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  • I got benifit out of it exactly once. Slugging wraith. Crawled to my totem got myself up right as he sacrificed the third survivor and found the hatch before he did. Literally the only time I've ever managed to use it.
  • First they need to fix the MMR. The games lately have been so out of balance I get games where everyone dies fast and gets next to no points and games where everyone escapes immediately and gets next to no points. Nothing in between.
  • Yeah that clears it up and brings up some good point about him. He doesn't really fit in because the maps aren't built for you to really interact with him. If he uses the gun and hits you your biggest hope is you can put something between you and him which is just luck at that point. Be cool if perks like that one for…
  • 1. Making an unranked mode for swf and casual players and a making ranked for competive solo only. Think kyf but for everyone in unranked mode. Maybe a bit more polish so its not people playing max sweat mode but you get the idea. 2. A complete rework of the survivor gameplay to be more interactive than hold M1 and…
  • Motivation for people to take their win and go maybe? When I started playing killer and I got games where I got absolutely stomped for not knowing what I was doing those people typically had the decency to just leave and be done with it but the few time I get outplayed badly at lower ranks winning isn't enough so they have…
  • While you're right that seems like a bit of a waste. Mean EGC could be something intense for both sides making an exciting last minute of gameplay where all players involved do there best to come out on top (assuming its done correctly to not favor either side) but instead its more of a referee blowing a whistle telling…
  • Okay off topic question. I've played against blight once so I can't add any valid points to this post but i wanted to ask when did deathslinger join the ranks of oppressive killers? I keep seeing it come up but I've never heard that before today.
  • Mean the last spirit I played against I beat with Bill by just going in random directions instead of following patterns. They missed so many times that 3 gens went off and they gave up. She doesn't seem that hard if you're not predictable.
  • The thing I haven't seen pop up yet is a loss of player trust. Killers have been nerfed multiple times. Changes to balance things in killers favor have been slow to implement and community wise killers even get told that they don't matter by people who justify bullying killers into oblivion. Things may be more balanced now…
  • Yeah this is a problem. I remember when everyone was complaining about the sweat squads and their toolbox use. We wanted increased gen times but we got toolboxes nerfed instead which was a fair middle ground I suppose as increasing gen times isn't engaging. Heck generators as they stand aren't engaging. Its holding a mouse…
  • Okay actually you have a point there. I was thinking in terms of a fully healthy survivor which doesn't account for when your injured. My mistake. But while I agree you shouldn't have to bring a perk or two just in case you might get 1 killer out of 22 I still think suicide on hook is a childish solution for a team event.…
  • Think they're trying to imply that in a forever game they have a chance the killer will give up or make a mistake by getting impatient giving them the win, where as in a timed game the killer wins as long as the timer runs out and that having a small chance is better than having no chance at all. Personally I'd say if…
  • While you're right, I think you pointed out a larger issue in this game. Yes a lot of this forum is salt over not being able to stomp killers/survivors depending on which you play but when you say, "people aren't playing the game the way I want them to." As the common complaint people make I think there's an argument for…
  • You know I have to agree. If Nurse were easy to use she would be so broken. Objects mean nothing. Aura reading perks and her one add on makes her able to aim with pinpoint precision. The only reason she isn't broken is because she's hard to use but I don't see a problem with that. She's a killer that reward people learning…
  • Okay then what about walking which has no scratch marks to begin with and as long as you're not walking in an extremely obvious straight line is bound to leave you somewhere the spirit didn't expect which give you the option to sprint away when she reappears as you already have distance on your side. This is the counter…
  • But there is. Walking away when you think she's phasing gives her no scratch marks to track and sprinting when she reappears gives you some distance as she's probably confused when you're not standing where she expects you to be.
  • Man people must love playing with you as a teammate. Also she has a fairly simple counter. Walk. No scratch marks and as long as you don't go in an obvious straight line you're usually good. The minute she stops phasing sprint to get some distance while she's confused.
  • I disagree the nurse should have never happened but I agree that killers like her should be a rarity. I've gotten down to rank 6 with Pig but using nurse I can't get a kill. Her controls just don't work well for me. I've played against a rank 1 Nurse as a survivor and its like fighting a homing missile with your hands.…
  • You my good man have made me laugh and deserve praise. May your games be successful and your opponents losing in the most entertaining of ways.
  • While everyone has pointed out slugging three people early game like that does really suck from a survivors perspective perhaps it was a case of the people thinking they could make the save so the killer chased them rather than risk losing a down. They never state if that is the case. If that is the case I think its more…
  • Okay I'm not entirely against the increased chances for hook escape when slugged as long as its not like you were seconds from death here's a guaranteed kobe. If it topped out at like 25% to throw out a number I'd be good with that. Makes sense. Also a blood point bonus for when you're on the ground as a sorry this…
  • Wow. Just wow. Like I knew the sandbagging was rampant lately but I didn't think they were also that bad at sandbagging. Also your teammates suck. Like these are the type of people that would trip you in a zombie apocalypse, get bit anyway, and hid it from the group all in one go.
  • Personally I've never dodged lobbies for swf cause if it sucks oh well on to the next game. Queue times for killers are amazingly short at the moment after all and I don't care to much about my rank. I just like trying to get good with new killers. That being said I will dodge lobbies if you're on the mental list of names…
  • Think splitting hooks reward is the better option. If you implement "penalties" for tunneling or camping people are gonna get angry about it and complain endlessly while still doing those activities. If you were to instead reward things like hooking a different survivor each hook (bloodpoint multiplier and maybe an…
  • Nope. Real person. Canadian player. No way to prove that though I suppose.
  • Okay I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but for the sake of the discussion topic I will admit that my swf group is on comms a lot. Not to bully the killer but to hangout and chat. Inevitably that leads to us giving each other pertinent information like shouting "Oh sh*t he's after me" or the occasional "I'm coming to…
  • I did try to address this in my post but you put it better. The current ranking system doesn't properly account for good or bad play on either side. Survivors can sandbag each other with no consequences. Part of the altruism category really should be based on how many teammates made it past the 5 minute mark or something…
  • There's one point I want to comment on. If they made separate ranked and unranked modes SWF should only be an option in unranked. If you're gonna have a ranked mode it should reflect your skills at the game as a solo player working with other solo players. This eliminates swf discord edition in the ranked mode and allows…
  • You have a good point. Though we could also divide them with ranked an unranked modes. Mario party with blood would be unranked and ranked for those that want this game to be something they can get down to a science. Doesn't solve everything but I think it would be a decent start on the devs part.
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