They are saying if someone doesn't use a anniversary cake they shouldn't get the cosmetics.....that's just stupid....
I'm more concerned with the numbers when a survivor is around the hook since the timer doesn't stop when a survivor is near it just slows down and it still considered camping when the Killer is on a 2nd floor of a two story map or killer shack...I can see survivors and killers weaponizing it.
Ita from both hook states. But the complaint that killers have atm isn't about that they can't camp anymore is that this will also punish those who don't camp as well
Here is what I don't get a out the Frank change.....I get that it was a good play to make Special Items immune to the Perk and was a good call. But why do Survivors get to keep their item and then get to hold the special item too. That's what made those special items a risk vs reward. Do you take a Sadoko Tape to cancel a…
Nope if I see that Gen I'm doing it.....let's start doing the street Gen more.
I do t play her if I do t have the perks for my jump scare Queen build.....severed Ear and slave them near Gens and normal hiding spots and watch them jump in terror.
The thing is Nurse is the slowest Killer in the game (base speed not TP speed) so until they buff that her "Ignoring Game Mechanics" has to stay. Even at T3 Bloodlust she's barley faster than Survivors and Nurse probably never will reach that unless Survivors don't run away. Now I agree God Tier Nurses are not fun to face…
I will believe that when I see it...we are still waiting for The Twins love....
They wanted to give PHead a way to give condemn since once survivors know it's PHead they will avoid or crouch walk to not get the condemn status. It also made sense his M2 would do it since he shoots out the se metal and barbed wire......what they did was a knee jerk reaction (which they said they NEVER DO AGAIN) and…
It's not about getting better using him is that the EMPs are too readily available too often. I have seen games where my team including me all had EMPs in hand and used them all and then had a other 4 to do it all over again turning him into a m1 Killer with no chase power.
Yea BNP is stupid easy to hit the skill checks....and that's a instant 25% progress...but I think tool boxes should get the medkit Nerf. A C.Box with the best repair speed and charge addons can rip through gens like nobody's business
They need to look at Survivor Gen Speed Perks, Tool Boxes, and BNP. Also for all that's good and sweet stop bringing out more Tool Box and Gen speed perks...with the Buff plus the current Gen Meta of survivors we will see three gens pop extremely quickly. I'm all for stopping 3-gen def from the beginning of the game. Me…
Hopefully because I'm sick of being forced to run it on every Killer because I have issues with the right fov on Killers. Let's hope it's also something worthwhile too....
No no you got it all's all a out the Survivor's fun and not the Killer's..... remember the Killers are the Survivor's punching bags for many Survivors out there.... Heck I even saw someone say that if they want to have fun they will just group up with their 3 friends and run a Head-on and flashlight/flash bang…
This is probably the best honest description of "Gen rushing" is. Now the increased Gen time BHVR did would of been fine but after that they nerfed Gen Defense Perks not once but twice. While within that time we got more Gen Speed Perks and some that synergizes so well with each other that increased Gen time has been…
Probably the usual how they update us with Dev Streams or related patch note etc....or heckwait til they announce it and the Forums will blow up with Don't Nerf our Tool boxes or something similar with other players saying this is a needed change.....or a random troll accounts trying to start trouble
The biggest issue like with medkits and the healing Meta is there was no cap to how fast you could do said action. That would of been a better Nerf than what they did with medkits. You can't go over X%. That would control how op each meta is without doing a major Nerf to it.
Oh I agree with you that the more valuable perks are stuck with licensed characters. That's why I don't normally buy Licenced chapters....I did buy the Ring Chapter but that's because I like The Ring and I wanted those characters....also it was on sale on steam when I got it while the RE chapters were still the full price
The only problem with LP is it's behind a paywall of Nemi and I never bought or want to buy the RE chapters for reasons of my own.....and I have yet to find it in the Shrine...or I am just not lucky when I take my breaks from the game....
I know I don't know how many times that a Non Camping Killer dosn't even get a chance to leave the hook before someone rushes in and unhooks me. The worst part is I NEVER try and body block the Killer from the Unhooker especially on these scenarios. But somehow the unhooker gets Infront of me and forces me to take the…
It's going to be one of those perks that so many say is a dead or lame perk but when they test it out or a tuber shows the perfect combo with it then it will be seen in every build.....
Also there are other Gen speed perks that would make that slowdown mean nothing.....there are a few that come to mind that would cut that slowdown in half at least.... because as far as I know we have Steak out that makes all checks auto greats then combine that with Rebecca's perk and boom your back to almost normal…
The upside is your replenishing a Toolbox with addons that will speed up Gen repairs more. The slower repair speed will also allow for more skill checks meaning a faster replenishment of said tool box. Not to mention it can be used multiple times per match now instead of a single use perk. This will make Gen rush builds…
It's slowed repair speed not unable to there is no real downside especially if someone is running other Gen speed perks that would make that slow repair speed normal repair speed.
They could of still done it but make it if a survivor is mid unhook/uncage are immune to torment or have something like BT but a immunity to gaining torment after said unhook/uncage. Torment is easy to avoid as survivor as long as they pay attention
Spreading hooks dosn't take that long to do what the main issue why no one does is that it's not worth doing...hence why tunneling and camping became so big.
This is what I have many asymmetric games is that to balance it the players have to understand what that have a Power Role which is always The Single player....and weak role is the Many players.... usually 4 players. The power role will always be a overwhelming force that the weak role has to work…
And make the buffs/debuffs strong enough to be worthwhile but not so strong that it becomes overwhelming to the Survivors. That's why it should be aix if Killer Buffs and Survivor Debuffs, also make it so if the killer does tunnel the same player they lose those debufs if they hook them two times in a row
Yea that's why I'm not looking forward for the changes....I agree 3-gen from the start needed to be addressed but making gens go FASTER with a perk that synergizes well with all other speed perks and tool boxes isn't the way to go
With the new changes 3-gens will be harder to protect even for Skully...since BHVR seems to ignore Gen Speed Perks, tool boxes and BNPs.... We will see three gens fly even faster than ever before.
I'm Loling because if anyone is "Quiting DbD" or "I'm leaving DbD for good".....why announce it. I never did a huge announcement when I stopped playing DbD. It's one thing to let out steam and saying your grievances about the game, the path it's taking, etc.....but saying I'm leaving DbD and then saying I don't care about…
Because that didn't make any real difference. With how the game is supposed to be played so they changed it to make it harder for the Killer to move.
Solid he's a joke i have YET to see a Slinger even get more than one Kill and those were through camping....the only time I came close to dying to a Slinger was when I got cocky and didn't think about NOED....but the other 3 survivors syringed me and played decoy so I could get up and leave. His ADS is sluggish, his power…
No a Freddy level rework SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN....look at Freddy and Slinger they are the laughing stocks of the Killer roster...Trapper is more feared than them combined
Making hooks mean something like for each different survivor hooked there is a stacking buff/debuff. But the Killer cant hook the same survivor in a row to gain the benefit. This would make Tunneling less appealing without totally butchering the play style.
No Survivors are not supposed to get out most of the time as per BHVR said and wanting Killers having around 60% Kill rate. If Survivors work as a team and have the skills greater than the killer then yes they should but if that killer has better skill level then sadly the survivors probably will lose. So again it comes…
Then don't play a game like DbD and play a single player game.... there WILL be always someone better than you in any multiplayer game like this. It's not being punished it's called Difference in skill levels. The MMR in DbD is a hot mess and favors no one.
Splitting this up so it's not a history report long post lmao..... I'm all for getting rid of Face Camping but what I don't like is how not too long ago the Devs said in a post that Camping, Tunneling and Slugging are valid strats..... Now Face camping is NOT how the game is supposed to be played and currently what we know…
Here's the thing...and this is just my 2 cents on the subject...My skill level as Killer is about in the middle of Low/Potatoes to High/Loop Masters. I could have a string of easy survivors who are full potatoes or new players and get 4k easily because they don't know how to loop or hide... But instead of slowly going up…
The only issue I have with it is it working through floors. Now until we get more info (that's if the Devs will even give us precise details) a Killer could be punished for "camping" if they are on another floor within that range while chasing a Survivor. I have seen some hooks spawn within some nasty jungle gyms that a…
Yup that's why I hate the "free" codes they put out ....some can't get on the game right away and when they can they find out the codes have expired.....they should just STOP doing them and give us the stuff outright...
Or if it was a general post about hackers it could of been merged with another hacker post....
And as you said I did my research on the video recorders I downloaded and fact checked everything before I even did a download. I also did look them up and came to my own conclusion about a hour ago. Like I said I do my research because I can't just buy a new PC if it gets assaulted by malware since money is tight. I also…
As I said that was on my old PC my new one has a built in recording software that works just fine and can record up to 2hrs of video in one go at a press of a button. As for system scans...I don't trust anything that's a scanner that's not from a main company that I know and trust.
I highly doubt you had that many cheaters in a row there are many of us who NEVER seen a cheater in our games. I never had any obvious cheaters in any of my games and the amount of suspected cheaters I could count on one hand.
What the heck are you talking about there are plenty of safe secure video recording software out there. I found a few in the past with my old PC that I used that I never had a problem with. I'm lucky now with my new PC I have one built in for recording at a click of a button. They also don't need to say anything about that…
You do know we will never know if BHVR did anything because they won't announce it in any way shape or form. They don't want to let those who make the cheats aware of the new security changes and work on aa new backdoor or way to bypass the system they are developing or have in place. This is a I line game and there will…
Well then I will make your lives worse.....Dark Devotion, merciless storm, Huntress Lullaby, and probably jolt for kicks......but then I add King And Queen just to make Survivors lives horrible.....
This is where it's a VERY slippery and fine line....on one hand they do t want greifers to ruin the fun of others, on the other hand they are leaving it open for abuse by Survivors to ensure a free unhook with little threat to them. Until we know the finer details of HOW slow the timer gets (that's IF BHVR will even tell…
Team as in swf solo as in soloQ....the game is 4 Survivors vs 1 Killer. If Survivors....all soloQ as well.... Work as a team then they can win but when even 1 person starts to "play solo" that weakens the survivors chances of escaping. By adding even a few things in your suggestions would considerably raise the chances of…