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  • As a plague main who got to red ranks playing only her, I would die if they reworked her. Bring play with your food or an apple addon and it's perfectly fine when survivors don't cleanse.
  • I feel that out of phasing movement speed allows for me to go for aggressive plays that I usually wouldn't go for, but that just could be me. I despise passive phasing addons, it's such a cool passive ability that I wish more killers had stuff similar too, but addons that make passive phasing more common make it feel…
  • She has an addons that let her go from a well balanced killer to a no brain killer instantly. This coupled with the fact she really isn't punished for being outplayed or misplaying with her power makes her obnoxious to go against. It not over powered IMO but its like old Legion where the actual counterplay is little to…
  • NGL i just don't want them to nerf his BP gain from his shred attack.
  • One of the first times I tried playing survivor, we got Autowreckers and Billy spawned facing towards me with no jungle gyms or anything nearby. He chainsawed me within the first 3 seconds and I suicided on hook because no one came to get me before 2nd stage.
  • My issue is survivors who spam in and out of a locker because they have DS. I feel that DS itself while the timer can be annoying because crossing the map and then getting into a chase feels bad when you punish a misplay but it was within the 60 seconds, but it is livable. Its the survivors who know they have a second…
  • NGL its the only use for his power in the state it is in. I can be looked at point blank by survivors and not have it taken away, but there are times where he can be looked at from behind a solid wall on The Game and its gone. I personally agree if the changed GF to not have a useless power the killer instinct portion…
  • Ya I switched between ps4 to steam a few months back after my email attached to my psn account was hacked. Maybe just a counter to the mask you are closest to? Prestiging does not reset it I just get put into a lot of games with newer survivors.
  • Leathface and Doctor, but I am trying to get blinking down as nurse as gen speeds are bad enough that not playing the big 3 is a mistake.