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  • Percentage of Survivors who pick Self-Care. So basicly how likely a random Survivor is to use the perk.
  • Going with an Oni. Maybe he was a priest/monk in life as well.
  • I think it is an Oni and yes, it would most definitely fit in the game. And I'd argue the case for an Oni is stronger then that of the Kuchisaki-onna, the latter is based on an early speculation people are unable to let go for some reason.
  • Agreed. I think people are really stretching the slit faced woman theory and are setting themselves up for disappointment. Also read up on the Shuten-Doji as I think that figure might be a large influence here. The Oni mask really is key for the new Killer I feel. The man in the teaser even has an unique katana (circular…
  • Perhaps the Shuten-doji is the main inspiration. More here: http://folklorethursday.com/legends/three-evil-yokai-japan/#sthash.A7EAJUt2.dpbs The focus on a priest, Oni mask and a love for alcohol definitely fits the hints and teasers given so far. The Oni mask in particular really is the main focus and must be related to…
  • Definitely something Japanese inspired, which is pretty much all we know for sure. Hoping for some kind of Oni as thematically that would be more interesting for me.
  • Thanks! And yes I was struggling with the precise numbers but ofcourse that can only really be determined by playtesting and further balancing. Maybe there should be a limit to the things he can wrap in paper though I'd rather alter the duration it takes to wrap in that case.
  • So they shouldn't add a killer to the game because a direct competitor would be damaged by it? They could go for Remake Jason which is held by a different copyright holder I believe.
  • Accidental double post, please remove this.
  • Personally I feel getting pulled into the Dreamworld isn't punishing enough. Currently Survivors don't care that much about it but it should be a really negative thing. My suggestion would be to make it harder and harder to escape the Dream World the more you are pulled into it. It fits the movie as characters try to…
  • Also made quit some concepts myself, but to keep things short: The Krampus. Has a roe and a sack. Can do a special lunge attack where he can put 'Naughty' and wounded Survivors in the sack. Survivors in the sack can't be saved by stunning or blinding the killer. Survivors can gain a 'Naughty' status by stunning, blinding,…