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  • Dude my bro and I use some absolutely braindead builds and we still remain in red ranks. Right now I'm using plunderers, Ace in the hole, and aces perk that increases luck, with saboteur for memes. My brother uses head on, quick and quiet, saboteur and borrowed, just so we don't get farmed straight off the hook. We are…
  • You could make the exit like getting out of a clown car. After all they shouldn't be able to fit in those either, I think it would be a pretty good comparison
  • Honestly I consistently forget BBQ has a aura sense part to it. I only run it for points
  • One thing not made clear in this post is that this is only for the Lerys map, not game wide. I think that was a little misleading
  • I love that map. Playing as a survivor it gives such a cool aesthetic and feels so cool. Theres tons of pallets and a few pretty good loops that work too. On the killer end I still enjoy it as the pallets aren't safe and I actually have a chance but there are still some loops that can keep you occupied for a little bit.
  • Dbds playerbase has been rising for a while now. It is far from dead and is far from being dead. The chances that these changes convince an entire playerbase to leave is astronomically low.
  • This was a great fix and I hope they keep up the good work. Dev's made her harder to play but shes still useable and not destroyed in the slightest.
  • I just don't like prayer beads, and the fact that if I want to "correctly counter" her I need two specific perks out of my build I'm running just to counter one killer. That's my only issues, and I don't think theres a way to fix that and oh well, just please change prayer beads.
  • But like, Iri head huntress would be unstoppable
  • Honestly the people who have "just run iron will and spine chill" need better tips, because wasting away two points just to counter one killer is a big oof. You shouldn't need 2 perks just to live. And for the headphone one I guess rip anyone who can't afford those. Spirits fine though, I just think prayer beads are pretty…
  • Honestly none of my builds have any exhaustion perks mostly just cause I don't have them unlocked for anyone. Even with that though I still probably wouldnt run many since most of my builds are based around saving my team.
  • I never get to face clown and I hardly see doctors, and while demogorgan is new I never see him either. I do however only face Michael's and pigs and I can officially say I am pretty bored of stealth killers.
  • It's faster to break the pallet normally anyways with the stun that comes after, and yes he did really need this as he isnt the strongest killer, plus billy and bubba can do the same thing with their ability, what's the difference?
  • I mean it's quite literally faster to just break the pallet by hitting the break button, so I don't see why you are complaining? It breaks it slower than if someone had just broke pallet you tossed. Plus he is incredibly easy to juke when he shreds, so I can't even imagine how you say that was OP in the first place
  • Base is 4 meters, with addons I'm not sure though
  • There isnt even a gen obsession perk being released? Nancy's perks show others the gen she us working on, show her her own scratch Mark's, and heal her if she breaks a totem. Yall are trashing something that doesn't exist
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