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  • I just quit not more than an hour ago. I quit because of a myriad of things. First off, wait times. Waiting 10+ minutes for a match. Second, would have to be all of the bugs that this game has and continues to generate. When one mistake can end the game for you, you don't need that mistake coming from bug you can't…
  • I just uninstalled DbD. It's nothing but frustration everytime i play and i dont play games to be frustrated or waiting in a lobby 90% of the time. Between the massive bugs, wait times, and unpleasant games it has finally pushed me away
  • Pretty sure the Devs have said they're not gonna touch gen times. And what do you expect them to do with SWF?
  • Why do people care about rank so much? It genuinely confuses me. I don't have fun at red ranks. Most killers at red ranks play to get the 4k and do it by any means necessary. But to answer your question moris are more powerful. Simply because they are easier to pull off and have the potential to ruin the game for 4/5…
  • Hit boxes do need fixed. Chances are though its connection issues causing a lot of BS hits. Hatch and gates needs changed though. Why is it that the killer can stand on of hatch and block the survivor from jumping in but a killer can still close it if a survivor stands on it? And gates need max. and min. distances set on…
  • I would say yes. I have being playing faithfully since it came to console but recently i have been asking myself "why do I come back to this" when i do play. The biggest thing killing this game for me right now is the amount of bugs it has and gets with every update. Then top it off with the long wait times only to get…
  • Yea but what happends when the next game plays out the same, and the game after that?
  • If you really think that you can't win just because your rank is a certain color, then you lost before it ever began.
  • Weak before the nerf? You're joking,right?
  • That's a problem with scoring, not the killers themselves. I don't have that problem when I play killer, I've gotten no kills and have still pipped because its not all about kills. If you get a 3k and dont even safety pip then there is a problem with the killers play style. Unless you camped those three kills on first…
  • Its like 8 hooks to get iridescent in the sacrifice category. That means you can get iridescent in that category and technically don't have to kill anybody. I've managed to pip with no kills so it's really not as black and white as you're trying to make it.
  • Maybe if a survivor has balanced but even then, maybe. Not every killer is going to be S tier. That's not the Devs are aiming for. They are aiming for killers to at least get a 2k, thats what the Devs consider a win. If you can't manage a 2k with any killer then that sounds like its the players fault.
  • Care to tell me why you think they're survivor sided? Because with them being closed of its pretty easy to herd/predict where survivors are going. And if you have a hex on one of those maps, chances are you have a good spawn. And you can counterplay against all of the perks you mentions literally by waiting/baiting them…
  • And the weaker killers have gotten their buffs. Freddy for example. But the needs for Spirit and Nurse have been long overdue, and I'm a Spirit main. And what good perks and items do survivors have? The best item would be a key, which will probably get nerfed soon enough with the ways killers complain. Then Iron Will is…
  • "Some changes to survivor items and mechanics" You make it sound like removing Insta heals and nerfing perks like D.S and M.o.M were tiny changes. They already nerfed survivors into the ground, the killer nerfs have been long overdue.
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