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  • Im not saying you asked for it to get nerfed Im making a comparrison on how perks that have infinite stacks are op asf. distortion even when you have a full aura build hides your aura all game, it would be like going against a killer with STBFL who never loses stacks its just borderline unfair. and people in this forum…
  • it does have a cooldown its called needing to injure in order to proc it, which means needing to find someone first.... and since you dont see aura and distortion also hides scratch marks your left with hearing footsteps... gearhead would work but considering you need to find them first dosent really do much on most…
  • ok then make STBFL not lose stacks on hitting survivors, thats basically the same thing dude, your letting a perk not really lose stacks and pretty much constantly gain value from, bc you almost never are out of stacks which is op asf considering how many perks it negates, its one thing when a killer negates something a…
  • against a killer with 1-3 aura perks its pretty much a perma immunity to auras..... even if you go a full aura build you dont always get rid of there tokens. the biggest issues that do make it op are starts with full tokens tokens are technically inifinte its not just negating a instance of aura it negates aura reads for 2…
  • just hit them, its what I do, alot think im salty but I do it bc it cancels the scream early
  • I mean I slug everyone once per game, to burn / check for unbreakables. and sometimes slugging is the best play, I mean why do you think legion oni and bubba exist? if slugging is as big as a problem as survivors try to make it out to be then run perks like unbreakable more? what is wrong with survivors, your only allowed…
  • I was referncing how you can sit in a locker while in the killers TR and you gain stacks, for literally doing nothing, being in the TR to build stacks is totally unfair bc there is low risk high reward in terms of regening stacks.
  • I mean with gear head it works off injures, its active for 30 seconds, so basically you would need the person with distortion ON a gen hitting great skill checks, and after losing the first stack they would realize you have gearhead then counter play it by staying off a gen during the duration or just sitting on it not…
  • items are not required to win the game dude, if you seriously think you need items to do good you arent playing with good survivors, theres a reason swfs do so well and its not because of items its because of teamwork theres no bias in stating facts my guy, I play both roles equally, perks are must haves for both sides to…
  • Make tokens only regen while in chase and we are golden, and only start with 1 stack, you still get your inital value but you dont get a free aura immunity for the entire game either. I honestly dont understand why people are always talking about lightborn and franklins when they are barely even ran in games lightborn has…
  • theres nothing high risk about distortion dude.... you can be in a killers TR while in a locker and still be getting stacks regened...theres no risk when using this perk. that has to be the most wild take I think ive seen on this forum in a long time....distortion is high risk high reward.....
  • for the most part still to survivor sided, when your chase one hiccup and survivor gets to a pallet window etc, but even when you hit them they get a mini sprint burst, which in itself is fine, whats not fine is when you break the pallet they just dropped and by the time you catch up again your already at another…
  • Blocks your Aura from being read for the next 6/8/10 seconds. Suppresses the creation of Scratch Marks for the next 6/8/10 seconds. Yeah sure looks like it dosent hide scratch marks.... I dont expect constant wall hacks, thats not how aura perks work dear, they need to be activated and you need to be in range to use most…
  • and yet most survivors need there perks to even survive, yet if a killer needs perks in order to even the odds he is bad....yeah thats great logic
  • You do realize survivors will get a gen up then rotate to a new one sometimes right? just bc a gen has progress dosent mean anything, they could have got it to 50 then left or something for some reason. Z aura/information perks have been a foundation of playing killer since forever, if information wasnt super important as…
  • Im fine with it working like it does if the killer has multiple aura perks bc then stacks go away very quickly (well in 40 seconds) Im talking about how its unfair to killers who only run 1-2 aura perks say you run lethal and nowhere to hide or lethal and bbq one stack at the start so they have 3 stacks, by the time you…
  • blinds are not even close to comparable to information dude. thats a horrible comparison, I mean if nerfing distortion means nerfing lightborn then sure whatever, most killers who know what they are doing dont even run that perk to begin with yet people cry about it so much bc they can bully squad a killer into dcing.
  • tbh it either needs to have 4 stacks then deactivate after its used or ONLY regen in chase and start at 1 stacks. starting fully stacked is unfair asf to peopl only running 1-2 aura perk from a game design standpoint its totally unfair and unbalanced.
  • this guy gets it
  • This is EXACTLY my point, its one thing when killer can counter something like blind with lightborn but distortion against someone with 1-2 aura perks your pretty much perma aura free. its stupid.
  • I think perks like distortion and noed, are horrible for the game, it makes people rely on those perks instead of just learning how to get better at chase/pressure etc.
  • Im fine with it normally I just think its unfair to start out with full stacks of it. I legit use 1 aura perk and its nowhere to hide, so I could need to kick a gen 4 times to get rid of there stacks, honestly it should start at 1 stack then you earn stacks in chase, I think it would be a LOT more fair that way
  • I just find it funny that just bc I listen to music im instantly a bad killer, and that dude was talking like aura perks didnt exist since the dawn of this game.... information perks have always been a integral part of playing dbd, more so in this meta where if you dont find people fast enough they snowball you and win…
  • and thats literally all im asking for, is for killers with only 1-2 aura perks to actually have a chance.... that one perk negates so many perks its actually stupid, and it dosent help that you can gain stacks just for being in the killers TR. like Im fine with the perk for the most part but like you just said when you get…
  • Well killers cant play to win, survivors can according to alot in this forum
  • Um....aura perks arent all the time they have activation requirements.... distortion you just run and dont have to do jack and you get value from it, aura perks you dont just get value from you need to either hook, kick a gen or be in chase and have a set thing happen to activate said aura.
  • its op bc it starts at full stacks and regens just for being in the killers TR, should start at 1 stack and regen while in chase, not just being in the killers TR. it would be like STBFL starting at full stacks, it just makes 0 sense and breaks the game flow.
  • the perk in general is unfair dude, music aside the perk is stupid asf, full stacks at the start of the game and regen stacks for doing literally nothing. thats not a me thing thats a terribly designed perk thing. it blocks aura read for 10 seconds each stack, so even if you had a aura perk proc 2 times it wont do…
  • Id be fine with it if they made they regen that way tbh, them regening just by being in the TR is super stupid as you can do objectives or just heal and gain stacks.
  • I think thats totally fair tbh, bc just being in a killers TR isnt even risky anymore play on midiwch agaisnt wesker and you constantly getting stacks back.
  • I love whispers, just wish it didnt proc when your near hooked people bc then it gets confusing bc you dont know if someone is around for hook save or not and then it looks like your camping lol. Spies is pretty nice too ngl. Ill have to try deathbound sometime thanks for the perk recommends man.
  • the only ones I called scumbags are the people who run it WITH left behind and dont help there team at all. I dont think thats overkill at all I think thats a very accurate description of people who screw over there team for a easy escape like that dont you?
  • I jam to spotify when I play killer, so I kinda have to use aura perks pal, and aura perks have been in the game since pretty much forever idk what your on about saying it barely existed when aura has always been used on killers....
  • for me my only real issue is that you start with full stacks, if 4 people are running it thats 16 aura read negations...thats wild dude, I think it should start at one stack and then you earn stacks. if they have lethal it negates it then your at 0 stacks and need to actually build them up, I mean hell can you imagine…
  • bc they defend it in end game chat lol, I like having converstations with people in end game chat, kinda wish we had a lobby chat so we can talk to everyone on in the game, would be kinda nice :)
  • can none of you guys read? I normally run Self care + Bite the Bullet turn the corner and start healing and watch the killer run right past me lol like do none of you know how to read actually asking? turn the corner AKA, while in a chase against the killer
  • uh no I self care next to gens. and if I do self care its not really to heal but to be silent during a chase.
  • every single boon is borderline cracked on indoor maps, not just one dude.... COH on a indoor small map shows you every injured survivor and lets you heal them fast Dark Theory gives you 2% haste and if its a indoor map its almost mapwide Shadowstep removes scratch marks and hides your aura on a indoor map your pretty much…
  • this would be a giant nerf to him since his Killer Instinct works off his TR...if anything I want them to revert the deep wound changes and that alone would be more then enough of a buff to him
  • Ill stop tunneling when the game actually rewards for me not tunneling.... most the time killers are forced to tunnel we dont do it bc we like it dude. not every killer is out to get you they are just playing to win just LIKE YOU. or you could run one of the like 5 anti-tunnel/slug perks..... OTR Dead Hard Made for this if…
  • thats the problem with this game you cant buff something without someone wanting survivors to get buffed at the exact same time, thus putting outselves in the exact same situation every damn time. just bc killer gets a buff dosent mean survivors needs one to o, same goes vise versa.
  • has nobody played against shadow step on indoor maps???? go against shadow step on leerys and tell me its not a problem...
  • That would be super nice, but kinda pointless bc they would know and instantly just go to it and cleanse it, would be cool if after a while it explodes and the boon is destroyed and a dim totem becomes a hex.
  • Yeah its my problem that I run into a p100 swf who take me to midwich and all are running a full boon build and I cant find them bc shadow step and dark theory....yeah thats totally a me problem... .
  • Boons should be single use tbh, Hexs are high risk high reward, boons are no risk high reward.... its not fair in the slightest more so when you get 4 people running that bs on midwch. .
  • boons need to be removed entirely they are fundamentally unfair and unbalanced, go against a full boon squad on leerys and mdiwch then tell me they arent strong...
  • I think you guys severely underestimate the usefulness of boons on certain maps, boons for the most part arent great sure but on maps like leerys and midwich it makes you game absolute HELL and its not a free pentimento proc your destroying one of your other hex totems for said proc. i think its a completely fair trade off.
  • Survivors arent on a time clock, killer is dude.... survivors can literally afk for 30 mins in lockers come back and still win if they wanted to..... idk where this myth that survivors need to do gens fast came from, survivors arent on a time clock.
  • I still dont see a problem with that your taking up 1-2 perk slots for a set effect, and again its not like the gen is regressing you can literally go hide in a locker till its up and bam your still at like the same amount of progress, and gen blocks dont really help killer much either since you cant kick/regress a gen,…
  • Its only impossible to balance bc of how the community acts regarding change, anytime the devs change anything the community bitches and moans till the devs either revert said change or make it worse/better, the community is what holds this game back, massively, if the devs really wanted to they could 100% balance this…