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  • Gotta go with Huntress even though nurse was my first P100. Huntress is so satisfying to play for me. Couple that with her lore and fits and I couldn't be happier. There's nothing more satisfying than hitting an orbital into a lob for the down. Ive found that I don't even care about winning as the huntress as long as I can…
  • My brother in Christ as a legit huntress main thank everything they finally did it. I literally bought the skin just for the change up in the lullaby and because it was awesome of course. That being said being told that I won because of a skin was beyond annoying match after match, playing against it the wind-up among…
  • Would also like add after playing an absurd amount of huntress, your hits don't register if you throw them through gaps. It'll show blood and you'll hear the hit but it won't register at all. I thought I was crazy when being looped around tiles I usually always win, and in the middle I'd run into something and lose chase…
  • Ah ok that makes sense. Thanks for the response bro
  • My brother in Christ if your not actively chasing someone and the unhook happens returning to the hook is literally the only logical choice, you have two out of the four survivors with one injured. The problem with returning to the hook is 99% of the time the unhooked gets left out to dry while no hook healthy meg sprint…
  • Alright ........ Well unfortunately you have to make your own fun, matches will never be fairly matched no matter how many hours you got. The mmr system in this game is just bad. Now for killer when you get the easy games play around a bit, go for crazy mind games, bs until there's 2-3 gens left and then make a come back.…
  • Yes! As a former nurse main this was always so satisfying especially when you know exactly where the hatch will spawn ( due to their own offering).
    in Why? Comment by Xxjwaynexx April 20
  • I agree here, when I do use add-ons I use spasmodic and matchbox to have some fun chases for a bit. I really wish they would re work her in some way where she had to gain her power in some way like collecting breaths or something and then get her teleport for a duration kind of like the Oni. It would be an overall nerf but…
  • Is this true about shiny pin even after the buff? I'm only asking because I'm currently 81/100 of a no addon and iron maiden only run. Since I haven't used any add-ons I was wondering which ones were necessary and which ones were just meh.
  • I mean honestly on pc I hate egc, I used to like it when I was new but after you hit a certain point it's just used for toxicity. If I play 10 games win or lose in at least 8 of those I'm gonna get some negative comment. Lobby chat would be nice maybe, but then again then adding where we could just see other survivor's…
  • Bro you literally made me Google prisoner's dilemma ( I love learning new shiz). That's a crazy concept. Thanks fr. This has nothing to do with op but simply acknowledging the intelligence that might of been missed even if only be me.
  • Man I almost exclusively play killer I'm trying to p100 huntress at the moment, I absolutely hate the games were people give up and I don't get my hook states and the much needed bp. I could careless about the pip system honestly it doesn't mean anything at all to me and winning is so subjective that I stopped caring a…
  • I mean as a huntress main did she need buffs absolutely not, were the live version buffs op na bro not op just not necessary. They didn't make bad huntresses better in any way. Kill rates are a terrible stat honestly they should be looking at hook states. If I 4k but I essentially only got 4 hooks then that's a L. If a…
  • I mean I rock no perks and win most of my games. The ones I lose are due to the other team being better( which for some people is hard to admit) or making too many mistakes on my part. Blaming gen speed is just wild. In most of my matches(perk less) the only reason gens fly is because I've messed around and practiced a…
  • As a huntress main if I might lend my fresh experience. I have been playing huntress exclusively for around 6 months or so. During this time I've only played using her basekit and iron maiden for quick reloads. I can assure you 1000% in no way what so ever did huntress need any buffs at this point (outside of better locker…
  • Bro!!!! After my huntress I'll be on the uphill climb with Freddy I know it's gonna be brutal but I'm ready for it
  • Wth is this third floor you speak of? I swear everyday I come to the forums to learn an old but cool AF piece of the game was removed. Why did they remove it if you didn't mind me asking?
  • You know I was just thinking about this while watching a certain nurse win streak steamer Sunday. I wondered if the crazy 500+ streaks would be possible if mmr wasn't so lazy or lax. I mean the streaks are impressive in their own right I guess, but to me unless I know I'm going up every match against the parallel of my…
  • Started from the bottom now you're here!! Congrats bro!!
  • That would be simple enough, I mean seeing loadouts of other survivors is something that swfs already have and always have had. It's not basekit and does absolutely nothing to disadvantage killers.
  • Oh of course I'm not advocating for hard tunneling as I don't tunnel myself. I also know when some one is new I purposely let them feel out what to do. I as former nurse main I've learned that there's more to the game than winning. While tunneling can be a valid strat it becomes less effective the better the survivors are.…
  • "A new player who gets tunneled a few times in their exploratory time with the game... will not continue playing the game. Tunneling has zero place in a new player's lobby. Not sub 5 hours lol." My brother in Christ this a matchmaking problem not a tunneling problem. New killers when matched with new survivors stilll will…
  • This is really facts! The problem I've noticed in my games is that most survivors suck with the one skill based interaction that they have with the killer and that's looping. A tunneling killer will waste so much time tunneling a good looper. However in reality a majority go down in 20 seconds max if not less. I can't tell…
  • I like this opinion as well. I think it'd make everything easier and much faster no waiting in lobby just queue up like the joining match screen then go straight to the match loading screen. I mean either way doesn't affect me because I don't dodge anyone ever. I could care less if they want to bully or gen rush or sabo…
  • I mean is it really free kills, as survivor you still lost chase twice and got hooked? Some accountability is needed on the survivor side. It's not like he froze you in place and insta downed you and teleported you to a hook while chasing someone else. Camping a hook isn't free because your giving the others free reign to…
  • This was a great explanation! I usually run one or no perks unless I'm doing a daily then it's meme or bp boosting perks. I feel like if I can't consistently win without perks then I suck with said killer. That's just me though.
  • For real it's really disappointing how often I see killer mains whining on here, we're in a amazing place imo albeit I didn't play at launch. I mean it's high time we let the survivors get something's to a least make solo q fun and challenging. I swear killers just want free downs with no skill expression these days.
  • Wait are killer mains really whining about WOO? It's a perfectly fine perk as is, it does not increase chase time at all. Just because a perk is chosen the most doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. This is wild to me and I'm a legit killer main like 99.7% of the time I'm choosing killer.
  • As a sure fire huntress main myself. She didn't need buffs honestly. Yeah she's 110 but thats the downside of her being able to throw hatchets literally anywhere. You complain about indoor maps and I get it but they require me to play differently and also require super precise shots and perfect angles, it takes a ton of…
  • Yeah tbh I don't dabble in survivor a lot but that being said it would also be a shadow nerf to uw which while small would still be a welcome step in the right direction.
  • Yeah exactly what these guys said. I can't tell you how many hatchets I've thrown got the sound and visual blood splatter only for the survivor to remain healthy. It sucks but it happens.
  • That's true to better lockers and in more places would benefit survivors too didnt think about that
  • I was just thinking about this, not quite a 4k hours vet but I have about 200-250ish (maybe more) hours solely playing her. More lockers in dead zones would be the most ideal, and for the love of everyone declutter the maps. I hate being on haddon field and having to walk all the way into one of the houses just to get a…
  • Na you know if you played killer for a while 7/10 times the p2 Dwight is a loop God, and p100 claud is trash. All jokes aside most seasoned killers are used to seasoned survivor movement so they play accordingly while the p2 Dwight movements are sporadic and unpredictable because he doesn't know that the tell he's doing
  • I went up against one of these "bully" squads while I had one perk no addon huntress on rpd earlier today. I mean they had it all sabo, boil over, ftp buckle, boon expo, flashlights, bgp, petrified oaks, and even a gen goblin. It was rough ngl but at the end of the day its just using perks and strats to the best of your…
  • I think it also plays into her character, She stalks her prey, catches it and then secures the kill. It's what any intelligent hunter would do, why would you give up your damn near dying deer to chase a completely healthy smaller deer into the fog. All jokes aside it's due to her hatchets, I mean a good huntress can camp…
  • Huntress Iron Maiden: I hate reloading and it's crazy how many people will jump in lockers to avoid hatchets.
  • People aren't camping to get points anyway so that wouldnt work either. People camp and tunnel because they want to win the most efficient way possible against alutristic teams. Both are valid strats. If the haste value immediately when hit off hook was greater then bubba wouldn't be able to follow up with another chainsaw…
    in Camping Comment by Xxjwaynexx January 16
  • Ace because of all the surv I've played against all the aces were cheeky bastards and I do means always, so for me who is also a cheeky bastard it just fits.
  • Can you really say this with a straight face when nurse can blink through 95% of physical objects and floors? You literally hang the same human on a meat hook three times after you mutilate them to kill them and your saying trapper shouldn't be able to walk over his traps?
  • So I have a p100 nurse it took about a year and a half to get, that's only playing heavy on weekends(4-5 hours) and maybe an hour or so through the on week days. Aside from dailys I legit only played nurse. I have huntress around p40 now and its looking like it'll take roughly the same amount of time, maybe the anniversary…
  • Bro anytime I see these threads a piece of my soul dies, I had DBD sitting in my library since 2017 and never touched it until 2021, such as shame I know.
  • Yeah I lurk here a lot like it's kind of embarrassing how much. But what I've seen is that the vets have done everything on both sides and can see the big picture, they've had to adapt different and new strats sometimes subtle other times drastic. Those experiences allow them to favor the overall health of the game versus…
  • All killer mains if they play long enough see themselves turn into the villain if even for a short span, some never revert back.....
  • I think that it depends on the amount of time spent playing the game. To me it seems that most of the vets 6k+ posts seem to have the most informed recommendations as they should theyve been around for a while and have literally seen the best and worst points of the game. The problem is when you get people that have only…
  • I mean it could he seen as a nerf but they could start with nurse, allow her to 4.4 or 4.6 until she collects enough gasps aka screams(cannot be countered by calm spirit) to power her blinks. Say your doing it to test ultimate powers but in reality just use it to nerf nurse lol
  • Bro I like this idea honestly, but it would require the equivalent weapon on the survivor side to. You can't just add a cool mechanic to killers and leave survivors still holding M1 on a gen or using the same exhaustion perks. I feel like adding ridiculous things to both sides would ease up the sweatiness of the game and…
  • As a huntress main this is a dream come true I can literally always practice orbitals now without being able to gen tap it makes them a sitting duck. If one can't kill all survivors before kicking a gen 8 times then you lost way before the 3 gen occured. If you have all survivors alive with 2 gens left as killer your…
  • First and foremost who the hell is face camping Jeff and why the hell ain't she in the game?