Well hot damn, that was the issue. Not sure why the site didn't tell me that but anyway, thanks for the help!
It seems to be the case. Although I can't do it myself as I get an unknown error whenever I try to create a BHVR account.
Instead of raising the category cap they should have removed them entirely, while still keeping the match cap. The survival category in particular doesn't have enough actions that'll give you a good amount of points, whereas you can easily get a bunch of objective points if you work on gens with others.
Seems to be a general thing because I don't have the new pants but have noticed the same thing you have.
The Deathgarden masks actually ended up being free when the game ended up being free.
I didn't always enjoy playing Hawkins but I do miss it. Having content removed in general just sucks.
I don't think they'd be able to make things like backpacks optional without it somehow unintentionally letting you equip the backpacks on any other cosmetic, just like people glitching sets and such. It is a solid idea though.
That'd be great but I wouldn't expect anything more for Ash considering how long it has been since his last cosmetic plus the Evil Dead game dropping next month.
I suppose you could learn the gen times and run tinkerer and time it from when it procs to completion. Throw in discordance to get the extra info if it's just one person on it or more. Not perfect for sure but outside of seeing someone do a gen super quick I don't really see how else you could figure it out.
I was bummed out to see that my Prime was running out and the next drop hadn't happened. Can't say I care at all about missing this one. Charms are crappy and we have far too many of them and even with that being said I still forget they exist every now and then.
I didn't notice that and now I'm just noticing her weapon looks kinda like a feather and I feel like an idiot for missing it.
After seeing the perk Merciless Storm I feel like they could make Tinkerer similar and trigger once per generator.
I'd like to say it's because they don't want you to M1 and then use your power to catch up but it isn't exactly a lethal power (kinda slightly is now though) and Blight exists. So I don't see a good reason for it to be this way anymore.
I'd accept bots because quite frankly I'm so sick of people disconnecting on their first down and ruining the match so quickly.
Not surprised it feels that way when there wasn't a new map and the killer is barely played.
If you think gens are going too fast then tinkerer could help out with that as you can time how fast the gen finishes after it triggers.
Chains spawn in sets of 3, so after you've dealt with them you have time to starting solving the box before the next set begins to come for you. At least that's how I deal with it.
I remember when they added the emblem system they said it would be adjusted for various killers such as Hillbilly so using their power rewards more. That never happened.
They don't always need an object to end up doing nothing as quite a few times I've seen them just stand there, in the open, not moving for ages. Even with me sitting on a generator nearby (they weren't blinded either) It's pretty annoying they've been so problematic since release and seemingly no changes have been made.
I can certainly imagine how overwhelming it must be for new players with the amount of content there is in the game. So many different killer powers to learn to play with/against, add ons, perks, status effects and all that. Gotta be pretty crazy to jump into.
I've never understood why they didn't put a brief delay between flashlight clicks so you can't do it insanely fast.
Pretty sure they fixed this a long time ago. Wonder when it broke again.
Flashlights, in most cases, should make the match easier for the killer. As a lot of people will follow you around as you chase someone else, waiting for their time to shine. So they're not doing generators.
I genuinely enjoy RPD.
Probably just the unfortunate way the kill switch feature works. I assume they would have needed to push out an update for the game to disable her while still letting you access her bloodweb and that's probably a mix of them not liking to do updates too frequently and having to go through certification for consoles. It…
######### it, yeah. I'd like that.
I'd love that. Just keep giving us more Silent Hill content, please.
It makes sense considering the map is probably the least used item type as it is barely even useful. I've seen other people use the glass bead add-on just a handful of times in my thousands of hours.
The only way I could see her working if she was very slow would be to have her teleport kinda like the Nurse. Then that doesn't really make her unique.
It feels like some sets only exist because they don't think people would want to buy the entire outfit otherwise.
Probably because not everyone plays with only the things that maximise their potential to win and instead play for fun.
I don't have that outfit but I imagine it sounds the same as the shoes for the Dwight Prime Gaming outfit. It's nice when we get extra details like this.
I know I've come across a few but the only name I can remember right now is Sluzzy.
The chat filter sucks in any language. Recently had a match where the killer had an ebony mori and they barely tried to hook anyone, just kept slugging. Leaving them to get no use from the mori. So in the end game chat I said "Why bring a mori but slug everyone instead?" and for some reason the part "mori but" was censored.
Not sure why he would be different to any other streamer that requests changes for this game.
Prestige for legendaries would be great and for the people wanting prestige on everything, I just remembered a PTB where you'd get covered in blood once you got injured. Wonder if that will ever come back.
I think they said on one of the dev streams a long time ago that they dropped using the term paragraph to avoid confusion.
RIP to a good one
Maps being the issue was pretty obvious when most complaints about Boil Over mention RPD specifically. Not sure why they didn't make it so a hook always spawns in the library because people pointed out this issue during the PTB.
It has been lowered to how it is when you crouch. Before this patch you could press the crouch button while being healed and the camera would move down. So I knew immediately it had changed.
Lisa sounds a little too high pitched. At times I get Alvin & The Chipmunks vibes.
To add to this it'd be great if his mouth actually moved
For a long time I've gotten the impression that the maps are on a rotation of just a few at a time as very often I'll be watching a stream while I wait to get into a match and will end up on the exact same map that they are playing on.
The thing I was hoping for was an improvement to the zombie AI so they don't get stuck or just stand still in the middle of nowhere for ages.
It was a shame to read that as it was such a nifty little thing to be able to unlock faces and a few people have completely ruined it now. Sucks to lose content instead of removing the abusive people from the game.
I'd much prefer it to be a more subtle thing like the coloured gas the Clown sees to display which type of bottle he's using.
I've always had this thought and it would be interesting to try out as I have no idea how powerful such a change would be.
Would it really be worth trying to keep people away from a beta when it's not even an open one? To me it seems to be just a coincidence.
I gotta agree, keys are pretty damn useless now. Extremely situational to the point it'll be rare you can make use of it. Not that I used them or care when others did (before the change) but still, it'll just go underused like Maps.
This honestly sounds like a you problem to be honest. I've used 3 controllers from different consoles and none of them have had any problems. I'm not sure how the bumper gets screwed up but I guess you could have been pressing it in too hard. Spinning the stick around can be done pretty slowly to be fair as there is a cap…