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  • Still requires 2 perks to reach that point instead of JUST Pain Resonance.
  • So your example is the #1 Onryo in a tournament. Using a technique that requires what seems to be a fair bit of finesse and buildup. And you're comparing that to a person who just holds M2 while looking in the general direction of people, then walks behind them and presses left click. Just to be clear, that's your counter…
  • I didn't say he had full iri. He didn't. He had tombstone piece and popped T3 after one gen because we were on an extremely open map. Thank you for immediately blaming me though instead of answering why he still has an instant kill, the only one in the game. And no, Sadako doesn't count. She cannot get you to be condemned…
  • Tunneled off hook two games in a row now. Because killers can count to 5. I even took a build recommended by someone on the forums for extending the chase when being tunneled because it's been such a bore. Still got tunneled even after he knew I had OTR. Killers tunnel because it wins games and BHVR is too chicken**** to…
  • You're either not playing survivor or intentionally being disingenuous and gaslighting. Either way, I see killers tunnel in nearly every match. Because if they get one person out early, the rest of the game is a cakewalk. Gens have been slowed and chases are easier now. So in a 3v1, one person will be hooked, one person…
  • Thank you for your contribution.
  • mean, I just got hard tunneled by a blight who said that if he hadn't hard tunneled me, he would have lost. So that's fun, that's still a way killers can force a win. I don't take deliverance. Every time I do, I'm the first one found or somehow the first one hooked after they hit someone else. Something about me entices…
  • Nobody has answered the question - why can it be done on the first interaction with a survivor? BHVR has made it clear that they don't want it to function that way for ANY other killer. So what if he's weak compared to others? His instant kill is antithetical to the direction they're trying to take the game.
  • That doesn't help if you're the first survivor he pops T3 on. Thanks for your suggestion but "jumping in a locker" is not great advice in many cases. Are you going to be at a locker every time he might have T3? Are you going to do that against every Mikey until you know if he has it? Just change the stupid addon.
  • I have seen pop in all 4 matches today and several yesterday. It's going to be hard to verify any of this without data from BHVR, which I so look forward to seeing. Anecdotally, it's been a ######### show for survivors and it really just doubled down on the slowdown meta. But maybe they see something different across the…
  • The meta is still "slow down gens." Except now it's not done out of necessity, it's done because it's so strong.
  • I play both but when I play survivor it's mostly solo queue. Because all of my friends hated the game and quit. Solo queue is significantly worse now. As a lone player, you now have less impact than you did before. I played 3 or 4 games tonight and on 3 of them, the killer just decided to camp. All of them had at least 2…
  • Agreed on this. If BHVR can't figure out fixing the game, at least give one of its most positive content creators some honorary stuff that helps him live comfortably.
  • I can't even report it on BHVR's support site because the file "takes too long to load" and loses connection. Compressed it and the same thing happened.
    in Bot problem Comment by Xperian May 2022
  • Well, just happened again. Same person.
    in Bot problem Comment by Xperian May 2022
  • BHVR has signaled that they care more about profitable strategies than game health. I can't blame them - they have mouths to feed and need to turn a profit.. But some of their decisions blow my mind. I won't pretend to be an expert at game dev but from a player perspective, it's really frustrating.
    in Bot problem Comment by Xperian May 2022
  • I just ran into this as well. What a cluster, dude. The match lasted a minute.
    in Bot problem Comment by Xperian May 2022
  • Preach. I ran a Mikey for nearly half the game - for the first 2 gens and for the last gen. Had Iridescent medal for losing the chases. Silver medals for everything else because I barely got to touch gens. I get downed at the exit gate, two console survs just standing there teabagging mikey, and the final survivor is…
  • Don't need you to go easy. Just don't facecamp me.
  • On the other side of this, a Claudette ran a doctor straight to me, he then went for me instead of her. He then facecamped me, not even bothering to move. Team came and rescued me with BT, but he ignored all of them and went for me again. I get downed a 2nd time, this time with NOED which didn't matter anyways because I…
  • I could have been more clear there. One way to keep killers from camping is to encourage them to leave the area to patrol gens or gain a benefit, like Pop Goes the Weasel, Devour Hope, or Make Your Choice. They encourage you to leave the hook and perform actions elsewhere. Perks like Jolt, Oppression, and Pain Resonance…
  • I can understand that. But that doesn't happen every game, or every other game. I see maybe one person bring boons every other game or so, sometimes more sometimes less. But I feel like I get a tunneler or camper every other game. Last 4 games have all been tunnelers , with the 5th being a camping bubba. What's even the…
  • You've got some good points, and I'd like to point out that I was a consistent red rank killer before SBMM and I just haven't played as much of it lately. The problem is that in solo que, teammates DON'T run interference, and you have no way of coordinating. If I try to rescue someone who is getting proxy camped (which…
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