Would you rather believe what in game description says or wiki?
it doesnt
Almost every killer can be countered by dropping pallet early.
For me its going to be playable Hillbilly.
Its useless and good killer will just hit you. But it has some uses which is ideal timing when you have to use flashlight(just calculate the time it takes to jump over the pallet 2 times). CJ tect is when you drop pallet close to survivor and when killer is about to break pallet(which you can never tell for sure)you jump…
So you re not triggered but you reading through my post history? "I can go high" thread and " i cant go high". Those threads are related and contradict to each other. My threads are not related. "Does anyone know any op build" and "Im tired of constant winning games matchmaking is broken or game is too killer sided" are…
It reminded me: when i said that ds needs a nerf and that nerf is better be something like a possible ds timer so killers could know when its safe to pick survivors up someone said to me "Then it would render perk useless" . I said : "POSSIBLE ds timer". Now i realize he knew what i was talking about and i just had a talk…
" Jason in dbd? is it possible? " Im not clicking that because they are not going to answer you that . All those click bait videos makes me sick already.
But you most likely to find good survivors on rank 1. Anyway all players that want decent teammates are going to rank1 .
No. They are just potatoes. You and your games is where all the heat going on. If god like you cant beat swf then nobody can.
Watch the last game. Nurse got 3 kills against depip squad. Just because you cant doesnt mean everyone cant.
I think its you. You cant be taken seriously . You saying you not triggered but you found my old thread and showing it to dev and i quote "I find it strange that this user, in particular, has made this topic, given that they recently posted one 'complaining' that they were 4k'ing every game.". You act like a kid telling on…
Corrupt intervention, whispers, ruin, thrill of the hunt. Ebony Mori. Any killer with mobility. Playstyle: Just dont let them do gens. Mori them all. This is close to guaranteed win for the killer but we still have game ....
When you trigger so many people with one specific thread you posted about one month ago 😨
Great skillchecks feels almost the same
they know nothing
For what? For exposing your build?
Bubba doesnt have any skillful play that will let him down survivor early to camp him out. You need to get really lucky or just catch survivor in bad place so he cant just pallet loop you till all gens done. The thing that streamer pulled it out because there s not much decent players left in this game .
Means which killer you have to choose to make it work. I like your Oni build. Extremely strongest build i found out is Rancor , Nemesis, Remember me, Whispers(or Infectious Fright) on Hillbilly.You going to need whispers late game especially if they decide to just not open gates and hide somewhere for a bit maybe. Heres…
when someone asks for extremely op builds on forums means that he desperately needs them because his killer games going downhill... @Orion, if you struggle as killer now...
To know how many awesome builds you can create. I main only billy. Perks works for killers different way in case you didnt know. Do you really think you can learn how to play game on forums? Like people come here for help? I have yet to hear something here that helped me in any way shape or form.
Just curious . What you need enduring for?
I meant something like " it guarantees you 3-4 kills if you do this or that right".
No use of mori though.
Instead of being pretty much specific in title just say that the game is broken cause there are just too many things this patch broke.
People do that because you get same amount of shards anyway(whether you played or not). Devs should look into that.
You dont get points to emblem for that . Its hard to pip against afk killer. If you think the otherwise prove that please.
BT can also help you to get RM tokens. There s no really point to down that unhooked survivor. Its literally nothing. People use it to save friends only. If you wait for killer to come to hook to get use of bt you simply wasting a lot of time there doing nothing. And killer like i already said dont even need that unhooked…
Be happy that the game i paid for works ? Okay. Quit talking about your real life on game forums.
I like when people call me entitled in situations like this. Good example is Friday 13 the game. Devs literally ruined the game. It was playable at release but now its a lagging mess . But of course im entitled for wanting the game to be playable as it used to. A game i paid for.
Nurse ignores pallets. So its only adds a few secs to that chase if you did good. Its almost like when you searching up an area for survivor with flashlight or just looking around after you downed survivor. Try it.
Some people dont have much time like you. The most annoying thing is that i didnt even pip because killer didnt hook anyone.
No. I found actually. "x0.15: multiplier added to all Benevolent points gained inside the Basement" So you gain bonus points for everything done towards benevolent emblem inside basement.
PTB bug report. They ######### up because they went live with this being broken. Imagine being able to play your killer just fine but then update comes out and he s all of sudden not playable . How would you feel?
And leave negative review. Hillbilly is broken . They ######### up really bad.
The ones that were hooked in basement?
Why would you talk about that now when he s complete mess?
They may change build or for example not play someone like hag? They can take mori . Another reason i do that is Ash line. Recently i picked up Ash with a flashlight at the last second and he said: " Look who s shitting in the tall grass " lol
I think its going to be even easier as before since i know about main building loops that got removed basically. But i wish i could play my main hillbilly.
You talking with a guy that handicap himself on purpose by playing with no addons.
When you verse Spirit , Nurse , Freddy for example you may not even use unbreakable because those killers are not good at slugging and you most likely not going to use ds because they will either eat it and down you in split second or just counter it. On the other hand you would most like need unbreakable if you verse Oni…
Same goes for every killer perk.
Oni , Hillbilly, Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Huntress, Freddy. Only three? The game is killer sided. Kill rates shows that.
Your logic is pretty stupid no offense. People can throw down pallets against hillbilly too to avoid chainsaw but it doesnt counter hillbilly.Change your playstyle maybe
There s no meta.
which is going to give me one extra health state and remove unlimited unbreakable? Plus i will leave pools of blood? Thats better option? You wont make any noise if you leave when you see that killer is coming to your location. NM on Ace is basically same iron will.
Also it kind of reminds you to win chase without getting hit. Thats how you win chases towards emblem .
i dont save at all. Main reason that help i think is that i dont have to heal and leave no blood when kilelr check my gen
POSSIBLE ds timer. Anyway people can set their timer on.