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Dev, Community Manager


  • To clarify, Saga does have unique grunts & screams like other legendary outfits, but does not feature additional voice lines during the trial like Alan Wake.
  • This is a good question! I'll answer this in two parts. 1: To do this, the game would need to support two separate versions of the same content simultaneously, and currently this is not possible. To give an example (totally hypothetical, not real), say The Trapper has a brand new power that we want to test. He would need…
  • This goes back to the part of coming up with changes, implementing those changes, and so on. By the time everything's ready to test a second time, the first PTB will have already run its course and it would be too late to for any feedback we collect to make it into the release. (For reference, the PTB typically runs over…
  • On its own, I wouldn't say that's toxic unless you're specifically doing it to be toxic. The intent matters in this case. That said, pretty much any gesture is open to interpretation, and it really depends on the context. If someone is already having a rough match- or if you're really good and give them a long chase-…
  • Others have beat me to it, but I can add a little bit more context. It mostly comes down to time. The PTB window is already fairly tight. Once the PTB goes live, we have about a week to figure out what changes we'd like to make, implement them, playtest them, and QA them. After that, the update needs to be sent off to the…
  • There are currently no plans to reintroduce the achievements for the Stranger Things DLC. When the Chapter was originally removed, the achievements were repurposed as generic achievements to ensure they were still possible to earn without owning the content.
  • Hey folks. It’s clear that the changes we’re making to The Onryo didn’t live up to expectations, so we’re preparing a series of follow-up adjustments to address the feedback we’ve received. These adjustments are planned to release as part of the minor updates in the weeks following the Mid-Chapter. We’ll share more details…
  • Hey y’all, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. It’s clear that the changes we’re making to The Onryo didn’t live up to expectations, so we’re preparing a series of follow-up adjustments to address the feedback we’ve received. These adjustments are planned to release as part of the minor updates in the weeks…
  • Not quite. The intended behaviour for Any Means Necessary is for the Killer to take priority and interrupt it, whether that's by kicking it or using their power. In Chucky's case, his power should override Any Means Necessary. Vaults, however, are different. There is no Killer priority, it's entirely based on who's first -…
  • I can confirm that this is not a bug. It is intended that a pallet which is being vaulted cannot be kicked, similar to how a generator that is being repaired cannot be kicked. There may be a very brief window between vaults where you can initiate the kick, but otherwise you would need to uncloak and grab/hit them.
  • I just want to chime in and reassure you that we have not forgotten or stopped caring about cheating. It is still a high priority. To your point, we have been implementing improving detection to ideally catch cheaters before they can do any harm, and we're continuing to work on additional ways to detect cheaters…
  • There were a few major gripes people had with the original Freddy. I'll try to name as many as I can remember in no particular order. Survivors had to be put to sleep manually before they could be attacked. This took 7 seconds. In practice, this gave Survivors loads of time to get somewhere safe, causing people to lose a…
  • It really depends on the person. Some people are more competitively minded, and in their case, they might want to have a higher rating so the matchmaker gives them tougher opponents. Others are more casual and don't want the stress of those high end competitive matches. For them, going out of their way to increase their…
  • Others have beat me to it, but the way the hatch used to work created some awkward scenarios that weren't very fun to play. The Killer could be doing well, have a few people near death, but suddenly everything stops with 2 gens left. They patrol the gens a few times, but the Survivors are nowhere to be found and no…
  • Way back when the game released, the game was much darker, and there were offerings which would make it even darker. Part of the reason the red stain was there was to help you see the Killer at all. The art style has completely changed since then so that's no longer the case, but you can check some footage from 2016 to get…
  • I want to quickly jump in and clarify something before things get out of hand. The "Not a Bug" status is used whenever something is found to be working as the documentation describes. It does not mean that we like it that way or that it won't be changing, and it is not to dismiss what was said as unimportant. Things like…
  • For anyone following this issue, this is now resolved!
  • We've discovered an issue which prevents merging progress for the Gold Edition on the Epic Games Store. We're working on a fix now and hoping to have it resolved ASAP.
  • I am torn between Trapper and Huntress. I'm a big fan of slasher horror, where the Killer doesn't have any special powers (at least on the surface), but is instead just a big scary person with bad intentions.
  • (Not my opinion, just echoing what some others say about it.) Some feel as though it gives the Killer undeserved kills. To use your match as an example, the Survivors might have felt like they were doing quite well for the rest of the match, but then NOED kicks in and 2 of them die because of it. In that situation, it's…
  • The 8 regression events are separate for each generator. If you kick one generator 8 times, that generator would be blocked, but the other generators could still be regressed.
  • Once upon a time, generators could not be kicked. There weren't perks to regress generators either, any progress on them was permanent. Some Survivors would indeed 99 generators to trick the Killer into checking ones that were essentially 'completed'. The counterplay ended up being pretty simple: If they're 99'd, the…
  • This is correct. The gate may be closed, but the instant you unhook yourself, a teammate can open it and there would be nothing the Killer can do to stop it. At the end of the match, there is not much else the Killer can do. There's no more generators to patrol, and if they stray too far, someone will definitely unhook…
  • It typically is. A Rift is typically open for 10 weeks. However, given the holidays & the winter event, this most recent rift was open a little while longer. That said, if you had already completed the Rift early and were waiting for more, the wait would be a little longer than usual this time.
  • Impressive! Mine remain unpainted, I'll leave the massacring to the Killers.
  • The timing varies depending on platform & region as the platform stores update at different times, but you should expect it to appear over the coming days. I believe it should already be available on Xbox in most if not all regions.
  • This is probably the most constructive way to look at it. I can add a little bit from my own experiences. You might see a suggestion to buff a Perk in one thread, then a suggestion to nerf that very same Perk in another. Both will be filled with comments arguing why the idea is right or wrong. Even if everyone on the…
  • It actually wouldn't be earlier than usual. There tends to be a little gap in updates over the holidays. The studio closes for a week, and many people take extra time off to be with their families, so we try not to push any new content around that time in case something goes wrong. The last thing we want is to push an…
  • I can confirm it only counts as one.
  • The changes just hit the test build yesterday, but if all goes well, they should appear on all platforms after a few weeks.
  • No, it is not. You were doing something well within the rules that has a purpose to you and your team. Nothing about that is toxic. What that person said after the match is toxic, however, and I hope you sent in a report for that.
  • There was an issue when the PTB first went live which left the system deactivated, meaning generators would never be blocked nor would the regression continue if someone tapped the generator. This was resolved later in the day. As for your question, the first scenario is true. Regression events of greater than 2.5% are…
  • Nobody has said that.
  • I do not mean anything malicious by asking, I am genuinely trying to get a better understanding of what the different expectations are. In the same way different people set a different bar for what they consider a win, something like this (how many mistakes you can make and still expect to come out on top) is also highly…
  • Genuine question so I can understand this POV better: In this scenario where you've downed Survivors near the same generator 8 times, how many times do you think you should be able to make a critical mistake and lose a down to a save (flashlight, pallet, etc.) and still deserve to win the match?
  • It was never disabled due to a glitch, I'm not sure where that comes from. This is correct. In order to support separate ratings for each Killer, we have to prevent switching after you've started searching for a match, otherwise you could end up in an unsuitable lobby for the Killer you end up switching to.
  • The price change is in effect now. If your game was left open, you will need to restart it in order for the price adjustments to appear. It's worth noting that only characters included in the new packs have been reduced in price. More recent characters and licensed characters are intended to remain at their existing price.
  • Trouble is, by the time you realize the Killer is setting up a 3 gen, it's too late to switch your loadout - the match has already started. We can't expect everyone to run Deja Vu just in case.
  • Strictly speaking, this is intentional. If you stop an interaction during a skill check, it is considered a fail. There's a very short buffer when the skill check appears where it will not fail if you let go, but it will not prevent a missed skill check if you wait too long. This is by design to prevent cases where someone…
  • This is a little difficult to answer. Before, his turn rate was based on your controller sensitivity setting (even if you were using mouse & keyboard). Many Hillbilly players would set their sensitivity to 100% to turn faster and have tighter curves. So the end result depends on what your controller sensitivity was before:…
  • I can clear some of this up. Once a generator has reached the limit, it can no longer be kicked or damaged by Perks. Any generator which has already exceeded the limit cannot be affected by Surge, and therefore will not cause any Survivors working on it to scream. Failed skill checks are not considered regression events,…
  • I can confirm that regression from missed skill checks, including those caused by Perks, are not considered regression events. That progress loss is caused by the Survivor missing, not the Killer.
  • I'll leave some surprises for tomorrow, but I can confirm that it's part of the add-on update.
  • It's tough to convey how much it has changed with words, so apologies if this is hard to imagine, but the collision detection is 37.5% smaller than before.
  • Perks count as well, so long as they remove at least 2.5% worth of progress at once.
  • I just want to quickly chime in and mention that this mechanic does not kick in immediately. In order for a generator to be blocked, it would need to suffer from 8 separate regression events first. For context, this is well above the average number of times a given generator will be damaged in a given match. The system…
  • Please be sure to give it a try and let us know how it feels. In the meantime, I see gen spawns mentioned often, so I want to take a second to add some context behind this change and why we didn't simply adjust spawn locations instead. Moving generators further apart is a bit trickier than it seems for a couple reasons.…
  • Definitely give it a try if you can and let us know if you feel the same way afterwards.