Ah that’s #########. :( Just lucky I’m not the only one
How’s he nothing lmao
He’s such a wonderful man and a beautiful meme. You gotta love him right?
Does anyone else love Mathieu Cote??
Lol well I hate to break it to you but WarthogFury is not toxic and does not face camp. If anyone is toxic it must be you. You should honestly just grow up and move on it’s just dumb af.
I think for killers it’s decent but for survivor in my case all I do is safety pip when I do well.
You see I don’t want it to be too easy like the old days but I don’t want it to be too difficult either. There needs to be a good balance.
Oh sorry I didn’t know that
I agree with you
I agree and disagree on this one tbh. I think it would be a fun and new way to get perks but, at the same time it means all these new survivors wouldn’t have to go through as big as a grind we had to go through to earn perks, I think it might be a little too easy. Overall though it does sound pretty cool.
I honestly couldn’t agree with you more man.
Hmm I would have to say my favourite would be between the MacMillian Estate maps and maybe Auto Haven Wreckers. My least favourite would be “The Game” I don’t know why but there’s just something about it that makes me dislike it. :/
I love Iron Will and Urban Evasion the only difference with my usual build to yours is I have we’re gonna live forever and self care instead of quick and quiet and bond.
Hmmm seems pretty interesting... seems good though!🙂
Honestly I would say quite a bit as they seem to have lots for David King already. Also if you think about they’ve probably been working on this for months and we’re only seeing a tiny bit of what they’ve got.
Oh that makes sense now
Yes of course!
I agree actually because now I can’t delete/edit my posts
I would definitely agree with you DrDannieburger. I guess the repetitive nature of the game is the thing that makes people salty when they lose but I guess that’s just human and there’s nothing we can really do about it. Overall though it isn’t that bad of a community things could be worse.
Nice opinion! I would agree that there are some nice people out there but, there is the fair share of toxicity too but I guess there will always be a bit of toxicity in any community.