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  • The devs have made it clear that the only new players that matter are new survivors. I was playing with a group of 4 last night and our highest rank was an 11 (I was a 5 due to RR) and yet 4 games in a row we got sub rank 15 killers, none of us BM'd but we all felt terrible because there's no way these brand new killers…
  • Hey man, as a killer main. There's no such thing as gen rush, what else are survs supposed to do when not in chase with you but work on gens. If you can't keep up the map pressure people are gonna hold M1 instead.
  • ######### loadouts already, such an easy implementation, or at least it should be. I shouldn't have to spend my time sifting through 6 pages of perks to find the ones I want for my fun loadouts rather than just using the same 4 every game.
  • So basically, always expect a company to be ######### because other ######### things exist? Why does it have to be that way in the first place? We can't change it just because it's the norm?
  • Don't know if anyone's suggested this before, but what I've thought this game needed for a long while is a concede button, if I'm slugged on the ground waiting for the killer to find my rando blendette teammate I'm stuck waiting for 3 minutes until my timer is up and I die. If someone has been slugged for a straight 2…
  • The only thing we need to help new players with is the massive grind it is to actually get a build that they may want. I have been playing pretty much 2-3 hours a day for a year now and just finally got a survivor with all the perks (yes I p3'd a couple of characters but that only adds a little in the drop of bloodpoints…
  • idek, i think i just fixed it tho, I just edited it lol
  • Yes because before patch demo could definitely vault pallets by default just like legion so it's definitely the same thing and the devs are definitely treating the legion unfairly...
  • this! so dumb that you have to play the perfect game with this pipping system, just tried to get HillBilly's and thought i did pretty damn well, little did I know that I just happened to let the gens get done too fast and didn't M1 people enough... yeah i really feel like I'm being an "adept billy" when im forced to M1…
  • they cannot fail at an objective that they aren't being given an opportunity to complete, just because someone downed you doesn't mean the survivor has entirely failed. In most cases, the survivor has 3 chances, and in the situation you are describing, they have one chance. The objective isn't to win chases, it is to…
  • The killer is already docked points for camping lol. Not talking about giving out double pips, just whatever percentage of points they lose from the sacrifice category (because that's the category they lose it from) and doubling it and giving it to the survivor in their survival category. The idea is to give those players…
  • Everyone justifying using this exploit need to do as the perk name suggests. Yes there were other exploits in the past, just because there's now one on survivor instead of killer doesn't mean that you get to use it. All exploits are terrible and affects everyone's enjoyment of the game. The fact that I see people saying…