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  • You know when a survivor heals you, and you do a quick double crouch to say thank you? Yeah that's SA and you're a monster if you do that. Ffs this is a game where you get brutally murdered with vicious weapons, fully voiced and animated. Pinhead is the poster boy for non-consensual BDSM. I don't think "moving up and down…
  • It is, but with as many maps as we have, getting any one particular map by chance is slim, and it shares an offering with Garden of Joy, so chances are survivors aren't playing that offering as much now.
  • Not necessarily. Stacking negatives (such as regression) is far more effective than stacking positive multipliers (such as gen speeds). Subtracting 25% of a gens total progress followed by another 25% is always going to be minus 50% no matter how they stack. However successive speed increases have diminishing returns. For…
  • Nurse and Blight are perhaps the only killers whose prevalence has correlation with MMR, and maybe Freddy too but in the other direction. So yes, a very high MMR might get ypu more of those. But Huntress as far as I'm aware is relatively common at all skill levels.
  • I don't agree that a nerf to the most powerful and prevalent perks in a category requires a compensatory buff. There are still a load of other viable gen slowdown perks that haven't been nerfed, and you are absolutely not forced to run Pop Pain Res to 'cope with gen speeds'. If it were a truly universal nerf to gen…
  • There's nothing to prevent you from matching with the same killers, there's either a lot of peplaying Huntress right now, or it's just random chance. For the record, I also go against far more Huntresses than I'd like.
  • I've never used Pop and I haven't run Pain Res since it lost it's info in 6.1. I play mainly M1 killers. My games are no more frustrating for it. There are more than 2 viable perks in the game. You've chosen to become a meta slave. Chose not to be.
  • Nerfs for the most powerful perks should happen, but I agree it would be nice if they came alongside some buffs for the weaker perks too. Don't even need to be drastic enough to push them to meta, just sonething to make them more appealing for those who do experiment a bit.
  • Nerfs for the strongest mechanics have to happen (as opposed to buffing everything else) avoid power creep.
  • Gen slowdown is a crutch that gets you undeserved wins, which then catapults you to high MMR where you can't cope without gen slowdown because you haven't developed the skills to play without slowdown. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've never needed significant gen slowdown. At most, Thrilling Tremors or Call of Brine,…
  • I think if you love the game that you have to not love the community, because the community almost universally hate the game. They hate playing killer, they hate playing survivor, they hate playing soloqueue, they hate playing against x killer, they hate getting caught first, they hate tunneling/camping killers, they hate…
  • We'll Make It + Second Wind can be a game changer, 2 heals in 8 seconds, 5 with a decent medkit. But it's an 'all eggs in one basket' kinda deal. If you get found first, tunnelled off the hook, or simply go against Plague/Legion, you're basically playing without perks. Although if you make your exhaustion perk Dead Hard,…
  • I swear by Deja Vu and Empathy for info. Helps avoid stupid 3-gen scenarios, and Empathy indirectly helps tracking the killer and speeds up healing by finding injured survivors. With enough gamesense you can almost pass for a SWF with how efficient you can be on gens and healing with this info. Then for the other two perks…
  • This isn't a Resident Evil game though. Can we at least get a second Silent Hill or Stranger Things chapter first?
  • That doesn't mean this wasn't the survivors intended outcome. Otherwise they wouldn't be attempting to force a DS hit. This game isn't that black and white that every action is either good or bad, most things are conditional. Good survivor teams know that a slugged survivor is worth more than a hooked survivor. They are…
  • You're naive as ######### if you think otherwise. They either have teammates ready to pick them up or Unbreakable.
  • That's where we come back to killers that aren't intending to tunnel. You're trying to play fair, your opponent forces you into a situation when playing fair backfires. It sours the entire experience. You get pushed into a lose-lose situation where you either fall behind or you get backlash for tunneling. You're punishing…
  • It might not be good for them, but it is still 'weaponising' it. Kicking a wasps nest isn't a great idea either but it's still an offensive act and the wasps are entitled to be pissed about it.
  • 1. It's a gamble whether they have DS. It's a perk, not basekit. 2. Lying on the ground is what the survivor wants. Whether they get picked up and hit DS, or wait for another survivor to pick them upn they see it as win-win. Your next best option is typically a healthy survivor some distance away by now. You've lost your…
  • By simply having DS it allows them to 'weaponise' bodyblocking with lower risk. Survivors bodyblock with unhook endurance, forcing the killer to hit the unhooked survivor, but then they continue for a second hit, safe in the knowledge that they won't be hooked again. They're entitled to use up their anti-tunnel measures…
  • I do generally think that complaints about Distortion are overblown, but there is something to be said about lone wolf survivors who hide all game at the expense of their teammates. While it should still be a 'viable tactic', like all of these things it shouldn't be too strong with no risk, and Distortion can make it too…
  • Tbh, going against three full-aura Huntresses back to back is exactly what caused me to put on Distortion. Got sick of having no recourse to get towards the hooked survivor without being spotted through walls, and being downed from across the map with no warning.
  • Yes that's a decent catchup perk, I usually run it. But it's not reliable until later in the game. Best used on Midwich.
  • Maintain distance from blind corners and you're good. If you make it to a loop there's almost nothing Myers can do, you either run him in circles for 2-3 minutes, or he gives up. I say this as a frequent Scratched Mirror player. I've had games on Hawkins where I didn't stand a chance because the survivors made a beeline…
  • SWF and voice comms, and the aptitude to use voice comms to coordinate, are a correlation, not a certainty. That is to say, you can have SWF without voice, and you can have SWF on voice just dicking around and not playing sweaty or even seriously. Confirmation bias causes killers to believe these are in the minority, but…
  • I think they un-nerfed it incorrectly. Instead of removing the deactivation on kill effect, they should have buffed it to about 150%.
  • "DS should disable killer's power" has been a popular suggestion to level the playingfield between killers for quite some time. I just don't think anyone considered Plague would be the first one hit, she's not exactly on the level of Blight and Nurse. I'm not particularly concerned about DS, but I do think that could make…
  • It is the devs fault. The correct way for the devs to take responsibility for it is to killswitch the map until it's fixed.
  • If a significant number of survivors are quitting because one meta perk was nerfed, that means that one perk was far too common, likely because it was disproportionately useful over other perks, which means it was due a nerf.
  • As a (more or less) Pig main, no this is not necessary. 4 traps already provide a guaranteed 144 seconds of searching, plus travel time, which is like forcing survivors to cleanse 10 additional totems before they can escape.
  • Put the AFC gauge on the HUD next to the hooked survivors portrait. Show exactly how far along they are from being able to unhook themselves. Change Deliverance/Wicked to immediately fill the AFC gauge. Then Deliverance/Wicked is telegraphed. Also serves as a proxy for 'basekit Kindred' without the added info of auras.
  • Oh no, OLD Haddonfield was awful.
  • If the new gaps in the house walls were replaced with breakable walls, making them more similar to the houses on Badham, it might be a fair trade off. Oh and make pallets in the road more consistent. Someone has said there's no pallets in the road, I just played and got three in a row going down the road that could be…
  • It's removing sounds that would otherwise mask other sounds, that confers an advantage over those who can't hear the unmasked sounds. It's not so different to modding the game to make all walls appear 2 inches high. Less impactful but the same basic concept.
  • Without the DC penalty, players will just quit games they're losing. Everyone will have max MMR, because quitting will avoid any negative MMR. You will never open the gates because killers will just DC once the 5th gen is repaired if they haven't killed anyone, to preserve their precious MMR (that they simultaneously and…
  • Which you can already do with a headset...
  • There's definitely room for more accessibility options without affecting game balance. For example; when survivors make audible footsteps within 16m of the killer, there could be a compass reticule (like shooters have for directional damage). That would equalise the playing field for hard of hearing players, and players…
  • I'd be on board with this. BP was removed from other perks so that players "don't need to run specific perks" and also to prevent it skewing stats. But if a perk exists purely to increase bloodpoints, then there's no stats there to skew, and it's an entirely isolated choice for the player whether or not they opt for a…
  • They use these stats to inform balance changes, in conjunction with kill rates, because there's more to it than just kill rates, killers may simply not be enjoyable to play, regardless of their kill rate.. If a killer isn't played much, then that's evidence that the killer isn't fun or effective to play. So it may get…
  • I don't see the point. Killers will just camp the last survivor and down them again 10 seconds after they unhook.
  • That will muddy the stats. Is a killer played more because it's popular? Or because it has bonus BP?
  • Struggling for an entire match to get one kill because you tunneled shouldn't increase your score. It doesn't. 1 kill and 3 escapes is net negative MMR. how long was spent in chase What about killers like Huntress or Ghostface who can potentially down without any chase? how many stuns and blinds Do you avoid stuns and…
  • I'd rather they rework the unhook mechanic and have partial AFC progress have an effect. Something like, translating progress into luck at a rate of about 50%. So a 50% AFC gauge will give you about +25% luck. This stops it being an 'all or nothing' mechanic so the killer is encouraged to leave entirely, instead of merely…
  • Generally play roughly every other day, so 3-4 days out of 7. As regularly now as ever. Not sure why people would be on these forums if they haven't played at all in months...
  • While no one deserves to be griefed for running any perk... please never run Invocation ever again.
  • You know that you can repair a gen faster if you didn't use Potential Energy, right? It doesn't really matter if you're using a toolbox to charge PE or not. Even if your repair speed goes above 150% to completely counter the 50% efficiency nerf that PE inflicts. You still had that toolbox and could have used it without…
  • Mobility and Ranged killers are not the only killers. Please stop taking our hiding spots, ground clutter and LoS blockers away. Sincerely, Trapper, Hag, Ghostface, Myers, Pig, Sadako, Wraith, Demogorgon, Chucky...
  • Survivors will equaly want to prevent a 3 gen situation. The 8 regression limit will cut down the time it can be held indefinitely, but that doesn't mean a limited 3 gen scenario isn't an oppressive situation. It forces survivors into a small zone where the killer has all the power. This means survivors will try to break a…
  • Dredges power might be highly situational, but when it lines up right it can be incredibly oppressive. I've had games when I've yo-yoed between two hooks next to lockers just downing the rescuer on repeat, burning through 6-8 hooks in about 2 minutes. Yes it's an extreme example, but it shows how effective an instant…