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  • Bloodlust is a crutch for bad killers, it's really that simple.
  • MLGA does not let you chat in the pre-game lobby as a killer.
  • you could not be more wrong XD any half decent killer out there does not rely on Bloodlust no matter what killer they play, if you rely on Bloodlust, you are NOT a good killer, not even close.
  • If you are yet another one of those people that thinks gens are done too quick, and that they should make them take longer, then all i have to say to you is this: GIT GUD
  • As a Trapper main, i can tell you that the Trapper is just fine the way he is right now.
  • Why are survivors whining so hard because "we killers" camp and tunnel, and they want to take that from us. Honestly, if survivors want a free hand out like always.. They should spawn the killer rooted to the ground, unable to move or hit.... If survivors get their way, the game will be even more survivor sided than it…
  • thats exactly how it is already, except the hatch cant be closed, if the killer gets there first, the surv can go do gens and see if the killer leaves it or not, no reason for a perk for that. Hatch closing is never gonna be a thing, its the single dumbest thing people have ever suggested to try and solve "hatch…
  • so nice of you to ignore 90% of my reply, read it again and try another reply.
  • being stubborn has nothing to do with it, any good killer and/or survivor will tell you that hatch closing should never be a thing, in any way, find another way to solve the issue. On another note, Hatch Standoff wouldnt even be a thing if Survivors would just jump into the hatch and killers would just hit the survivors,…
  • i am sorry, but this post clearly shows how new you are to the game. The game is incredibly survivor sided, once you learn the ropes. Get better at the game, and maybe you will eventually see why the killers are not at all overpowered, and in fact, it's only the top 1% of killers you really have to fear.
  • no it wasnt, not untill after the last generator had been done, since doing another generator opened the hatch again, and it dosnt matter if it was permanent or not, closing the hatch has been done and tested, and it was the worst idea for trying to solve the hatch standoff ever, dosnt matter how you do it, closing the…
  • please, removing the ping indicator would change exactly nothing, people would just go back to using MLGA, and you would still get dodged just as much, maybe even more, since MLGA is much more precise.
  • Hatch closing was already tested, and it was a bad idea, like the majority of the community who actually knows a thing or 2 had said all along.
  • you honestly believe that? this is BHVR we are talking about, i honestly dont believe "free to play" people were meant to get the masks at all, and i seriously doubt they will lose the masks once the "free to play" period ends. I mean, just look at the L4D2 cosmetics, you could buy the game and get the cosmetics, then…
  • If you play the free version (14th till the 21st) you also get the cosmetics apparently, no need to buy the game at all.
  • BAHAHAHAHA the perk was added because survivors were crying about killers camping, yes there are still campers, and yes some of them are dumb enough to use this perk while camping, but it dosnt change the facts, survivors were crying about camping, so the perk was added, and it definitely helped with getting more killers…
  • i love how wrong people can be. When Whispers gets weakened, it means it covers a much larger area, if it covered a smaller area, it would actually be getting stronger. So basically, when enough survivors are dead, it will be like running Whispers tier 1 (there is a survivor somewhere on the map, and im gonna whisper in…
  • gives me a connection error aswell, i just decided it was the game telling me to play something else to be honest.
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