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  • Some months ago the devs toyed with the idea of unbreakable base kit going so far as the testing stage,but it was scrapped at this point as I think they thought it would unbalance the game,slugging killers are pretty rare imo it’s a bit like going against swf bully teams I don’t think it’s a frequent enough occurrence imo…
  • Yea you deserved it,if it was a spirit,blight or nurse it was probably me 😂😜
  • Or one and midwich immediately spring to mind,decimated borgo and garden of joy are shocking imo.
  • To be fair the only thing really making Blight op is his add ons which need looked at.Nurse is still op in the right hands and again needs looked at,but similarly the situation with healing was ridiculously hard for new killer players to cope with especially as due to dwindling killer numbers they were sometimes thrown…
  • On reading this I decided to go through the roster of all the killers I do or had played regularly and your right some are so bad they are forgettable,I actually forgot clown and Twins existed…You are right but I don’t get the idea of pumping out new killers while ignoring the problems with previous releases,I know it is…
  • I agree with some of what you say,but on an higher tier swf squad most are worse than useless to chose and forsake other more worthwhile perks,guess it’s down to value and feel of your build and killer,this was on my part a sweeping statement and not a panacea to these perks but,the denigration of in particular ruin and…
  • In a word Yes,look at the increase in lobby times for survivor and the fact that I have seen a marked increase in the frequency killer is getting the player incentive bonus.
  • Mainly because the remaining killers are either weak,broken or require a lot of practise to master due to their high skill ceiling.I started playing a drinking game as survivor every time you play against Artist,Twins or Sadako take a shot….I’ve been sober since September…..
  • Most of the “slowdown” perks you list have been nerfed in the recent or distant past and are now either very weak ,poorly designed or a combination of the two.
  • I agree it appears broken killers get forgotten and strong killers get nerfed tbh you made your point when you mentioned the twins,I forgot they even existed.And yes why add a new killer when the broken ones need reworking a cynical mind might say revenue…
  • Tired of being noed ,camping tunnelling shamed,there is hope I am starting a support group camping noed tunnellers anonymous,CNT for short,don’t suffer in silence,you are not alone.
  • Don’t worry, tired being noed ,camping or tunnelling shamed in end game chat or dm’s i am starting a support group, camping noed tunnellers anonymous CNT for short,you are not alone,don’t suffer in silence.
  • I agree although RPD is vastly better than it was and to be fair is also a grind for survivor.Meat plant as killer be like…oh look another pallet drop (killer breaks pallet and resumes chase)immediately..oh look another pallet drop,rinse repeat…….
  • Cool free buff and a new cosmetic for Spirit,will have to start playing her again, thanks for highlighting I was getting bored playing Blight..
  • I have played this game since release on various platforms and while I agree with your sentiment of the game being in a good place compared to as it was on release and successive updates,I think that will be lost on killer mains who perceive in my view incorrectly that recent buffs have been survivor sided and nerfs killer…
  • This happened last year when they made significant changes which were seen as killer sided I think this was driven by the lack of people playing killer,the reason the bonus system was introduced, there is a thread on here on that very subject quoting that the bonus is almost always for killer in some regions,I have seen…
  • Read the last paragraph, you’ve probably inadvertently strengthened my point.The one thing you got right though is Bubba is not leaving Yet….
  • This happened about a year or so ago when killer numbers began to decline due to the perceived imbalance between killer and survivor,stacked heavily in the survivors favour. .The devs appear to favour survivor mains opinions as they have the numbers compared to killer mains. I did notice during this time that survivor…
  • Yea totally agree, surv mains took some pretty big hits with some of their fav and most used perks being nerfed last year,i said then the devs would bow to the pressure of said surv mains and give them what they want as a means to placate them,BT becomes base kit for example and any killer perks that side of the community…
  • Really don’t like the new design feels awkward and cumbersome,also very dated layout and concept.I get the idea of why it was changed but the previous layout was much better and far more user friendly and unless I’m missing something didn’t seem broken.
  • I agree with much of what you said,but await with interest if nurses nerfs do ruin her,I do not run nurse but can imagine the frustration of nurse mains who have put hours of gameplay and possibly spent money on cosmetics etc for their favourite character only to have her potentially downgraded by the devs.I believe it’s…
  • The main focus here is if killer mains begin to believe the game has swung to far in favour of survivor player they will switch from killer to survivor or simply quit the game a situation we were in recently before the devs balanced the problems that existed imo.So if you want to return to games where survivors wait an…
  • Yet Another survivor sided update,how much more base kit is coming that way,this is simply to salve the bemoaners who still can’t get over DS and DH being nerfed,oh well back to survivor queues for me.
  • The swamp is way outdated it looks very much like coming from an analogue age, tales will be told in future days of both its blandness and brownness.
  • Don’t know for sure but it is rumoured that the stranger things franchise may return in some form or another towards the end of the year,don’t know if Hawkins will return.🤞🤞🤞
  • Imo Myers is more fun to play,but to be fair haven’t really got the hours in on either.I usually play one of the unholy trinity of Hag,spirit or nurse.
  • Yep get it,it is almost as bad as a flashlight camper getting a save, chase,down,hook repeat,no justification required.
  • I’m with you I was the other one who after a lot of plays I might add began to like the old RPD.👍
  • I play on both PC and Xbox,don’t know your platform but Playing Xbox in game if you go to menu and go into people there are listings in looking for group and usually will give a description of their play style etc,don’t know if this helps.
  • Spirit,I love going against a good spirit or indeed hag as they have the genuine ability to appear and scare the crap out of you.Love playing Plague she is under rated her powers in the right hands are devastating,but playing against her when fully infected can be a bit nauseating,for pure fun value Myers and Bubba make me…
  • Favourite:Spirit/Plague Least Favourite:Twins/Nurse(only because I’m woefully bad with her)
  • I’m sure someone has worked this one out but be interesting to know the survivor/killer ratios on all maps….
  • This is a good take on where we are now,I have played both survivor and killer since the update and notice no real difference other than than an increase in DC,s.Another thing to be taken into consideration is just how reliant some players were on DS and DH,I’m sure in time it will settle and people will start using more…
  • I agree to an extent, but overuse of DS was one of the issues that caused the last update.I think the steps taken with BT after unhook was a positive change.Tunneling and camping are two words thrown about to lightly imo,I agree it is both frustrating while sucking the fun out the game but then so are survivor elements…
  • I both agree and disagree 🤪,to be fair the queues were horrendous when a lot of the killers gave up not so long ago.😀
  • Well put.👍
  • The map was badly designed from the get go,it is not fun at all to play as either killer or survivor,but in the case of some killers the layout makes there power particularly rush type powers virtually unusable.It’s a pity because I disagree about all indoor maps I find the others very playable and fun and actually miss…
  • This is spot on,there were a number of updates last year which were all survivor sided, it got to the stage that as survivor you waited an age to get a game as so many killer mains had left or switched to survivor out of sheer frustration,me included.Having played as both killer and survivor since update i would say that…
  • Yep totally,thought it was just me bugging,this seems like a stealth nerf.
  • 🤫 plague is the only killer I play since the boons,if you highlight it she will be next on the nerf list.😀
  • Either the Terrifier from the films of the same name and/or the Nun from the conjuring movies.Like the idea of John Constantine as a survivor.
  • I agree totally,but as others have said on this thread the main issue is with the MMR mechanics the changes have changed it a bit,however it is the core problem making the game unenjoyable and in some cases unplayable.
  • Because it is a free forum,no doubt with near on 7.5 k posts you must have been guilty of this.😂
  • Nope there are fewer people willing to play killer..
  • Probably but never fear this piece of nonsense is coming in March,oh I can hardly wait.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  • Yep I am the same,used to play mostly killer now I play mostly survivor as killer is virtually unplayable with any degree of enjoyment now.
  • Oh that’s right pingu,A killer penguin who crawls out a tv seven days after the trial has finished,happy dayz.
  • That games gonna be. Big draw by DBD players.👍
  • Yep can’t really argue with any of that,the map design and MMR specifically SWF needs looked at,don’t know how they would address that but it is possible.I agree some killers need nerfed but again it’s all subjective and whatever they do it will alwaydps have a polarising effect nature of the game👍