley I wasn't prepared I ranked up too quick xD
  • Legit. But why would you assume that I were camping? Because I don't. My chases takes too long sometimes yes but even if I catch someone quick and patrol gens I must be doing something wrong? Because still they genrush sometimes and If I am meaning genrush I do
  • I can't remember playing toxic as a survivor. In the other hand I had shittons of toxic people in my lobby as a killerwith weird names like "Give up Killer" or "Killer needs to go" "toxic jake" Toxic life" what the hell is wrong with those people? I am rank 1 I am having over 1k hours and I can't recall being that way.
  • Yeah I am using Ruin on my Hag build unfortunaley its been found in 1min many times. I am rank 11 atm and its pissing me off that the higher I climb the faster and more stressful the game becomes. Of course! I am a babykiller and I will need to learn more before judging the system but I am a r1 survivor and can at least…
  • Yeah you are right @RSB and @Master the issues was that I couldn't find him I am way too unexperienced with killer
  • @Orion @MichaelAudreyMyers Alright thank you both for replying :) I will try what you told me Orion and hopefully it will happen with that option michael mentioned. Have a nice day and see you in the fog <3
  • @Orion I just feel really bad if I do it. ;_; I know camping is legit and tunneling is too but still I only tunnel once to reduce their numbers to 3 and then continue to play like I used to be. But in that game I didn't do it >_<
  • I see.. @Soren but I am kinda frustrated. I started playing her some days ago and it is going really well but the more I rank up the way more diffcult it is and specially I noticed some really toxic gameplay something I have never done as a survivor myself. Is there any way to counter looping with hag beside placing traps?
  • After all the balances and nerfs they did. How can you still complain about survivors being too overpowered? Did you ever think about it? Flashlight nerfs, Pallet balancing, pick up animation buff, hag and trapper buff, various killer buffs that will occur in the near future. Killer addon changes for balance purpose and…
  • uhh I don't own the dlc for the pig so I can't really do that. The other ones sounds good.
  • Have a little bit more trust in the devs. They are doing so much right at the moment since buying the game "back"
  • Exactly my thoughts.
  • And I think the flashlight save doesn't count as an argument anymore. It is still possible yes but due the changes there is no more guarantee that a flashlight save will work.
  • What exactly does the number of hooks have to do with skill a killer or survivor have?
  • Yeh I am stuck at rank 6 at the moment. I can't remember that there was any time where I was stuck at rank 6 lol xD
  • @ConsoleNurse Not always but it seems that a huge amount of them doesn't do gens and better let themselves killed and flame the killer afterwards. This is so toxic
  • Yeh killer is challanging of course and so should be survivor! I totally disliked the new pallets and get used to them now they work totally fine with me. So are my other survivor friends thinking. Its not impossible. If it would be impossible no one would play lol. One thing that annoys me is that many killers still want…
  • I think some stuff has been changed way too fast in way less time. Unexpirienced players left or started playing killer. I think less people are trying to get used to that new changes or never tried lol. Still good luck for your search!
  • Don't be pricks. If he feels that way right now then its alright. Let me tell you as a survivor main: I think its even more fun and more balanced as it was before. Survivors still can win a game and punish campers for example. Just don't save someone if the killer is camping. All you have to do is being more cautious and…