I just escaped via hatch and still didn’t pip hahaha
I heard you can get banned for DCing too many times, it’s unfair because I regularly get kicked offline
Because my ruin gets broken in the first two seconds because it spawns next to a generator that somebody’s spawns next to
I’m running ruin and pop because the state of gens is that bad, totem spawns are utter ridiculous, ruin totem spawns next to a gen, gets broken in first minute of the game and then two gens get instantly done
My teammates opened the gates and left my brother to die, I was the only one who went back 😂
How do you file a bug report?
I was at the hatch before everybody escaped, it didn’t open and the timer ran out 😂
Why does the entity block windows?
Why is it fair that killers don’t suffer from jumping off something but it slows survivors down? Balanced Landing makes it fair
That’s disgusting 😂 hit-boxes need fixing
This is where he lunged from
This is what happened to me earlier 😂 it won’t let me upload the video so I had to screenshot it instead, he got me from miles away
Maybe it’s just hit-boxes that are broken, just always seems like Freddy lunges really far
Even more annoying is the fact that the trapper will trap exit gates making it impossible for you to escape
Maybe because my teammates are trash and I shouldn’t suffer because of their mistakes
There should be a chest that spawns randomly on the map during endgame, the chest should have a key inside of it, the timer definitely need some extending because it’s not long enough