Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Use this post as a prime example, some think it is some think it isn’t. Simple as that
  • I answered two of the three questions actually. I straight out said it’s not something you can be banned for and that it is not holding the game hostage if you try to down everyone then hook them. As for if it’s toxic, that is a matter of opinion and my opinion is it’s not. so now you have all 3 answers. I apologize if you…
  • Truth is there are builds people use that that mainly focus on trying to slug everyone and win the match as fast as possible. Your perfectly fine don’t listen to the hater survivors most of them are 10x more toxic than this. you should be running better perks for what your trying to do. The plague perk that makes people…
  • I don’t buy that for a second. If that’s the case everyone’s rank 20 skill wise lol
  • I only slug for the 4K when the team has attempted to troll me with sabs and or flashlights and usually it’s me looking for someone specifically doing one of those things. Or if I’m doing a challenge. I find more fun seeing who can find the hatch first and don’t really care about 1 getting out. Also the rankings are 100%…
  • Camp, tunnel, Mori, NOED. Your welcome. Easy Kills. Survivors are going to be salty when they die regardless so you don’t need to handicap yourself and play by their rules. Their rules are designed to get easy 0k games. I gave up on being nice and friendly to ungrateful survivors that just talk trash even when you don’t do…
  • I don’t even know why people care about rank at all, it’s so meaningless in this game. Absolutely no rewards and it doesn’t matter at all with matchmaking
  • I just share it because I think some of the stuff people say is really funny, irrational, and illogical. It just baffles me sometimes so I share stories every now and then about salty players. Survivors always say it’s not gen rushing that’s out only objective, but now they complain if you try to stop them from doing it.…
  • suvivor mains are biased and delusional. You can’t pressure every gen at the same time and if you chase anyone the gens will get done super fast. if you just patrol gens they will still get done, there’s obviously a problem with gen times. It’s ridiculous that 2-3 gens finish after one chase unless the survivor your…
  • Like the ones I was playing against, I was calm, its hard to tell sarcasm when reading sometimes. it’s just ridiculous how easily survivors get triggered in this game, I’ve never seen anything like it in any other game, people say overwatch is bad but not like this. I’ve had games where people are tea-bagging at the gate…
  • Sorry but no If a killer hooks someone then turns around to find another survivor instantly and they rush the hook injured and get downed before the unhook, that’s not camping that’s taking care of stupid survivors that want to rush in hurt and not even give the killers chance to walk away. Had the player ran away from the…
  • I play both killer and survivor pretty equally and survivor is so much easier and way more fun than killer most of the time. I’m not a toxic jerk either but that’s all I seem to play against as killer. These are the scummy babies that will write you crying when you kill them no matter how you play. It seems like survivors…
  • Ya they are doing a great job of killing their player base. Maybe the goal is to have all the killers completely stop playing so that there’s only survivors waiting to find matches. If that’s what the goal is then yes they’ve been killin it. Devs have caved in on so many changes that barely anyone wants to play killer…
  • I think the best solution would be a forfeit option as a killer when the gates are powered even when kicked open and no one is on a hook. Forfeit with no penalty instead of holding up killers from being able to start another match when there is always plenty of survivors waiting for a match. As a killer I don’t care about…
  • I agree. I stomp most swf groups into the ground anyways. Usually if I lose it’s because I made multiple mistakes or I’m just trying to do something specific like a challenge or ritual
  • ive Actually had survivors message me that my pig is terrifying. Surveillance is a great perk
  • My point was simply bubba is worst than pig even with his one shot. I play a lot of bubba and you have to be flawless to even have a slim chance of winning against a decent team. Maybe an insta down dash attack would be to strong for pig but it would be awesome as an ultra rare add on. The pig has a cool concept and she…
  • This happened to me twice in one match last night. I grabbed someone who was dead on hook that was vaulting a pallet straight into me and got stuck in the animation for a few seconds then at the end of the match two survivors were trying to body block so when I hooked the person I was carrying one of them immediately went…
  • Is no one going to mention the fact the bubba is much worse than the pig even with his one shot? If they wanted to make the pig really strong make her dash one shot. Problem solved even tho survivors would not go for that at all and cry OP
  • My favorite going against is a good pig and Michael. I also like going against nurse, huntress, old doctor, plague, clown, bubba and billy least favorite legion, ghost face, spirit, and new doctor. seems like I play against those 4 way to often everyone else I’m on the fence with, I don’t mind Freddy, oni, hag, wraith but…
  • im guessing maybe penny wise. I still think there might be something to that, he was rumored and speculated a lot when the devs followed Stephen King on twitter or something. Reason being they did something like that with the stranger things creators before we got Nancy, Steve, and demo
  • I’ve had so many 3-4K games where noed never even activated and people still write me messages saying these things. To many times to count. I usually only use noed for challenges or if I don’t have anything better to use on whatever killer I might be playing but most of the time it has no impact on my games. It’s a great…
  • I have a 3 year old and a six month old so I do the same thing
  • I am on xbox but I use to be on PS4 but I’ve never dodged lobbies because of survivors loadouts. Never really cared enough to and don’t mind a challenge even if I don’t get any kills which is super rare
  • Maybe a vote should be initiated so let’s say the killers vote is mandatory to start it and at least 2 of the survivors have to vote yes to disband like the game normally would when someone dcs during the loading screen. That way everyone keeps everything and no pips are gained or lost
  • Thank you all for clearing that up. I don’t know why I thought they both stayed lit. The guy that got hit with the noed made a teammate dc by hook farming and getting them tunneled anyways
  • I could have sworn both haunted grounds stayed lit the whole game and that you could get everyone exposed twice in a single match. Was this changed at some point?
  • That makes sense, was it always this way? I remembered it not doing that for some reason
  • Haunted grounds only lights 2 totems. I destroyed one of them and I destroyed 3 dull totems which is 4 total. The last totem should have been lit as the second haunted ground. So how does that work? Does that become noed or does it become noed plus haunted ground?
  • Bitter Murmur is not a terrible starter perk when you don’t have a lot of options being that it’s not a teachable but there are a lot better options overall. With doctor I personally like using discordance, overcharge, BBQ and chili and either pop goes the weasel or distressing. Distressing gives his blast a huge radius…
  • I got on last night on xbox trying to do survivor challenges and took almost an hour to play one match. I rarely bring items and just use what I find but between the errors, lobby dodges and dcs during the match loading it literally took 6 or 7 tries for me to get into a match. This match went like this for me. first one…
  • I try. Bubba with franklins bbq discordance and noed. Noed is for salt even though most of the time it rarely makes an impact on my matches anyways.
  • You can literally say the exact same thing about ruin, noed, and that survivors act like they are suppose to all 4 escape every match. It goes both ways
  • Survivors whine just as much if not more than killers from what I’ve seen. I can’t even get 1k half the time without someone crying about something and it’s almost always just poor sportsmanship. As a survivor killers rarely message me and when they do it’s almost always gg
  • Why does ranking up matter if lvl 15 killers play red ranked survivors constantly? Usually when Ive used noed It never gets any effect because I get the 4K before it can activate or I down the last guy on the gate when they clearly weren’t going to get out anyways. This is why I stopped using it but I believe it’s a good…
  • If survivors weren’t op and toxic af all the time then maybe people would play more killer. Survivors generally try to be toxic bullies. They literally tell killers to uninstall the game all the time then wonder why people do so. I’ve experienced it a lot. O you have hex ruin uninstall your trash. Damm you only killed 1…
  • Basement bubba lol I get so much salt for hooking someone in the basement and then protecting the hook when people rush down there before I can even leave the shack. Usually I get a double chainsaw hit and leave the person who was saved slugged but I still get salt because I guess if you jump down behind me before I even…
  • When I play trapper the survivors glitching the traps placed by When I play trapper the survivors glitching the traps placed on door switches so they can open the gate without disarming my traps is what annoys me.
  • Another thing to consider is the doctor has 2 challenges in the tome so a lot of people are probably playing him for those as well. I believe one has to do with his ability and one is for the overcharge perk. So anyone that doesn’t have the teachable overcharge would have to use doctor
  • I used to play on PS4 and now I play on xbox 1 and the difference in night and day. On PlayStation most of the messages I received were salt. On xbox I still get salt but I get way more ggs as a survivor and killer. I believe it’s because xbox is a lot more strict when it comes to name calling using and using profanity.…
  • That is exactly how I feel. It raises the stakes and makes the end so much more exciting. Every time the gate gets powered and there’s 4 of us left and the killer hits someone and they don’t have it I get a bit disappointed
  • I get a lot of salt from survivors in this game over some of the dumbest things. I get more ggs than salt on xbox. When I was on PS4 it was the opposite probably because a lot of the people on xbox get their chat suspended or don’t want to get their chats suspended. I’m a super nice killer though, anytime I bring streamers…
  • I’ve had multiple people from different matches complain about me using noed on bubba in matches where the gates were never even powered. I basically used 3 perks in those matches and they still get salty just because he has a chainsaw already. I play survivor and killer equally and enjoy both. Honestly I like when the…
  • Hey those ranks look like every match I play on Xbox
  • I thought they wanted it at 50 percent. People keep saying it’s above 50. What is above 50? 51? 52?
  • Billy is the one everyone will gun for next, Ive already seen it starting. then Freddy and ghostface then maybe Michael. Michael has to wait his turn.
  • I recently started playing on xbox instead of PS4 so I had to start over and this is what I’ve been getting since rank 16. All purple and reds with occasionally green rank players when the game feels like being nice. I have no ruin because I’m not going to waste my bloodpoints leveling up hag for nothing with the super…
  • dont worry I’m sure noed will get the ruin treatment soon survivors don’t want the possibility of someone not escaping
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