Hex: Cold Fries made me laugh more than it should have.
Oof, thanks for the answers yall, I really appreciate it. I was hoping to do better than TV picture settings, but thats the way DBD rolls I guess. One some maps that have more lighting like Haddonfield it's just fine. If I'm on Swamp or or some other dark maps I just can see ######### compared to playing the previous gen,…
Just a thought I had on this. The devs could implement a system to "reroll" items, addons and offerings to get something else. Example: in League of Legends (dont judge me) you can reroll three skin shards you don't want to receive a random new one. Usually the same rarity or one tier higher. I'm no saying they would ever…
Could have been me lol. Was it a Doctor?
I just wish if a hex gets blessed and the killer snuffs it, that I would revert back to a hex. That would provide a meaningful choice then between cleansing or blessing a hex, because in most situations 10 extra seconds isn't going to matter. Especially with ToTH notifications getting removed. This just makes it really…
Here's a question that I need answered, since I use alot of gimmick hex heavy builds. If a survivor blesses a hex totem, and the killer cleanses it, does it revert to a hex or a dull totem? Because if they just become dulls ill have to use a real build for once, hexes will be pretty dead at least for a month after release.
Yeah that was me about a week ago. It was 160 million BP. Don't know how they determine the number. @Yatol I lost everything I spent BP to get. So items, perks, addons, offerings and prestige levels.
It's all good. I browse the forums pretty often, so I know better. Thanks for the heads up though.
Not yet. But it's only been 24 hours or so. I hope they can do something though. No idea what caused this. If I have to earn enough bloodpoints to unlock all the teachables again then get them on all my characters again, that's gonna be rough.
The Entity is a cruel mistress.
Yeah, it doesn't feel good. I love the game to death, but if I had to start over from having no perks unlocked I'd probably move on too. I don't want to spend another two years or so just getting back to where I was. Especially on my Dwight. I had done so much item and addon stockpiling on him since he was the first…
Thanks for all the quick feedback everyone. I've submitted the support ticket. I didn't know that this was something that happened enough for general community knowledge like this. Didn't know that either. So does this mean I should go ahead and mourn my 150ish unspent Year 5 cakes?
Yeah, good point. It's just mind blowing. I understand frustration with perks like NOED and Rancor since they can feel bad to get hit with. I really don't get how BBQ is even a part of this discussion tbh. Unless people are just jealous that four stacks of BBQ are easier to get in a match than four stacks of WGLF, at least…
I had no idea this many people in the DBD community genuinely believe BBQ is OP and deserves a nerfed. Of all the perks in this game...BBQ?
As long as survivors can spawn in such a way that gens can be done before you can physically cross the map to defend them, I won't be able to consider this perk OP in the slightest. I think that's a reasonable stance. Please tell me if I'm missing something here.
That's the thing though, there's four lit totems. Someone's gonna cleanse and that first one is always a coin flip whether they get something good or Spoopy Grounds. I always get a laugh when I get it to proc twice because of Undying.
I've been having a ton of fun running Undying, Haunted Grounds, and Devour Hope. The fourth perk I change out based on mood or killer needs but it tends to be BBQ, STBFL, or Pop.
My luck with hex totems is always just terrible, the get found right away. I just started running Undying/Haunted Grounds, and I'm having a great time. The old traditional wisdom doesn't apply anymore so they'll cleanse before they even confirm whether I have ruin or not. I'll face teams who legit cleanse haunted grounds…
You must have done some good work for the entity to be blessed like that.
These forums need more simple, positive threads like this. Hard to be a divisive toxic community over 100k free Bloodpoints. You made my morning a little better, thank you.
My only other thought besides bad RNG or bugs is the fact that maybe in P3 you tend to get higher rarity stuff in the web, so maybe it skips the uncommon class Electrode I want?
Are you sure it's just RNGesus though? Cause I just went through 10 or so more webs and still nothing. I hope this is a bug or something.
I see both sides of this perk being used a fair bit to alot even in Red and purple ranks. I use it myself when I'm getting enough consecutive teams just not willing to heal. But I see it so much when I'm playing killer that I can't convince myself not to run sloppy butcher, cause just one person self caring in a corner…
Bill didn't deserve to get taken by the Entity. Not after surviving war and L4D. I unironically just feel bad for him. Even if the bot playing him always jacked all my pain pills.
Is there a release date for the rework yet? Cause Doctor is my main, but when I get to red ranks I hate myself cause he just isn't optimal there and I just stop playing killer till reset.
This absolute mad lad @Fibijean is a hero. You're doing the Entity's work, and we trapped in the fog thank you.
I just got to red ranks as killer for the first time a few days ago, and it quickly became much more frustrating, as OP stated. I play almost nothing but Wraith and doc so I gets really bad for me cause they aren't that strong.
Thanks for all the input everyone. Generally it seems I should drop Overcharge and BM. I managed to drop BM for sloppy butcher for the time being and am happy with how that's going so far. If I had Pop I'd try that too, but I don't think I'll be buying clown just for that. Maybe it'll be in the shrine before I save up…
Not only do I love this idea on its own merits, but it would really help me come out of my hole where I only ever use BBQ, Bitter Murmor, Overcharge, and Ruin on every single killer I play.
Thanks for all the advice so far. As of this morning before work I was rank 6, and I've definitely seen the Overcharge become much less effective. Maybe swap that for sloppy butcher and bitter Murmor for something else dependent on the killer. I would love to have Pop but I'm not buying clown just for that. Hopefully in…
Did we get an word on what happened there? I've been to busy running toxic totem hunter builds to check.
I just got into my second game since I had this problem start. Hopefully this is getting resolved for everyone soon. Xbox one here currently, though I haven't played the pc version today yet.
Just got a lobby after having this issue for half an hour. Try now yall.
Same here. Was fine until about twenty minutes ago.
This is happening to me too. I've reached several tiers of auric cell rewards and just can't claim them. Hopefully this gets addressed. Been like this for the past 11 hours or so that I've noticed.
Wow, I was not expecting this many responses. I'll try to address the individual points. I already got lucky and snagged BBQ from the shrine, so I'm discarding him for now. Also I'm more looking to purchase a killer for the playstyle over perks if I can find one that fits me. @Peanits Which leads into your question. I like…
I don't think that's the case, cause I may be sort of new, but I've sunk a ton of hours on this game in the past month on two platforms and have not seen those messages go away.
Watching Bricky play this on YouTube and twitch looked like a lot of fun, so I gave it a try for twenty bucks. Wasn't disappointed.
So I can't say I'm a veteran player here, only been here about a month. But maybe someone can clear this up for me. It's my understanding that when this game first came out and got a popularity that looping was not a game mechanic considered by the devs in their design of the game. But when this started being one of the…