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  • All fine and dandy, but devour hope is awful if you want to get any kind of mileage out of your BP offerings. Because they have long since made it clear that killing survivors will hurt your BP.
  • If it weren't for SWF I would be 100% against this idea. But maybe, JUST MAYBE, they could start evening the playing ground between the two and instead of balancing around how "hard" solo queue is (which it still isn't) vs how easy SWF is.
  • I had the same issue on Coal tower w/ Legion. I couldn't kick the shack pallet from the outside (could from inside, ofc by that time the chase was dead dead)
  • I've always wanted this and it would really help w/ the BP grind that is only getting more and more tedious. Hell if they tied it to prestige's (5%/10%/15%/20% refund) that would actually give a lot of people a reason to prestige. As for this argument, I am inclined to disagree because of the design of blood webs. There…
  • It's good for newer players who are still learning how to loop the killer. In most cases if you can force a killer to break a pallet while you break LOS you can lose a lot of killers. But it's entirely for someone who isn't comfortable with taking long chases.
  • If I remember right, the hook de spawn mechanic was added to fix a very old issue in the game(I want to say it had to do with old old sabotage) but the fix is now very outdated and now causes this issue. Unless they have some other idea in the works to resolve this issue, I would agree that hooks shouldn't despawn anymore.
  • In its current state, it is total bs. If they modeled it after Deathslingers insta-down by putting a minimum range requirement on it I'd be fine with it. Then they could even give less hatchet reduction with the addon. But without a range requirement, she should be hard capped at 1 hatchet.
  • It would definitely be far more useful, especially on my 32 meter HB 'w' killers (I'm looking at you plague). But the perk was just released, it would be anti-synergy with the killer, and he is a copyright killer... never gonna happen. :'(
  • I'm saying it was useful for that compendium, because I needed the killer to close the hatch so I could use the key to open the damn thing. Finding the hatch is as 50/50 as ever.. so having a perk that allows me to find a closed hatch is pretty nice. (I would never run it without bringing a key into the match though)
  • I've had one instance that it was useful so I cannot bring myself to bash it... Which was for the compendium challenge that required you to "open" the hatch with a key. Killer closes it and I can't hear it anymore? No problem I'll just aura read it and key it open.
  • Rank really doesn't mean much... eventually you end up at red ranks even if your play isn't that good. Although I would like to see an overflow system put into play... running a killer for the majority of the match and getting 10k BP because I maxed out my boldness in the first 2 minutes while they tried their darndest to…
  • Even some of the very low tier perks have their uses... but bottom of the barrel... Poised.. such a useless perk.
  • I used to, but I don't anymore after getting much better about reading killer movements and looping. Even still I would like to be able to use it, but there are more important perks.
  • You can tap it and the skill check continues that you still have to hit. It's difficult but you can successfully tap an overcharged gen in chase, not blow up the gen, and not take a hit.
  • I think the increased corrupt intervention play is due to the meta change bringing platforms together. It's resulted in matches going back to the rush the gens just as fast as your little feet can go meta. It comes and goes and as people start focusing more on points over escapes you'll see corrupt intervention fade as…
  • I've had success multiple times with the tilting the camera skyward while running facing away from the rock (a bit to the right with wiggling).
  • I dislike the hatch in it's current state because it punishes a killer's skill by giving survivors a shot at an RNG victories. If it were just that then sure, but immediately following closing the hatch.. it gives survivors ANOTHER chance at an RNG victory. And what is worse, is that these "victories" nearly punish a…
  • Sounds an awful lot like you've fallen into the MMR trap. Instead of becoming a better killer, you've leaned on killers and add-ons that inflate your "skill". So now you get to continuously face on-comm SWF's without the actual know how, on utilizing the necessary skills it takes to face these kinds of teams. (Valuing…
  • The biggest mistake I see a lot of Myer's make is that they favor getting their T3 over getting hits. Monitor & Abuse is your best friend for getting a hit or a pallet within the realist valuable time limit (16 seconds). And a survivor that is healing, isn't doing a generator. The best time to stalk (outside of getting to…
  • I actually had something very similar happen to me today as well. Ran a wraith for the majority of 5 gens, then the last one popped and he invisibly hit me with noed (i was already injured though), immediately broke a pallet on the complete opposite side of long wall, then came and picked me up.
  • I'm experiencing this issue with 2560x1440 resolution as well. And I would add that auras are also really messed up and can barely be seen at all. The HUD is fixed by reducing resolution to 1920x1080 and auras become... better... but still not fixed.