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  • I assume this is either bad bait or a list based on how fun he thinks each killer is
  • Yep, they're pretty horrible. I got Adept Plague a fewdays ago and it was a chore to say the least. It's taken me tons of attempts cause I was frequently denied it by Keys, disconnects, suicides on hook or simply a shortage on Chaser emblem points, solely cause of how her power functions. In the end, to get it, I had to…
  • I believe the devs stated they won't make a disguise killer, and frankly I think its a bad idea, too easy to play around, too easily dismantled by SWFs.
  • Honestly, I get where you're coming from, but I like it as is to be honest, the low intensity music allows me to better focus and pick up on sounds around me while in a chase, lol.
  • It should, but even if it did, it'd still be an overall weak status, especially on something like Demo portals where the Killer player isn't really the one applying it to you.
  • Agreed, typically most Killers, especially the recent ones, only get a handful of truely good addons anyway, so why not get creative and do something fun and gimmicky, or something that changes how you'd approach using a power, instead of reaching for the bottom of the barrel and stuffing in some random status effect or…
  • Agitation for sure, having that extra speed just feels so nice, and it often catches survivors off guard, letting me get cheeky hits in, best feeling.
  • Agreed, It's not even that his addons are bad per sé, he has a couple great ones IMO, but they're all pretty bland. I've noticed this becoming worse since Plague, and thinking "wow these addons are all really uninteresting and simple" way back during her PTB. Compared to say Wraith's reworked addons, where a lot of them…
  • It's what it should've done in addition to what it does now, I like the idea of using the undetectable more to create a sneaky Demo playstyle, but it doesn't work with a global announcement of "hey here I come" along with super loud, stompy footsteps
  • I wish BHVR would just stop with the Blind Status addons, they're so bad and it doesn't even function properly as you can still see the location of survivors getting hooked while blind. Blindness addons have pathetic durations aswell for the most part
  • I don't understand why you'd want to nerf Freddy, he's far from overpowered, there's numerous killers better than him, but here we are, nitpicking that his snares which apply a minor slow if you walk through them but only if you're asleep and are giant, glowing bright red pools of blood, don't have a downside. Oh yeah and…
  • Felt appropriate. My opinion can be summed up as: OP is right, Ruin worshippers haven't ever actually played good survivors, and this discussion is sadly pointless anyway because the devs will not ever balance the game around this level of play, no matter how much you whine, plea, discuss or what have you. And as much as…
  • Yes and No, Demogorgon is much stronger than you seem to think he is and I'm afraid you just suck, but it's not just Demo, it's basically the entire list, there's pretty much not a single placement I agree with. Spirit above Nurse is a complete ######### joke. Pig, Freddy and Doctor don't belong in A tier, they're closer…
  • Congratulations on making probably the worst list ever?
  • Right, and? If you're the last survivor and he's closed the hatch, by all rights he should be in the advantage, how many more chances do you need to win the game? Doctor isn't a strong Killer to begin with, if you let it get that far, you and/or your team simply played poorly, it's senseless to nerf a killer just cause you…
  • Iron Will only prevents the grunting sounds you make when you're injured, nothing else. If you want to prevent the random screaming, use Calm Spirit. That said, Doctor doesn't need nerfs, at all, it's part of his kit and one of his only real strengths.
  • Clown is caught in this endless cycle of becoming worse and worse and buggier and buggier as the community keeps telling themselves he's good or underrated, the fact that some guy here is saying he's A tier while having spent a lot of time on Clown is frankly depressing, almost as depressing as Clown's face. Clown isn't…
  • Sorry if this comes across as rude, but are you really happy with The Plague's addons? I feel like compared to some of Spirit's and especially reworked Wraith's addons they are very bland.
  • Billy, without a doubt, followed by Myers.