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  • Tbh "Aim Dressing" (lets be honest its auto aim, if you aim one way and it AUTOmatically AIMs you to another direction, its auto aim) anyway more often than not i miss than it actually helps me.
  • I dont get this, i would hardly call this stomping the killer considering you got under 20k points with all that, I mean if you was at the top of the scoreboard yeah but its not that impressive. Not being a downer or anything or trying to be disrespectful just saying. Also technically take away your escape points and you…
  • Not true i am a decent huntress and better killer than survivor but the amount of times I have played as and against huntress I can without a doubt say "oh that didnt hit" yet blood explodes 2 to 3m from where the survivor was, and its unfair but im supposed to what just stop chasing cause hatchet hitboxes are just so…
  • People say huntress is so strong, no kidding look at the wall sized hitbox she has, you can round a corner and be like a whole meter away and she will still hit you. Everybody is trashing the new killer saying why play him just play huntress, yeah cause you just need to be in the general area of the survivor to get a hit.…
  • Sounds awesome. Attempt to make a fan chapter?
  • Tapp has a cool regular macho cop attitude as he sits where he warms his hands on the campfire, I only started to notice when i seen Steve and Nancy at the campfire.
  • Tbh all depends on the player and how good they are with certain characters but i think clown is way underrated, his loop counters can be disgusting. People are gonna hate me for this but i think oni is kinda overrated but thats just me. Oh and Leatherface, he is so overrated.....jk he needs a huge buff poor guy
  • Look any idea that either side is gonna get 100 escapes or 4ks in a row is flawed and fake, if you otherwise have evidence of that then you got very lucky, the map and tiles and hitboxes and just all the game is essentially based on luck and no not as in the killer or survivor is lucky, im saying luck as in a certain…
  • I think it isn't good, honestly as survivor i care less when they have ruin, in fact, it makes me hit great skill checks even more, and if i find it its gone if not then by the third gen someone gets it. On the killer side its the one perk that really slows gens until its broken, i mean corrupt intervention is a good…
  • Literally said this in a post yesterday and made a suggestion that it shows swf icon to let killers and solos know who is swf so you can expect a bad game lol
  • I play on xbox and can say 50% of the games you play as survivor you are gonna get tunneled, you are gonna camped or you will play a decent game of dbd where you live or die but get hooked a certain amount of times, honestly loop as much as you can and if your team is getting gens done waste those pallets no reason not to…
  • True but also its just for the first survivor after that swf would tell each other and in the unlucky chance its a solo survivor they have no more hallucinations for the remainder of the trial.