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Dev, Community Manager


  • For the first one, the signal from your PC/console is not going to be analog, so it would be unlikely to have a positive effect. It may cause the game to appear blurrier. The second seems to be very similar, but applying to edges. The game already has anti aliasing to help smooth those sharp edges, but it's ultimately up…
  • As others have mentioned, there is no cap to healing speed or any action speed for that matter, but because they increase your speed and not decrease the time it takes, stacking them has diminishing returns. To give an example, healing takes 16 charges, and by default you heal one charge per second. With a 100% bonus, you…
  • If you're okay with it, please let us know which platform you play on and (if on PC) what the specs of your system are. This update shouldn't have an impact on performance, but we'd be happy to take a closer look.
  • It's not just you! The engine the game runs on has changed in this update, and as a result, you'll need to redownload the entire game this one time. Future patches will go back to their regular size. Depending on the platform, the file size may even be smaller than before once the update is finished.
  • For you first question, yes, it does include a unique lullaby. As for the second question, this is a Visceral outfit, meaning it comes with a unique mori (like The Trapper's Naughty Bear outfit). This is the normal price for all future Visceral outfits, whereas the Naughty Bear outfit was released at a special lowered…
  • The button to access the shrine is now just above the store button after you select a role to play.
  • You can indeed. There is currently a dedicated charm bundle as well as a mixed bundle of both charms and outfits.
  • The bundle will stick around until the Rift itself comes to an end. You'll have plenty of time to decide!
  • The unhook change has been removed, you'll be able to cancel an unhook like always. We're going to explore other options that don't affect normal gameplay.
  • I can lay that concern to rest. The creation of modifier did not impact the Bloodshot Eye offering in any way. It's an unfortunate circumstance where we simply weren't able to squeeze in a fix before the event came to an end. To give a little peek behind the scenes, most platforms require updates to be sent in advance to…
  • First, I just want to make it absolutely clear that this is not intended to 'solve tunneling'. This change is solely to make the perk provide more consistent value when it activates, not bring an end to the entire tunneling playstyle. I wouldn't recommend approaching this with the idea that it will end tunneling entirely…
  • We wouldn't joke about something like that.
    in What is this? Comment by Peanits April 1
  • Depips will be removed from all matches (modifiers or normal) starting with our next major update, but unfortunately we weren't able to make that change in time for this mode.
  • This is the truest answer to the question. There are a lot of Killers in the game these days. If all of them were played equally, each one would only appear in less than 3% of matches. Even with a more popular Killer like Chucky, it's easily possible to go many matches without seeing one due to pure chance. They are out…
  • Do you play on PlayStation by any chance? The PlayStation Network is currently experiencing an outage affecting all online games. This page will let you know when service has been restored:
  • As Rizzo mentioned, we don't discuss the specifics of someone's ban in public, but I want to hop in and clarify a couple general things. First, I can confirm that this is not a bannable offense and not something we would ban for. In this scenario, both players were able to move around freely and end the standoff at any…
  • Is your game still installing? Some platforms allow you to launch the game early and adjust your settings & complete the tutorial while you wait for the rest to download. The other buttons should unlock once its done installing. If you've had the game for a while, it's possible some files became corrupted and needed to be…
  • It is, yes! We regularly read through it take notes. Though I will say that there's a big distinction between feedback and a suggestion. Feedback is when someone shares their thoughts on something or points out a problem, suggestions are when someone proposes a solution to a problem. The feedback is most important to us.…
  • There will be more, we do those surveys on a regular basis. In the meantime, I would strongly urge you to share any thoughts you have in the feedback section if you're alright with that. The surveys aren't the only way we collect feedback, they just help us reach a wider group of people who may not want to share their…
  • Those stats do exist. 👀 As you can imagine, there isn't a significant difference in escape rates between Survivors. But I'd love to share some weird stats like these in the future if that's something y'all would be interested in.
  • In this case, it's most likely that you are still within the normal range for matchmaking. The matchmaker increases your "confidence" score the more matches you play. As its confidence in your rating goes up, your rating is adjusted less. This way it can more quickly find where you're supposed to be at first and then focus…
  • To clear things up, this is absolutely untrue. The game always tries to find you people around your current rating. It does not try to artificially help you win by pairing you with better players.
  • (Numbers are totally made up, so don't read too far into them. Apologies in advance, this is wordy.) Just want to start here and clear this up before answering the original question. While you do have separate ratings when you play either Killer or Survivor, MMR for the two roles are definitely connected. A 1500 rating…
  • To be very clear, PTB data is pretty much a non-factor. PTB data is incredibly unreliable since ranked matchmaking is disabled and everyone is still getting a feel for the changes/new content. We do not use PTB data to make decisions, we prefer to use feedback. It's also incredibly difficult to pinpoint why someone let…
  • I was curious about this so I did a little more digging. It doesn't seem to be related to low or high MMR, the difference is within a few percent. One thing I will point out is that he's only marginally above most other Killers; he's within 5% of the majority of the others. This is not a very significant difference and…
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.
  • This is correct! Incidentally, since both of them can fix the generator in the end, it reveals that Dwight has absolutely no idea what he's doing and turning that valve isn't actually helping.
  • There are no plans to reduce the price of other characters currently. We reduced the price of some older characters because their DLC packs (the most economical way to get them) were merged into larger bundles, making it more expensive if you just wanted one or two of them. We reduced their individual prices in game to…
  • It partially does. It does use your MMR to find you a match, but it does not change your MMR, win or lose. In short, there's no stakes, don't worry.
  • Unfortunately it would be out of the scope for a modifier. I think we'd all love to have him be playable in Lights Out, but with modifiers only being available for a limited time, we need to be mindful of the time we spend on them since those resources could be put into updates elsewhere in the game which would be…
  • I would say Hillbilly if I weren't absolutely awful at him, but I'm sure someone else can pull it off. The idea of him showing up behind you with no warning ready to chainsaw you is terrifying. In my experience, any Killer that you want to stay away from at all costs is a solid choice! They all become stealth Killers, so…
  • This is our first modifier, so we're still experimenting to find what works best. There's a couple reasons why it's only available for a limited time, but a big one is to help get matches going in the modifier. If it were available permanently, there would eventually come a point where the novelty wears off for many people…
  • This was done because Freddy's Dream World effects (when a Survivor is asleep, or all the time as the Killer) conflict with the darkness effect used in this modifier. We tried to keep as many Killers available as possible, but he is sadly not compatible with Lights Out.
  • I can confirm that it will not be today.
  • I can confirm that these are real!
  • It really depends on your ability to hit them. Great skill checks give 1% bonus progress, so getting more of them and hitting them consistently can certainly add up. Meanwhile missing the skill check will knock 10% off of it and prevents the generator from being repaired for a few seconds, so missing even one can more than…
  • Thanks for reporting this. I can confirm this is not intended. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
  • I can confirm this is an error. We are working on getting this fixed as soon as possible.
  • This is a known issue, it's not just you. We're on it!
  • I can confirm that this is a bug. I've just checked and it looks like it's already in our system.
  • If you just signed up for the newsletter today, do not worry! The newsletter gets sent out periodically when there's news to share, it's not something that appears right away in your inbox.
  • Not to dismiss your feedback, just to provide context: This space is reserved for the event widget whenever there's an event or modifier active, so adding an extra button there is out of the question.
  • Hey folks. To shed some light on this (no pun intended), we needed to make this change to support the new modifiers feature and the first modifier, Lights Out. Modifiers are optional and run in addition to the regular mode rather than changing normal matches, so they need their own buttons to queue up as a Killer or…
  • To clarify, Saga does have unique grunts & screams like other legendary outfits, but does not feature additional voice lines during the trial like Alan Wake.
  • This is a good question! I'll answer this in two parts. 1: To do this, the game would need to support two separate versions of the same content simultaneously, and currently this is not possible. To give an example (totally hypothetical, not real), say The Trapper has a brand new power that we want to test. He would need…