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  • They should be punished for tunneling, but not in a way that affects non tunneling killers, which is what is going to happen.
  • It will indeed feel weird playing with a result of averagely 25k bp again. But it doesn't matter to me, I have almost achieved my goal already: to get every character to P3. There's only 9 characters remaining, and I think it will go down to 7 by the time the event ends.
  • It's simply not an argument, because obviously there's no point argueing with you, given your response. Feel free to take it however you want, which seems to me is something you usually do.
  • If you bought every survivor, you could also create a build with Blast Mine, Champion of Light, Chemical Trap and Flashbang. Bring a flashlight if you're good at using them, or a toolbox if not. One way or the other you should get it soon, even if luck is not on your side. Edit: Obviously you would still need to at least…
  • I don't think that losing collision will ever happen because it's been on the table for years, they could have done it already but somehow decided not to. And tbh, I don't think you've played killer much. The amount of times I've been bodyblocked by a freshly unhooked survivor to protect their rescuer in a situation where…
  • I don't think so. The only way I could see them doing so would be doing DBD2, and I doubt it would work. But who knows? Let's see how Smite 2 does. If it works, maybe other games will follow.
  • So again teams will abuse the perk to get enormous advantage on most killer players. I would say they at least should make it so the perk is disabled if going into a locker. That would at least prevent swfs to exploit it and it wouldn't really affect a tunnelled survivor. The amount of times in my games survivors have…
  • A quality of life issue. Bad for the community. They should not. Give me a heads up when discussing survivor related issues.
  • Sounds like the average survivor team to me. That said, it might be possible that they have faced plenty of camping Bubbas before and they can't realize that the killer is not the same as the player. Learn how to ignore them, which is easier said than done, since I can't seem to learnt it myself. I wish it changes for the…
  • Well, I think it's time for me to take a break for this game. It'll be hard, because I still feel that I want to play it, but tbh the last days have been extremely frustrating and infuriating, both as survivor and killer. It's kind of sad because hopefully I'll be moving out on January and won't be able to play for a year…
  • First of all, thank you for your detailed explanation. So, let's say I start playing as Chucky and the average MMR of my killers is, well, average (I don't think I'm skilled enough to be in high MMR, though I sometimes think so. If all four survivors escape in my first match, shouldn't it be lowered? Because I couldn't…
  • Sure it does take all my will to play fair away. Well, all my will to play for that matter, since I don't really enjoy camping or tunnelling.
  • I don't hate Chucky, but Chucky players. Save for one, every player I've faced using Chucky has been camping and tunnelling, and his power has proven to be quite useful at it.
  • Wouldn't it be simpler to just not abuse a perk provided to prevent tunnelling? I hate tunnelling as much as the next guy and I never tunnel as a killer, but survivors have a way of abusing every single tool given to them. So yeah, a protection hit should disable DS. If that's done, I don't care how much they increase it…
  • I can already picture the future of killer matches. 1.-Start chase, down survivor, hook survivor, 2 gens pop. 2.-Patrol area, find no one, go back to hook, try to hit the rescuer, be body blocked by the unhooked survivor. 3.-Try to punish the abuser by chasing them, 5 DS, the rest of the gens get done. I really hope it's…
  • I wish I had the time and ability to learn a bunch of languages, since I find being able to comunicate with other people in their native language to be something marvelous. Still, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed nor do I invest that much time into learning, but I still have the basics to Japanese and French, and a…
  • There are in fact some many sentences that I think must sound hilarious to other languages speakers, though I guess it also depends on the native language of the reader. I think it's safe to say that to most spanish native speakers (at least those from Spain) English looks way too menacing and complex. I wish more people…
  • In a nutshell, 'nerf survivors, please'. OP, tienes una sección en español, que es donde deberías colgar esto. No hay prácticamente movimiento, pero aquí se esperan conversaciones en inglés, así que ni es lo correcto ni conseguirás muchas respuestas. This should go here…
  • I've been having some lag lately, and a couple disconnections to the servers, but nothing like that so far.
  • There must be some costume which brings elf ears. Doesn't the Christmas Dwight got them?
  • I know it's not gonna happen, but I would love to see some non-human survivors. Let's say, with the popularity of BG3, they introduce an elf survivor, or a dwarf (that would be hilarious and abused by every survivor player since they would be way less visible), or something like that.
  • I really don't get why people get so nervous around P100s. It doesn't necessarily mean they're the gods of DBD. True, chances are they are more likely to be good rather than bad, but still, I've faced P100s which I've downed easily while having a P1 looping me for the whole match. I'd be more scared about a suspiciously…
  • I, too, hit hooked survivors when they ran me for a long time, when I was new to the game, so I can understand when newer killers do it out of frustration. The facecamp and tunneling, though, I've never been a fan of. I'm glad you got out and sad the other, less experienced Dwight got tunneled... It does seem to be a bit…
  • I think that killer MMR takes into account your other killer's results too. It has happened the same to me several times. Generally it does tend to be quite lower than your average killer MMR, but it does seem to be affected by it nonetheless. And tbh, it seems fair. Once you have learned to play as killer, changing the…
  • It's true there's a lot to grind but I think it's still very easy to get into it. I started playing in between Sadako's and Dredge's chapters, and 1200 hours later I am still playing it and enjoying it.
  • Thanks everyone, I'll try using some slowdown perks, though I'm really not a fan of them. About the times I gave, yeah, it's an estimate, could be more, could be less. But really, playing as demo, I remember that match quite well. The Knight's map. I placed a portal right upon starting and when I was leaving the area I…
  • Thing is, most of the times, there was at least one survivor trying to prevent me from hooking their teammates, which in turn was downed, so while I was hooking that one, they rescued the other. How in heavens could they still do gens so fast and efficiently? And I doubt it's high MMR because survivors are actually quite…
  • I am so glad too that he is being added and excited to know more about him. BHVR is gathering quite a remarkable number of horror iconic characters in this game and I am having a blast. Thank you, BHVR! <3
  • If they could, they would have done it already. So I guess it's not only Sony the one causing problems with the cross progression. I can't imagine why would Microsoft prevent BHVR from acomplishing it, though.
  • I also think it's unlikely it will ever come, but I'm curious, how does cross-progression work as of now? Do you at least get shard refunds for duplicate characters and skins?
  • I still have to play as Yuchi, Haddie and Vittorio (Renato too, but I didn't buy the SM chapter) so you might be lucky yet. Edit: Whether we play in the same MMR or not and even get matched remains to be seen, but I don't know, it's still possible, I guess. Edit (again): This collage looks cool, in fact. I hope you are…
  • Same. I've been playing a few games and it didn't work. Waste of time, but we can still do other challenges till they fix it.
  • It may be summer, people having a lot of free time and being able to form squads, but yeah, since July it's been hell playing as killer. Edit: Also, endurance being meta again and making it so every survivor has to be hit three times to down them. Right now it's pretty survivor-sided. Tbh I'm not playing as much as I used…
  • Yeah, that's how I feel, but it's true my killer MMR is at most average, so I guess in higher MMR those things can be quite decisive, so I understand why people don't like them. It sure is good to see more people who loves indoor maps.
  • Aside from being 'assymetrical multiplayer horror survival ' games, they're not very similar. I do have to say, though, that as much as I like TCM, if you're playing alone as a killer and the others are playing in a group, you might as well leave the lobby, since it will become quite boring.
  • I can't tell, I enjoy DbD quite a lot. Discovering the game and the maps the first time was amazing. I specially have good memories of playing in Lery's. It is a great game, and some members of this community are the best. I really enjoy matches in which I don't escape but at leats I get to make a successfull risky save…
  • I am totally going to buy it day one. I had so much fun in the PTB and I'm eager to play as and against him. I'm usually terrible at aiming with pretty much any killer, and while Alien's tail thrust seems to have an acceptable hitbox, I'm sure I'll have lots of problems with it, which makes me want to play as him even…
  • Pretty interesting video to watch, thank you. They are indeed unbalanced, but again, that's up to the dev teams to tweak them. I actually like Garden of Joy, it's a fun map. But yeah, the Game and Badham, I hate them.
  • I always have fun when playing killer in indoors maps precisely because of those reasons, it feels like anything can happen, but of course I understand that diverse MMR's might go differently. I'm sad we don't have more indoors maps and I wish there could be a way to solve those issues, but well... It is what it is. Thanks…
  • So you think there is actually no way indoors maps could be fun to play in anyway? I mean, I understand your reasoning, but pallets just need tweaking, crows can be replaced by rats (not sure if that's possible and they wouldn't work exactly the same because you wouldn't see them flying in the distance but you could…
  • So after reading through all of it, I feel like most of the complaints come from pallet spawning, which imo should be easily solved by the devs tweaking those maps, which I think they did state they were going to do (not specifically indoors maps but maps in general). I still think indoors maps are more unique and fun than…
  • Wow, I posted it yesterday an hour or so before going to sleep and I honestly thought this topic would be left unanswered, but so many answers. I overslept a bit and I have to go to work in a bit, but I'll answer what I can and read the rest later. On the above poster, I think that's 'bad' design as in designing an indoors…
  • Good luck playing TCM. The game is fun, but it will be dead soon unless they do something about people dodging lobbies whenever they can't play as the character they want and their horrible matchmaking system. Also of note, killers on comms in that game. You're pretty much dead.
  • It does look awesome, but since you can't really hear its footstomps it looks like a missed opportunity. Still loving the DLC, though, and I can't wait for August the 29th to come already.
  • I didn't read the whole topic, but from my view it's always the survivor's fault. 8 out of 10 of my games as survivor, my teammates are bricks who always throw the game one way or another. 1 out of those games it's me who throws the game and the remaining other one is one teammate who loops the killer for several gens and…
  • I'll try again and let you know. Thanks for the quick response! :) Edited: After going through the same challenge twice (first match I couldn't even finish the first gen lol) I have to say it did count it. Somehow it didn't the first time I tried it, though, and I swear I finished repairing two different gens. So maybe it…
  • Funny. For me it's usually 100% survivor pretty much all day until late evening.
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