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  • I'd just like to know so I can account for SWF playstyles and maybe tweak my build a little. Instead I end up bullying solos all the time because I'm preparing for swfs.
  • According to the data you presented, pig has a similar kill rate to every killer in the game aside from clown, spirit, freddy and billy. Three of those killers vastly outperform her and the other greatly underperforms, with every other killer averaging within 5% of her kill rate. This shows just how unimpressive that kill…
  • I really hope this is a bait post lul. Removing grabs on hooks isn't punishing a killer for camping in the vast amount of scenarios, it's rewarding a survivor for a dumb play. It's not hard to fake a grab anyway, playing survivor alot recently has taught me just how easy and relaxing the role is in comparison. Also, hatch…
  • I'm sure it's been summarised here before but the perk is just too map & killer dependant to be useful. Being a basic attack down pretty much makes the perk useless on most killer using m2, such as huntress and billy, and since the perk requires gens to be tightly together to get more value it only works on smaller maps…
  • Most of my easiest games are against twitchies. Most of them are just casuals who play the game for fun and don't try particularly hard, the other half take themselves too seriously and vastly overestimate their skill. Twitchies is almost a certain sign to stay in the lobby for me tbh.
  • I don't really have a build for nurse that I use most games, but I've been playing her since 2017. I ended up mastering her in no time, doing a rank 20-1 no perk no addon nurse back in mid 2017. Sadly my main killer other than nurse is billy :( Of course I subscribe to the Zubatlel school of fashion. EDIT: I honestly think…