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  • […] they could become a little oppressive when used together. That hasn't changed. Stacked on top of each other they are still damn powerful. What has changed though is the strength of only 1-2 slowdown perks. Each individual perk was completely fine. It's a similar situation to exhaustion perks. Imagine, if you could…
  • Probably because they play very different from us. Westerners currently try to end the match as fast as possible while Japanese players still try to slow their opponent so much that they win. Self-Care is also a meta perk for them and apparently tunneling is not as common as it is in the west either.
  • It's not the best idea. Unless you have something to speed up the heal, the killer will know where you are and probably be there before you finish. Especially high mobility killers. It's better to go somewhere safe first and heal then.
  • "S tier killers". You mean Nurse. Maybe a cracked Spirit on a good day or a Blight with his absolute best loadout on a good map. Against any other killer you have a decent chance to survive as long as everyone pulls their weight. That's the real issue. Because even 1 survivor playing poorly can be enough to ruin the match…
  • To my knowledge the syn cars are the only objects that have this issue though. I even managed to hit a moonsaw on accident because you literally cannot bump there. They could fix it by adjusting the car's hitbox slightly (just don't make them quite as punishing as the ones on Garden of Misery).
  • You underestimate Knockout. The fact that the killer saves an enormous amount of time, while also making it harder for the survivors to recover is what makes it so strong. Of course it's not unbeatable but a majority of survivors will lose by default without the killer having to play well.
  • Literally without fail. Even Singularity had a decent kill rate the first couple days and many of us remember how weak it was at the time. Iirc it only took them 3 days for a hotfix which greatly buffed Singularity. It's only natural that people take a while to adjust to a new or reworked killer. For the one playing them,…
  • It has only been a few weeks and they were also bugged. Give it a bit of time and the kill rate will decrease again. This happens every time they release a new killer or rework an old killer.
  • Honestly, the answer is obvious. Survivors need fireballs so they can burn Freddy. This is a compensation for Adrenaline no longer waking you up.
  • Knockout and Breakdown. Both would lead to a lot of slugging to the point where survivors regularly bleed out.
  • Are you sure you don't mean end game collapse? I have never heard about an early game collapse before.
  • Billy, Bubba, Freddy, Huntress and Deathslinger. There is something weirdly soothing in having a chainsaw and sawing people to pieces. Also, with the right map and addons you basically turn the game into Mario Kart with Billy. Only 10 times less sweaty. Freddy is the purest form of a M1 killer we have in this game. It's…
  • How would you fix that though? If these perks stopped the regression, then they would counter Ruin, which by the way is a hex perk and really does not need any more counters than that. If the regression wasn't stopped but perks would not deactivate, then Wiretap would become completely broken. Cleanse the totem and not…
  • It's a symptom of overexposure. You can tell who has it and they always play in the same uninspired, boring way. Honestly, the hardest part in playing against WoO is staying awake. Normally, they would eventually run into a deadzone, if they played that way. But thanks to Crutch of Opportunity basically anyone can delay…
  • I'd take it. Though, I'll be honest, I don't want the Ruin + Undying meta to return. We're already pretty close to the old survivor meta again. Let's not do the same with the killer meta. I would like to see more variety on both sides. For this to happen however we need nerfs (mostly restrictions) to some of the current…
  • Once again, they nerf the wrong thing. The duration was fine. If anything they could have increased the stun time even more. But get rid of bodyblocking with DS.
  • I disagree. There are still killers that are really pathetic in chase and as long as they exist there should be mechanic to ensure the chase will end at some point. Look at Freddy for example. Once they buff all killers to be able to hold their own in chase (something they are working on) I won't be against removing it.
  • As @Archol123 said, that wouldn't work very well. A more consistent perk could allow a survivor to take another's hook stage. That way they could ensure their team mate lives a bit longer. This would be good against tunneling, while also not being overpowered or dependent on your team mate actually staying in a match that…
    in New perk Comment by Xernoton May 12
  • Sounds like you're describing a skill issue, no offense. DBD is a hard game to get into, even more so as a survivor. Your gameplay is less intuitive and there are 35 different killers that all have different powers and somewhat different counterplay. That has little to do with each individual killer though. Because…
  • It's not like the killer can goof off either. The difference was that one side could chill and easily win while the other was sweating for their life. Now both have to play serious. This is natural for a somewhat competitive game. Both sides have a bunch of perks that will never see use. Fixing this by making one side so…
  • To be fair, they'd tell you the same thing, if you won with 5 gens remaining. This has nothing to do with perks but with horrible people.
  • Welp, time to run Knockout. How the devs refuse to do something about actual problems but then nerf the killer meta, that at least required to hook without compensation is a mystery. This will end up worse than the 6.1.0 meta.
  • Expect to see more slugging in the future as the devs refuse to get rid of the worst slugging perks while simultaneously nerfing perks that require the killer to hook.
  • I'm surprised how short-sighted these changes are. I mean, do you honestly think this will change things for the better? We'll either have people double down on slowdown perks, which will increase the pick rate of these perks even more because 1 or 2 slowdown will not be enough or people will create their own meta. I see…
  • Most killers are quite alright and we have seen many individual killer buffs lately. I mean this year alone, they buffed Clown, Trickster, Doctor, Hillbilly, Huntress and now Bubba and Deathslinger as well. Pig is a bit of a weird case. Yeah, they technically buffed her but they also nerfed her. So I would argue that she…
  • You can report them for unsportsmanlike conduct and maybe even harassment. The question is, if anything will be done about it.
  • This isn't a perfectly balanced game. Loadouts have a lot of impact on a match and with the amount of perks, items, killers, addons and maps we have, there is no way everything could be perfectly balanced. Telling someone to "just git gud" when there is a balancing issue is a terrible argument. Otherwise, why don't we buff…
  • Love ya posts. Thanks. I agree that we have a problem. And it's only going to get worse the more we move away from slowdown by hooking. I don't know how long you've played the game but your account was made in 2022, so I assume you remember the second chance meta on survivors. The good thing about that meta was that the…
  • What killer besides Nurse can realistically keep that up? Survivors naturally reset way faster than the killer gets their next down. Unhooking, healing and getting back to a gen is much quicker than getting a down.
  • Then let me rephrase it. I spend my time very ineffiently and there is next to nothing that can be done to speed this process up. Even Agitation and Fire Up only save marginal time and I think we would both agree that a killer should not run both of these perks, if they want to win. You answer the wrong question though. I…
  • I think Chucky just got even less interesting. Yeah, scamper into hit sucked but now he has his power every 12 seconds, which means he will just spam it. On top of that, there are quite a few loops where his power isn't good, so he becomes more of a brute force killer. I have played him exactly twice after his initial…
  • Ok. How do I stop losing time with literally everything I do? There must be something all these killers have overlooked the past 8 years. Even if we were to assume, that you wouldn't need to walk to the next gen, then that's still 17 seconds wasted just by hooking someone. That means, the survivors get 17 charges for free,…
  • I'm not the only one who started laughing when I saw the giant eye, right?
  • This might be a hot take but with his improved collisions, I really don't think reducing the tantrum is a good idea. He is already quite a fearsome killer and reducing the risk just feels wrong to me. The base kit Chili will feel great though. Now I can finally stop bringing yellow Chili every match. More speed is also…
  • Play Bubba with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit and either Awakened Awareness or Deadlock (to prevent them from rushing the gens). If you can't drag them down there at the first try, then hook someone as close as possible and proxy camp. When someone comes for rescue, you down them and get them down there. From then on,…
  • Ace. No questions. Whether it's male or female, Ace always wins in terms of beauty.
  • It would be nice, if the game told us more clearly what is and is not acceptable behaviour. We players often have different opinions on that. For example, one person might feel like bleeding all 4 survivors out for no reason at all is acceptable because the bleed out mechanic exists while others will point out, that this…
  • There is nothing you can do to stop people from being dicks. I had to learn that lesson the hard way too. When it happens, try to stay calm, report them and don't go out of your way to be a jerk. That's really the best advice I can give you. Most people in this community really aren't that bad though. Many of us are quite…
  • The issue isn't Exponential though. The issue is that some maps have huge hook dead zones and the combination of certain perks make it worse.
  • Oh, you mean Nowhere To Hide? Yeah, because nobody used that before. Let's be honest, this change reduces perk variety. UW is effectively a dead perk with only 1 very disgusting niche. This means that people will fall back on Lethal Pursuer, BBQ and Nowhere To Hide. Which were pretty popular picks anyway. The problem with…
  • True. Doctor can spam his shock. You know what happens, if he does though? He loses the match. That's the reason why beginners struggle with Doc. They shock so much that they just waste time. Because each time you shock, the survivor makes distance on you. The best thing a Doctor player can do is to shock very little and…
  • Then why would anyone run those perks? It's quite easy to max out in most categories and if you don't then the extra BP don't matter either. If you had 8k points in a category and boosted that by by 50% without crossing the cap it would only be 2k extra BP. That's 1 brown addon / offering. At the cost of a weaker build,…
  • Welp, what's a bit of collateral damage among friends, eh? Now they'll all bleed out on the ground.
  • First off, we are approaching the 8th anniversary. Not the 10th. Second, there will not be a DBD 2 and that's a good thing. They have no reason to create a DBD 2 and if they did, then they would not have much success with it. Most of us would lose our minds, if they released a second game and suddenly everything we paid…
  • Grades are not used for matchmaking at all. Your matchmaking on each individual killer is decided by an invisible number called MMR and it is different on each killer. This means, that the game is (at least in theory) able to find opponents that are on your skill level no matter what killer you play. If you could switch…
  • Gen blocking is the most unhealthy slowdown mechanic. It basically leaves the survivors with nothing to do other than wait for the gen to be unblocked. WoO is a badly designed perk because people get used to never having to pay attention. Exhaustion perks are fine, some killers however are not. Myers and Freddy for example…
  • The way I see it, Overdrive was introduced to make him less addon dependent and a bit more complex. Making it harder to build up would only take away that first part. Because then you wouldn't have it when you need it most of the time, so people would need to rely on Engravings again to make up for the lack of speed (10%…
  • I suggested this multiple times. When the killer has not been in chase for X amount of time (let's say 3 minutes to make it competitively unviable) one survivor with the least hook stages should be revealed via killer instinct until a chase starts. It's way too long to wait for it in a normal match but it does help in…