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  • Like I said you’ll survive a few days without your pumpkins in the lobby champ. As for dbd being a nuclear reactor we’ll that’s an interesting comparison, but what should I expect from a dude that brought up class action lawsuits over lobby pumpkins and spooky hooks. Life goes on dude. Lol
  • Since you stated 2 years... ill imply that you werent here for launch. cause if you were you wouldnt complain about how this game is being run. considering its MILES better than launch... Half the current population wouldnt survive 1.0. You'd be smashing your keyboards in minutes. Ill take current state dbd and dbd staff…
  • You do know that the new stuff is made by the art team. Thats like saying ill hire an electrician to replace my car muffler.. see doesnt make sense.
  • Imagine being this upset. lol. if you cant accept that unforeseen events can occur at any given time then well, youve got bigger issues then not getting your "event" On top of that the event is really only what, hooks theme music. thats it big whoop. all the serum comes in the rift anyways so you arent missing out on any…
  • Just remove the perk tiers. Once you get a perk you should just have the best version of it. There are way to many perks now for that style of system.
  • New game mode. 3 years in and well for me also 3.5k hours, the same old same old has me burned out. Even after taking a break since legion i just cant play this game consistently. As for an idea for a game mode, heck even something just altering the base gamemode would be cool. Give me parts to collect to repair gens that…
  • Making the ranking harder is one thing. Making it make sense is another. And in it's current state it makes no sense. I agree ranking up was easy before. No arguement there, but currently it feels more tedious then anything. Not saying rank really means anything, but still if it's going to be a mechanic it needs to make…
  • With the adjusted emblems combo'd with the horrid queues, whether it be terrible ping or just extended queues in general its honestly making this game unpleasant. I use to play this game hours on end, then decided to take a small break after that disaster they called legion. Came back for plague, actually like the Dlc tbh…
  • Yep im sure it will get ironed out but being an experienced player its honestly just not fun for me to vs people that are obviously less skilled. Add that in with the insane pings i get, honestly makes me wanna put it back on the shelf till they get their ######### together.
    in Matchmaking Comment by N_o March 2019
  • pretty much this. ive come back from a long break only to wait in the lobby more than before i quit. lol not to mention getting mismatched with killers at rank 20 when im rank 10. what is this 2016 again?
    in Matchmaking Comment by N_o March 2019
  • Dbd dying? Not even close. But ill assume youre not an old player. Or you would remember these times. Even then it wasnt bad. Unless you were high ranks. Only then did it feel like it was "dying" cause you legit got the same people all the time.
    in This is sad Comment by N_o February 2019
  • There is a form of economy, you trade bps for addons and perks offerings ect. And you wanting to give out 5million bloodpoints well i just love getting moried every game, or having killers with the best offerings all the time. OR survivors with an increased amount of insta heals. You catch my drift.
  • Millions of BPs per season would be catastrophic to the economy in the game. If you wanted to do bp rewards per season, its gonna need to be toned down a lot. Something like this would be acceptable. Ranks 1-5 200k bps Ranks 6-10 150K bps Ranks 11-15 100k bps Ranks 16-20 50k bps. At least this would be a start for…
  • Nope thats what the new prove thy self is for.
  • Noed the perk that has been complained about since launch. Its no where near as scary as early 2016. Considering it actually has a counter. Compared to back then it had 0 counter play. Ill never forget the days of killers sweeping teams with that after they opened the gate. Noed now is a cake walk vs then. And thus is why…
  • Both are fine. Ds gives you what an extra 10 seconds vs decent killers. If its a really big deal use enduring to mitigate some of the stun timer Noed is countered by killing totems.If you feel like they have it kill the totems. Whats hard about this concept. Both perks are situational tbh, and can be huge or not. As for…
  • Good luck getting people to be nice, in an asymmetrical game where both sides are trying to win. Trash talk just comes with the competitive aspect of any game ever. Are you new to the internet or what? Nothing new.
  • Servers, servers, um servers, oh and for sure servers. Im tired of having to dodge 300 ping lobbies. China needs to stay away from me.
  • Noed is fine. Did nobody play with OG Noed? If anything its a shell of its former self. If you wanna change Adrenaline just nerf the sprint from 5 seconds to 3. So its a heal and a sb. But imo its fine as is. Very rarely do I think, Gosh that speed boost really screwed me over. Brutal Strength tho idk about 40%. If they…
  • Kate, but Meg is my OG fav.
  • They just need to make Franks mixtape built into his base kit. Then rework the addon its self to have a different effect. That would be the best place to start. Honestly i shouldnt have to use a purple addon for his power to be effective vs survivors who arent brain dead.