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  • can confirm, got on the for the first time after the update and I got tunneled both times right out of the gate. Now grant I got spawned unluckily into the dead zone of the map on the first map but I literally had a team member have to take a protective hit after getting me off the the hook because the tunneling was hard.…
  • I love this, read it to my friends group and we all agree this is a great idea.
  • I just placed another thread for this several days ago because the same issue. We actually recoded it just so we had a record of the game play to review. My friends and I decided to test with doctor in a private game just to see and in vc the person who was playing killer was frustrated because there were hits they were…
  • And that is what makes you a good player. I hate having my team mate downed right after unhook, I would rather you get me then them. It's like, yep hit me instead you just got them even if they are the ones that trigger the traps.
  • I didn't realize, but then again I have never seen one of them depip for staring longingly into my eyes until the sweet sweet release of death. I'm starting to wonder if my teams hook rescue game needs to be weaker.... :/
  • Oh, I like that. Though a quick dirty way to do it would probably be to just not award blood points for camping so sacrifices don't have as much weight if they go through the entire hook progression in one go. So having it count as if they did only one hook vs full sacrifice points. So that way it would have the killers…
  • But that gets boring, wouldn't you rather play against players that don't have what killers deem "toxic" perks all the time? Cause lets be honest about this, survivors run perks to prevent tunneling and camping and killers complain about that because everyone uses those same builds weather they tunnel or camp. Survivors…
  • That is why I specified the first hook, It's not about preventing all health drain it's about changing behaviors. You would still have health drain if you leave a margin of distance between you and the survivor on the hook, that way their health would deteriorate (most killers can move the 4 to 8 meters distance easily).…
  • No problem Ahluvia, I get it. I personally don't DC because I find it to be disrespectful to the other players. And when I mean they were acting abusive I mean, really, really toxic. The last was a doctor that kept spamming his shock and hitting my friend on hook. I was able to get her off but he downed her right off hook…
  • Not true, the best way to make this stop would be to simply make it so a survivor's health doesn't decrease on first hook when the killer is within a certain proximity to a survivor. For example if they do it within the parameters that they already have for level 1 kindred (8 meters) or even if they did it for half (4…
  • Like ClickyClicky the difficulty of playing her is what makes it hard to master so that is why she isn't played as often so there is a lack of complaint. However I do notice that there is a way to counter the nurse's blink, before she materializes her visual range shows aka the red cone. The best way to avoid a hit is as…
  • I unfortunately have to disagree that this is always the reason for a DC. My poor friend yesterday had the entire game error and just drop her mid match. She had been running to get me off the hook when her character zoomed by and started to run against the wall. The killer downed her and I being in a voice chat with her…
  • you should play with my group Avis, we get into screaming fits about survivors running all over the map. It's like walk or crouch but don't run unless you are being chased, and or saving someone from a hook!!!!
  • wholesome.... I got this. One of my now good gaming friends I met in DbD. He was playing a Suzzie and moried our entire team. After he hooked everyone but me. A mistake he made and realized when he tried to mori me and realized that I was the sneaky one he had yet to down all game... Rip. So he convinced our remaining team…
  • I personally enjoy a skilled hag player but I think the biggest issue I have when playing survivor is how quite a few of the lower level players camp the hook. That is what I take exception too, I shouldn't have to run in while you are face camping my team mate to pull them off the hook after you just trapped the entire…
  • So I can honestly say I am one of those problem children. Consider what my steam name is..... But really I have met some of the coolest killers that way in the after chat. So yeah, hook me harder daddy!
  • DS can also be countered though (down them, pick them up and drop them for several minutes to allow for cool down), which I think most killer realize by now... or I hope. When I play killer I don't care if someone has DS, if they have the perk then good for them. I rarely get people acting toxic and DS only applies when…
  • Yes, my sister, friend, and today I got stuck on the rocks at the bottom of the hill in a match. Only if you are downed by the killer and picked up do you have the ability to get out of it.
  • I and a friend ended up reporting someone for using a lag switch. It wasn't there was lag, no this killer would pass you and then suddenly they would be behind you again after they overshot. We actually do have it on video and we watched the replay to be sure. We aren't bad players but we aren't the best, but we watched…
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