Thank you! I'll try that, i knew i was missing out on something.
Is it only unlockable on pc or on the consoles too?
Oh just read this comment and yea, sry for the salt, but its really annoying. I just want to play the game and dont want to be a bug tester after every update, thats all. I already saw a "solution" for my problem in the forum news. Seems like the Xbox one x is facing this problem if i am playing on a 4k tv. Exactly the…
Its just unfun if the game punishes me for playing it. The only reliable thing in dbd is the bugs and glitches after every update. And if you dont want to read posts like this make your own forum, sounds sooo legit to me. Lmao
Simple minded reasoning. I actually hat arguments, like you cant really get away when injured without iron will as long as the killer doesnt ######### up. You just said "take her on a long chase" no ######### sherlock.
I played a killer match and the game froze at the start (Xbox one X). It was on the reworked badham. Second match was on Osmond and the FPS dropped down especially in chases. I thought it couldnt get much worse than the nearly freeze when going into bloodlust, but it did. As surv the FPS is ok, but the missing TR is also…
Wow, this is basically just a long version of "git gud". Simple minded reasoning detected.
Thats just what i said, the surv is guessing where the spirit could go and the spirit hears where the surv is, so you pray that the spirit ######### up. It is by far the strongest power in the game, even against a good nurse i was able to predict where she would port, how long she charged her blink and with her seeing exactly…
Or it gets cleansed 30 seconds into the game because a surv spawned next to it lmao
Jane for tha bootie
Im just a mediocore survivor, but without iron will against a spirit there is 0 counterplay. If im injured it doesnt matter if i run, hide, walk, crouch, without the killer messing up massively i cant do anything but guessing and praying.
Passiert mir auch bei jedem rank reset, dazu gibts im englishen Forum einen mehrseitigen Megathread.
Ist halt als Stealth Killer nervig, weil die OoO dann evtl seiner swf postion von dir usw called, deshalb gammeln die auch oft weit genug weg, damit sie dich eben sehen, weil es verdammt op ist nen perma wallhack zu haben. ^^
So mache ich das meistens auch, schau dir vorher in Ruhe an, ob die Kosmetiks es dir auch wert sind. (Wenn du auf das jeweilige Symbol drückst bekommst du den Killer/Surv mit dem Kosmetik angezeigt) Du kannst den Pass theoretisch 1 Tag bevor er abläuft noch kaufen, also kein Stress.
Also ich spiele auf der Xbox. Hatte bisher eine Nurse die offenbar vom PC kam, weil da wars egal, ob du Palette wirfst, durchs Fenster springst, 360 drehst, die hat immer getroffen, konnte sich perfekt porten. Und 3 Matches hintereinander gegen den selben Deathslinger. 1-2 mal konnte ich ihn juken, aber das wars auch…
I think he meant, before putting in 2 million or more BP for the 2 prestiges you could have unlocked other killers perks, by levelling them.
Its as far as facecamping after all gens are done. Make your own mind about it, in my opinion its ok.
Keys und Moris sind beides relativ unfaire Mechaniken. Wobei es da noch etwas schwerer ist einen Key zu benutzen, da ja erst die hatch gespawnt sein muss, bzw diese auch gefunden werden muss. Das rote Mori ist meiner Meinung nach ein easy mode für Killer, die entweder ne einfache Runde möchten, oder ihre Spielweise, ihren…
Also Perks sind von der Fähigkeit des jeweiligen Killers abhängig. Als Überlebender benutze ich momentan am liebsten: Kalter Rückenschauer Geliehene Zeit Hart im nehmen 4. Perk variiert je nach Herausforderung bzw Lust und laune, aber meistens: Entscheidungsschlag / Eiserner Wille / Widerstandsfähigkeit
So ging es mir gestern als Trapper mit meinem Ruin. :D Ich wusste nicht wo es ist, die Suvrs wussten nicht wo es ist (trotz Roter Karte und tracking Perks). Hat aber die ganze Runde überlebt, im Gegensatz zu den Survs.
Je nachdem welche Add ons mitgenommen werden, dauert die Suche relativ lange und wenn man schlechtes RNG hat muss man die ganze map abrennen und sehr viel Zeit verschwenden. Auch wenn die RBTs nicht wirklich tödlich sind, fressen sie unsummen an Zeit weg und die Relation ~4 Sekunden zum Schrank durchsuchen zu mindestens…
Wenn es nach dem alten System geht, hättest du in der Situation trotzdem nichts davon. Was er meint ist: Du, Killer Rang 4 (rot) --> Rang 9 (grün) Mobber Surv Rang 1 (rot) --> Rang 9 (grün) Worüber du dich beschwerst: Du, Killer Rang 4 (rot) --> Rang 5 (lila) Mobber Surv Rang 1 (rot) --> Rang 5 (lila) Das hätte halt keinen…
The stalking has an insane range, so at the start of each match, if theres a building in the center of the map with high ground, get there asap and start stalking, you will find at least 1 surv, stalk him to 99% and if you dont hit him, this wont go away. Even if you dont get it off straight at the start, you can save it…
Well, everytime i use it in solo queue, it ends in the surv seeing me getting into the locker and in hope to get rif of the killer open the locker im in, to give away my location, ending in me getting chased or the surv thinking i just want to hide and running the killer away to "save" me. Or it ends in the surv dont…
So, as i started to play killer it had already been nerfed. I just had one round as surv against a hag that used it. It was one of my first survivor matches and i didnt knew how to counter it. So i ######### up every skill check and after 5 minutes someone destroyed it, but as a started it was just a pain in the ass. Today it…
No, you just 99 the survs and close in for the activation and down.
Or you save it at the start, walk near a gen, wait for the killer to make his round (no scratch marks, no gen sounds) and right after that you start working at it. Doenst work if someone is running near you and start the work on the gen right away. Obviously. Very situational perk, i dont like it very much.
Yea sure, but a good killer will always expect it, if the user is just staring at him while walking around in the open. So its very often a waste.
Das genaue Muster wann die Tipps angezeigt werden kenne ich nicht, aber es passiert aufjedenfall öfter. Ich denke viele lesen/hören auch das Freddy Op ist, bzw durch seine kurze Waffe sieht es so aus, als hätte er eine längere Reichweite beim schlagen als andere Killer. Oder wenn du ein Mori dabei hast, da quitten viele…
I think its too storng like this. Id suggest it like this: Survivors who start cleanse Any Totem will suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect, This effect persists on the survivor for 35/40/45 seconds after leave or cleanse the Totem. If a Hex Totem is cleansed, including this one, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed…
Die Meldung war so schon richtig, die kommt nämlich wenn einer der Spieler im Ladescreen disconnected / Spiel schließt und ist darauf zurück zu führen, dass viele einfach keinen bock auf Freddy haben.
Ist halt ein Ventil um seinen Frust abzubauen. Gibt aber auch schlechte Gewinner/Verlierer unter den Killern. Hier im Forum sind die Leute meistens nett, da hat man aber auch net grad eben voll auf den Sack bekommen. :D
Ne, funktioniert wie es soll.
People dont need to stop talking about it, just stop rubbing it in each others faces. I always hear about people complaining out of their safe space, but noone seems to stand up and actually change things better for people that dont even have the right to say what they are or feel. How about people start there and not just…
Mach dir keine Gedanken darüber. Gibt viele Spinner in DbD, bei mir auf der Xbox ist es so, dass man schnell nen Kommunikationsban bekommt. Zwar erstmal nur für 36h, aber danach immer mehr bis man irgendwann ganz weg vom Fenster ist, also zu 90% kommt nichts, 8% sind toxisch weil sie schlecht waren, oder wenn ich einen…
Yea, he isnt balanced in his current state. He needs a buff to even be barely playable.
I personally make no difference between it. And as far as i know in the western world, or at least in germany where i live, everybody has the same rights, can get the same works, i know transsexual teachers that teach musilm or christian raised childs and get respected. The gay pride march also wouldnt be happening if LGBT…
Thats sad to hear. But sounds like an individual case where one person full of hate did it. The problem is not really that trans people overall are hunted like animals in the Usa, its more like that every sick minded person can legally own a gun. And to the opposite of that camps there are parents which want to set a sign…
In the western world, LGBT are treated the same. So why the fight? Thats what i cant understand, of course there will always be idiots that reduce someone to gender/colour, but those arent always just white straight men. Also, we should fight together to give this freedom to people that live at places where they get…
Actually that was my point, nice that this forum always proves my wrong in thinking the people here are overly toxic or childish. Enough said about FNAF, but the whole DbD plot in itself has to be kind of puzzled together and delivers great points to discuss about. Like the entrys in the rift. So this is also why i play…
I think on company sides its almost 99% for profits. Its another thing what every employe thinks individualy. On my side, i think the whole gender discussion and especially BLM are overhyped and are already just used by some people to gather attention or make excuses for their own misbehaviour. In my opinion, everyone…
Interesting concept, yes. Its not overly on top or something, but was enough to watch through all games and i looked 1 or 2 plot videos where they puzzled everything together. And yea.. thats it. I understand your point of view with the lazy writing, i see that as a problem in many games or especially in horror movies,…
What do all people have against FNAF recently? I personally didnt play it, but its a interessting concept and the plot that has to be puzzled together and leaves huge room for interpretation is something i like in every franchise that has it. But as a new killer in dbd i have other more urgent wishes, but i just hate that…
Im not so much into freddys, but in my suggestion the overall FNAF universe is far more interesting for me than baldis. 😂 Hes just like not even scary, but it would be fun to have him as a killer tho. Id say tastes are different and saying "this or this is for kids from 13-17" is far more childish than any game could be.
I think i speak for most dbd players, when i state, that i dont want a situation as a killer, where i have to decide if im going to play against solos or a swf swat. And especially where the swf mechanic completely gets destroyed by creating immense queue times.
Welche Plattform? Und schau mal nach, wenn du das Spiel evtl deinstalliert hattest o.ä., ob du die Freischaltungen, also die DLCs installiert hast.
Because queue times with my swf are already 10-20 minutes. And i say only about 5% of all killers would search with swf and after getting stomped 3-4 times they would disable swf again. Just imagine if every killer would disable that option, it doesnt even stays at the 4 swf swats, even rank 20s searching their first game…
He got burned because he was a child killer, so the angry mob of parents did it. Most of them regretted it afterwars tho. Wes Craven actually wanted to make him a child molester, but instead made him "just" a murderer. Also the original version with actor Robert Englund was more a comedical/cynical freddy, while the new…
Caught in a landslide.
Alien chapter with Ridley as surv.