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  • I feel like majority anti-scavenger perk forgot Built to last perk is in the game and is 3x more powerful than Scavenger that requires great skill checks after toolbox been depleted. I personally suck at getting those great skill checks and you can only use the perk once while Built to last can be used 3-4 times. Made for…
  • I'm disappointed in scavenger perk, been testing it out and you can only farm those skill checks AFTER you have depleted the current toolbox (atleast works with stake out) and you can only use it once the entire game, you do get yellow toolbox when going through opened chest but overall built to last is still way superior…
  • Ever since midchapter release, the game became way less enjoyable so I barely play now and when I do rare ocassions on default white rank, I'm up against sweaty killers that I usually face when I'm red rank but I'm not due to not playing much. I'm up against Legions with thana and sloppy (and making survivors broken with…
  • Some play normally but then there is the other side who 3 gen since the start and will not go to other generators. Always camps at one spot, disable their drone and she quits chasing someone to go back to you to reactivate it. Over and over. I have played skull merchant and I have played against her, I only needed 3…
  • I play like 60% survivor and 40% killer and I'm happy DH got nerfed, they can even go through traps with it. When i play as killer the nr1 perk which always annoyed me was DH. CoH needed somekind of nerf aswell but skeptical on medkit changes, sloppy with thanaphobia is gonna be even more painful....
  • I see more Demogorgon than Twins The most rarest in my view Twins Demogorgon Freddy Hag While I see Weskers and legions the most
  • From killer side: 1. Myers (I like his silent brutal kill style) 2. Artist (I also play her more silent with the perks i use, its fun jumpscaring people and actually making the game more "horror" vibe" 3. Pig (Cause i love the rng of the "game" and to punish gen rushers with it plus i can play her as silent killer) Hag is…
  • Yes OR option to choose perks by searching for the character name who has the perks you want. They also need to have option to automatically waste your bloodpoints by just clicking "automatically pick items in the bloodweb" by 1 or 5 lvls of it for quality of life change. Wasting bloodpoints were never an issue for me…
  • I love how guard ground minion spotted me on second floor on dead saloon and flew to me to hit me. Ofc every guard killer I met camps the hooked person with their guards. Imagine Nemesis Zombies able to fly and always relatively fast plus get past pallets? Nobody thinks thats just too insane? You should atleast be able to…
  • As survivor in there I hate it, its worst version of deathslinger saloon map combined with artist map. The map is so visible and not many places to hide without head sticking out. And the new pallets texture is as same lvl as Claudettes hiding in bushes. I really wished they made inside castle map, would have been a lot…
  • I got like 1700 hours in. I play both but I have way more fun as survivor in solo matches than playing a killer during these times. I feel like I'm facing way more swf sweat teams than we did before the rank change. I rarely play in swf teams, I like lone wolf type but dislike always needing to use good perks to win as a…
  • I know its swf when more than 3 have dead hards, coh and prove thyself or built to last. And in the match they always know I'm coming even when playing stealth killer. And extra where there will be 1-2 people always there where the teammate last fell and ready for flashlight or pallet save...
  • I'm fond of stealth killers other than Wraith since they usually turn out to be campers
  • I have played all the killers so here is my list, Pig is my favourite to play as but she is weak against full swf dead hard gen rushers so it can go 4k or 1k, her crouch needs a speed buff : /
  • Huntress, Trapper, Wraith and Bubba Trapper only cause the team I usually end up with steps into his traps every 30 seconds Wraith and Bubba I go up against camp/tunnel a lot plus their power is annoying Huntress cause of her hitboxes and tryhards
  • I finished adept demo and steve before the change but tools of trade I just finished and it was definitely hard since I keep facing red ranks who kept genrushing, leaving me less time to farm. I had 2 merciless on pig, 1 on blight n 1 on plague n last one with legion. With pig your traps work against you if they die by a…
  • What makes DH even more powerful is due to their new buff and boon update and I really don't understand why they only have 40 sec cooldown...make it atleast 50 or 60. And DH should not be able to get over traps, not even trapper is immune to his own traps so why should a perk be able to?...DH and circle of healing needs…
  • Makes sense why the challenge did not work for me if its bugged. I literally counted atleast 6-7 undedectable beast of prey hits and it was a farm match against 2 survivors who I let go n after the match I quit that challenge when it still did'nt work. I guess I will come back to it a month later....
  • Just had a match against a hacker with infinite heals, teleportations and speed runs, did report with descriptions but doubtful that will do much. I've encountered lots of hackers this year and not only does it makes the game annoying, the team seemed swf with 2 flashlights since they always know where to go and heal…
  • This achievement is so confusing, I just had merciless victory as blight and used universal perks such as spies from the shadows, distressing and iron grasp yet I don't see 1 out of 5 progress done on steam. I have demogorgon but I hate trying to get merciless victory using his default perks.... Edit: Okay it worked…
  • Dead hard was always annoying before the buff and now its even worse, I'm glad DS got the nerf it deserved but why should dead hard be more stronger than mettle of man that requires 4 protection hit for it to work? DH gives survivors 3rd life every 40 seconds, even the cooldown on it is too short and it should not go over…
  • A week ago I had yamaoka estate as spirit with atleast 3 claudettes, I though it was weird the first "not claudette" person I caught already suicided on hook. Probably cause she saw all of her teammates urban evasioning and hiding the entire game doing only 2% gens then hide again. Was a weird immersive 15 - 20 minutes…
  • I do it in 2 ways since I use quick and quiet with head on, loop the killer once near the pallet/closet then vanish into the closet without being seen for atleast till head on activates, it usually works for me. But either the killer can't see you go into one or you got enough distance for perk to activate. But if its on…
  • For survivors my main is Meg but for now its Cheryl which is my first P3 and for more stealthy approach I go Feng :) For killers I'm main spirit then sometimes I go plague or pig
  • The map is also good for the doctor but overall I like the map, its confusing for sure but i love most indoor maps other than lery....I wish they would implement that survivors can break the damaged doors, it will give notification for the killer but the map is filled with those doors and makes it harder to get out of the…
  • I am very excited about this, I didn't really think of pyramid head being the new killer because of how slow he is but they made him faster for the dbd game. I'm so fine with getting silent hill, I know i would have been dissappointed if it was either Candyman or Jason. I was mostly rooting for xenomorph killer but il take…
  • I hope its alien! Would be more terrifying than demogorgon and imagine how awesome the map would look. Id be delighted if its either xenomorph or pennywise :) The alien franchise is the biggest when it comes to changing the whole horror franchise and would definitely bring in way more fans than pennywise or jason.
  • I have seen a good leatherface that did not camp not even once and got all of us, I even praised the killer for it, since those types actually play it right and deserve a praise. While all the other facecamping leatherfaces is the biggest reason for high toxicity in this game and it even supports it if the devs don't make…
  • A killer should not have the power to stop survivors from doing every game mehcanic there is, he can stop you from healing/unhooking/vaulting/pallets/gens let alone dealing with madness stages at the same time. I had full on toxic doctor killer who can use his blast every 3 seconds with perk which gives him more range for…
  • I hate Lery hospital place the most its short and gens are in such weird locations, whenever I get that map my chances of surviving it is 5%. I like ormond and all the winter map lookalikes, I don't mind coldwind farm either, i personally hate super dark places as a killer like yamaoka estate but other than that I'm fine…
  • Yeah had that bug happen aswell and many others where I press down the button to puke yet its blocked for some reason or stuck constantly like my killer is grasping for air with nothing coming out. Or people not getting infected by healing the infected person or unhooking them. I mostly like using infected purge more than…
  • I play in red rank survival and anyone can see how annoying and frustrating it is to counter the doctor. Theres very low chance you can outrun him since his scream radius is so huge, he will find you again. I even just made an account cause of how frustrating it is to play against him. He is the only killer which makes me…