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  • I'm with you on the 8 second unlocking animation. Not so much the interruption mechanism. I'd just as soon it be like totems where they have to start over when interrupted. To further balance, I'd say unlocking the hatch should trigger some kind of notification for the killer so the survivors would need to make sure…
  • UI scaling would be great. Ever since moving to PS5, I've had a harder time hitting the skill checks.
  • It's been quite annoying for me as a killer. I lose about 90% of matches where I am paired against red ranked players as a green ranked killer, while it's more 50/50 whenever I'm paired against people closer to my own rank. Problem is I've been getting red ranked opponents for the majority of my matches lately, and I've…
  • I'm not a fan. Mori's are essentially pointless now. I already don't like using them since I'd rather use the offering slot to increase my BP, so if I'm going to use them, I prefer they actually change the balance of the match. They should've made a Mori protection offering for survivors instead, honestly.
  • If you complain about DC penalties, it's either because you've been abusing the lack thereof, or your internet connection is bad. If your connection is bad, there's a case to be made that you should probably stick to offline gaming until you have a better connection.
  • Hate to bring up an old thread, but we've had a few patches since December, and none of them have addressed this issue. Is the lighting being worked on at all? I've got the gamma turned up as high as it'll go on my TV and I still can barely see anything in either Yamaoka map, making it extremely frustrating as killer and…
  • I would argue that facecamping should slow entity progression by about 50%, unless an unhooked survivor is within range. That way, the killer can go after the survivors trying to unhook their friend without slowing the entity, but it also disincentivizes facecamping as a whole, or at least forces the killer to make more of…
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