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  • :I no..she really scary me...
  • I think some find it unpleasant for the eyes. but come on, it's a horror game,her latest skins are amazing,i love and i need it
  • When i see these events i always want to farm,because both parties win especially if we all put streamers or event cakes ... but well today i have to play with pure campers. Both sides are selfish,sometimes the killer wants to farm but the other suvs ignore it and prefer to do gen rush,they farm you in front of the killer…
  • This is precisely why many players prefer to play with their friends, because ramdons rarely help them. I have had to be in several games like this, some were not swf but they just didn't care to help,i unhooked myself trying to kill myself and i think the killer feeling sorry for me because he didn't chase me and in the…
  • What is the definition of toxic for you? Besides, I guess you're new to the game. But you can't nerf everything related to suvs only by some players who play with friends,not all suvs play with friends and there are several nerves that affect too much suvs who play alone with randoms. To me,a toxic survivor is the one who…
  • Honey, the killer doesn't need to camp totems,hooks or generators. Tunneling and camping only makes the survivors make generators what the killers call "genrush" but it's not like that. The rush gene is most seen in the red ranges, where the sfw carry all toolboxes. You will rarely see genrush in the low ranges, because…
  • I've only done facecam twice, to two toxic survivors, one who threw a pale to a fellow who was being chased (trolling him by cutting the road) and a Feng who made me teabag when she farm a partner in my face when i had just finished hook him and she do it without BT. I really can't stand the survivors who do those things,…
  • let's be honest, they won't do anything against the camp and tun. The hooked survivor has two options, or he kills himself (who still loses pips, time and BP) or stays there giving others time to make some gene so then the killer hooks another survivor and does the same "strategy". Because now you cannot give dc if they…
  • not all are disconnected by rage, some do it by the constant tunneling and champion or the toxic survivors. I prefer to give dc to see a camper in the first hitch to find another quick game to don't waste time, the survivors who are tunneled and champions can not win pips because they can do nothing to "repair" "aultruism"…
  • I would like jeepers creepers .. because he really scares me xd
  • if a suv dc or kill herself in the firts hook,the killer still have bp. If you camp,the suv don't get any bp,but the killer get bp and maybe 2 or 3 gens two.. and i want the old ruin back...
  • it's not just one,now 7 out of 10 are campers or tunnels. 🤣
  • neither does the tunneling or camp seem fair to me. Each part does what they want in the game, the developers don't think that camper and tunneling is something baneable or that it needs to be changed is for something, just as they have made a lot of changes with the Body block bellied as it was before, to They are…
  • low ranks sucks..as killer it is easy to kill them all and as a survivor they are a pain in the A-S-S ... they don't repair and if they do explode the gens about 5 times, they don't help, they unhook you in the face of the killer or they hide during the whole match .. How killer is ez, but how suv makes me want to tear my…
  • yeah so fun..then they complain about the "gen rush", when they actually waste time doing this instead of preventing them from doing gens. There are several perks that help a lot in case you didn't know to avoid the rush gene. -Thrilling Tremors -Pop Goes the Weasel -Discordance -Arises -Corrupt Intervention -Thanatophobia…
  • :D -stun the killer for 5 seconds. 5 seconds that are really nothing because you can easily chase the survivor again with a plus that is already injured. -Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will disable Decisive Strike. -The survivor who uses ds and is unhook will not make gens, they go away from the killer to heal or…
  • As i said before, DS should be like the perk of Adam Francis Diversion. Should load if you are in the killer's terror range, many of you are sure to only play as killers so don't know or have any idea what it is to be tunneled. DS gives you 60sec after being unhooked, once you use it the killer is stun for about 3 seconds…
  • buuuuut i like them to be older than me :c
  • Yes, it sucks that they are making these changes so silly,i hate genrush but it seems that it only happens wheniI play killer because when I'm a survivor the team that touches me never makes gens and sincerely sucks having to do all the gens alone. Because several of the team spend it hidden or annoying the other survivors…
  • Both parties will cry for each perk, skill or item that is nerfe. I really bothered and desepidated a lot when they nerfied the spirit, but i got used to getting used to their new items (but stop using the nurse) I have never found it very useful to use ruin since i have such bad luck that always :D is destroyed 10 or 5…
  • To prevent them from doing these things. they really fail everything ... I believe that even with the advantage given with the change of ruin, they will still fail the skills checks..
  • All the killers crying for the ruin,as well as crying for the ruin all the survivors cried for Balanced Landing, Decisive Strike, borrowed time, insta med, Mettle of Man among other perks and items, plus changes in the map closing several windows and Doors making the place more closed. No matter complaining about…
  • they love the face camp and the tun that's why they do those things, they don't give a balanced game. there are several perks that have already ruined everything for new players who complain about everything.
  • I still can't hear the killers terror radio or when the suvs exploit the gens. but they really give a damn to solve those things.
  • Those perks were already nerfed what else are they going to do now? they just have to nerf more perks. You're worried about BT, use Freddy;That perk is useless against him. In addition, not all suvs use it because they don't give a ######### about someone in the killer's face without BT. DS worries you, just don't pick it…
  • Evitar Gen rush : No tunelear,verificar los Gen y enganchar a dos para hacer que los otros dos busquen salvar,incap uno y buscar al otro. Esa es mi manera de jugar como killer,nunca he tun a nadie ni he campeado,si los suvs no son toxicos doy trampilla.. Como suv el tuneleo no se puede evitar ni el camp,seamos sinceros..DS…
  • Un dc al principio lol es un efecto domino a otro dc hasta que al final quedan 2 suvs y 5 gens.
  • No se necesita Genrush para que te den camp o tun. El killer igual lo hace y por el camp o estar todo el match persiguiendo a la misma persona es que le hacen todos los gens. Justamente eso me paso ayer con un Mayers,engancho a alguien y le dio camp sin razón haber ni un solo gen hecho aun,todos lo vimos camp y preferimos…
  • Sincerely,i don't mind receiving a ban for giving DC, I don't want to play with a camper or a tunneler but with DC bans only making people move away from the game and find another game to spend money and time. As a killer I have no problems with the dc since suvs rarely give dc. I find it foolish that they don't let us…
  • as a survivor i have only given dc when i have toxic Teammates (of those who throw pallets to cut your path when the killer is chasing you or those who don't help at all when you are on the hook or on the floor and just want to make teabag to killer) or killers campers and tunnelers. As killer i have only given dc once and…
  • if you give dc or killer gives dc, they both lose pips. It happened to me that the killer gives DC because he does not like the map or the suvs give DC because they just wanted to lose rank and i lose pips too. Sometimes the connection to the server is lost- Punishing for DC is nonsense, there are players who don't want to…
  • Recently i had a ritual like the doctor so i decided not to kill anyone and just do the ritual but in the end it turns out that three suvs died from the endgame and i did not understand why if i left them at the exit. Then i have these angry suvs leaving hateful comments on my profile saying that they had reported me as a…
  • Es el perk abandonado,sinceramente no sirve para nada incluso he intentando ver como funciona usando la ofrenda "Bote De Labios Salados De Vigo" que te da el 3% mas de suerte (:D para ser una ofrenda morada 3% es un chiste) y nada de nada,no logras liberarte del gancho y peor aun si te toco trampero con adoms rosas. Espero…
  • I got stuck in a locker the whole game and in the end the endgame killed me causing me to lose my pips and my time for not being able to do anything, also that the team had a bad game since they had one player less. so no,dc shouldn't be punished because not every time players give dc is for something stupid like getting…
  • DS should be activated for as long as you are in the radius of terror as the perk of Adam Francis Distraction. It would be better this way for people who use it.