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  • Ash is not apart of it and if he was they’re still missing a map and therefore is not a full chapter and is more like a page rather than a chapter/paragraph... it doesn’t deserve the title “chapter 12”
  • I care and so does a lot of the community. This is NOT a chapter it’s a paragraph. Yay we get ghostface! But I’m not about to give it the title of Chapter 12 whereas the rest of the 11 chapters had a map killer and survivor this one won’t and it doesn’t deserve the title
  • I’m fine with it just being Ghostface, but they aren’t about to consider it chapter 12... THATS what I’m upset about. It doesn’t deserve the same title as other chapters even if the chapters are bad (like chapter 10) lmao
  • Then it’s not considered Chapter 12 in my eyes. You can call it a chapter but this shouldn’t be counted as THE twelfth chapter. since Chapter 1 they’ve all had survivors and maps, can’t really change that now... even if it is licensed 🙄🙄
  • Where did they say that the teasers werent for this chapter? the oldest chapter they will do is Chapter 11 im talking about 10 and the hallowed blight cutscenese were never considered "teasers" but I am considering them as clues.
  • huh? Im confused
  • yeah i dont get the winter part. Like Dave said he doesnt even know how it relates to snow
  • Possibly? Idk the connection to the snow map tbh :/ I mean he is wearing a coat but not a winter worthy coat
  • I highly doubt it'll be to copy survivors. I assume there will be 4 different powers
  • Theres more parts of the video where you can see a cloaked figure as well. You can also turn up the lighting if you want.
  • I think you know what I meant @ThePloopz @Enigma
  • I think they are doing something like this though. Where people who pay for DLC will get a cosmetic, but then people who get characters from play time wouldnt get anything. personally I wouldn't want legacy I don't think I'd use it, but it could be nice for people who do want it.
  • my unpopular opinion is that the game shouldn't be balanced and that the game SHOULD be on the killers side. I mean they are supposed to be the big scary monsters that kill people, but if they can't kill people then what's the point.
  • probably with an anniversary event too.
  • Where did you see this? if its true im glad, depending how they buff him he could almost be high tier
    in The Clown Comment by ZeBee June 2018
  • But hes not weak at all hes mid tier, just under doctor or same level
    in The Clown Comment by ZeBee June 2018
  • Yeah the devs are only worried about rank 20s imo.
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • Low ranks are balanced, but then you get to high ranks and its just like, why play killer just to get to get to the toxicity that is rank 1
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • The main problem I have with this is number 1. As a killer you cant make a mistake or you lose the game. you miss a chainsaw? then a gen or two pops, because the survivor keeps looping you. Survivors can ######### up really bad and still make it out of the game.
  • I really don't know what you mean by this, but your probably a survivor main so you wouldn't understand so
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • I guess you could say that, but I don't find it fun to tunnel a survivor kill them and do it all over again. With Killer you cant make a mistake or all 4 survivors escape, because survivors are broken as #########, at least at higher ranks, with flashlights and meta perks. Killers are weak as ######### and that's not how…
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • Thanatophobia and Dying light are both ######### perks if they got buffed i'd consider using it in my build
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • i dont know if you know, but playing killer and breaking the chase isnt that easy if the survivor knows how to do loops
    in Killer buff Comment by ZeBee May 2018
  • I do have to agree a little with you, I dont want this to be the final version of the killer he can definitely be better, but I dont think hes #########
  • BB> @Caretaker said: You cannot compare huntress and the new killer with their powers, the trajectory is different and the bottles leave an effect. and like I said none of this is final they can still buff the base time of effects as well.
  • well clearly your ######### at throwing the bottles
  • Speaking of which I just got 4k 4 iridescents on him https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398191409 which you can do on anyone, but I still suck at him
  • I like what you said. and also people in this discussion keep in mind this is PTB where the devs can adjust stuff, they're probably going to put out a survey within the next week or so. asking about all the new content and fixes they've done so
  • The new killer has A LOT of extra bits on him, you can throw the bottles to cut survivors off, its not the best to just throw the bottles at the survivor unless you have addons that make the effects last longer. Using a bottle at a window makes it a slow vault just fyi and if you use it at the pallet their vision gets a…
  • I hope it comes out within 2 hours, the last PTB came out around the same time
  • Same! I LOVE the sleeve of tattoos
  • Yeah I am the same time zone I just want it to be out already lol :'(
  • She looks really cool! and we've only seen the back of her LOL, also what time does your shift end?
  • Well I know that, but I mean if theres a sound bug or a glitch that they try to fix it as soon as possible and implement it when they can instead of waiting
  • Yeah, i'd like to see them more often
  • I have to agree on that if only they did little patches here and there to fix some small bugs, instead of waiting to put it all in one patch
  • PM? Geez, well its 9AM for me and I havent slept yet so I guess im not much better xD
  • Yes! Ever since they bought the rights I think they've been going in a great direction.
  • Woah I was thinking more 3, but shoot id prefer 2